californica |
Pediomelum megalanthum var. retrorsum |
thompsoniae |
Phlox austromontana |
Coordinating Botanist: Gisela Kluwin
and Vera Markgraf Status: In Progress Started: 2012 |
collection area encompasses BLM land east and southeast of Route 66 near
Truxton. Elevations range from 4,100
feet near Route 66 to 5,500 feet in the uplands further east. Several
biotic communities have been identified: Riparian as in Truxton Canyon where a
permanent spring sustains a grove of mature Cottonwoods and Godding's
willows, desert scrub, mixed grassland/low shrub communities, and
Pinyon/Juniper open woodlands in the upper elevations. Isolated large
granitic rock outcrops and limestone ledges offer specialized habitat niches.
entire area is heavily impacted by cattle grazing, and most, if not all of
the springs have been capped or captured for cattle tanks. A
working list based on voucher collections contains 262 taxa of vascular
plants. It is anticipated that the field work on this project will be
completed in 2015. |