September Meeting: Presentation Video

Posted Oct 06, 2021

The Maricopa Native Seed Library: Inspiring and equipping the community to create habitat at home

At our September Chapter meeting, we were treated to an excellent presentation about the Maricopa Native Seed Library by its founder, Danielle Carlock. If you missed the presentation or would like to watch it again, it is available on the AZNPS YouTube channel.

The Maricopa Native Seed Library provides free native seed to the community as well as a variety of resources to inspire and equip residents to create habitat at home. In this presentation, Danielle discusses why and how the seed library was founded. Successes and challenges of the first year are highlighted as well as advice for those interested in a similar project. Danielle also shares what’s coming next for their second year and how to use the seed library.

Fall is the perfect time to plant wildflower seeds. So, we hope you’ll take advantage of this local, FREE resource!