Santa Cruz County

Welcome to the Santa Cruz chapter of the AZNPS!

Chapter meetings and evening programs are held on the 1st Thursday of each month year round, beginning at 6:00 pm. Our monthly meetings alternate between Sonoita and Patagonia, AZ at the Sonoita Fire Department 3173 AZ-83, Sonoita, AZ 85637 and at the Borderlands Restoration Network Conference room at 1 School St. in Patagonia, AZ 85624.  The August 2019 meeting will be in Sonoita, the September meeting in Patagonia, the October meeting in Sonoita etc.


Join Our Chapter E-list:  If you would like to receive reminders and announcements about field trips and meetings via e-mail, send a note to our email address at to be added to the list. Stay informed by joining us on Facebook.

* Photos above by Sue Carnahan.

Chapter Leadership

Name Role Contact
Robin Kulibert President
Richard Kulibert Vice President
(position open) Secretary

Volunteering Opportunities

Want to get involved? We've got just the thing!

Want to get involved? We’ve got just the thing!

Do you like native plants and seeds?

Consider volunteer opportunities at the Borderlands Restoration Native Plant Program! Volunteer to clean seeds at the Native Seed Lab on Monday mornings located at 1 School St. Patagonia, AZ 85624 and Tuesday mornings at the Native Plant Nursery propagating plants at 45 San Antonio Rd. Patagonia, AZ 85624. Volunteers will help to provide restoration quality native plant plants and seeds for various public and private projects throughout the region. Email for details.

Chapter News

June Meeting

Posted on Jul 09, 2019

Our last June meeting was a great success with a wonderful pruning presentation by local landscaper Cliff Hirsch.  Thanks Cliff for such an informational workshop!


See what your chapter has been up to!