Tuesday, May 19: Sheila Murray and Kirstin Phillips. Citizen Science Rare Plant Monitoring Program

Posted Mar 11, 2020

Come learn about 10 rare plants growing on the San Francisco Peaks and Mt. Elden that haven’t been collected in decades. The Museum of Northern Arizona and The Arboretum at Flagstaff are starting a program to train citizen scientists to search for and monitor rare plants that haven’t been found in years. You can help land managers safeguard these rare plants by finding them in the wild and checking on their condition.

Sheila Murray is the Research Botanist at The Arboretum at Flagstaff. Kirstin Olmon Phillips is the Botany Collections Manager at the Museum of Northern Arizona. Both are avid professional and recreational botanists with an interest in rare and endangered plants who enjoy hiking and spending time outdoors.

The meeting will be at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 1601 N San Francisco St, Flagstaff, AZ from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Salvia dorrii ssp mearnsii  Photo: Frankie Coburn