Site Technical Information

This page and its subpages are here to contain technical information about the website, including guidance and links to tutorials. To access this page, go to These pages aren’t “private”, but are not likely to be visited by most site visitors.

YouTube Mini-Tutorials

Over time I’ve created a few helpful YouTube tutorials for AZNPS, myself, and other clients:

Inserting Images into WordPress Posts and Pages

Assumes there’s a video already in the WordPress media library that you want to insert into a WordPress post or page, size it appropriately, and make text flow around it.

Block Editor Coaching Session

Unfortunately this starts in the middle of the session… but assume that you’ve inserted some photos. This is a more interactive session… not really much of a tutorial.

Note: I make a comment about it being hard to get to the Media Library. It’s not that hard… in fact, many of the block editor items actually have buttons or menus that include direct access to the Media Library.

Editing and Creating Events in the Event Calendar

This was recorded specifically for AZNPS. Event’s aren’t “new” on a global scale… but new to AZNPS at the time of recording.

Creating a Post from an Archived PDF

Editing Rutman Images and Data

Each species entry is the equivalent of a “blog post”, except there is a custom “page template” that allows for custom data to be entered.