Rhus lancea

A widely promoted low water use landscape tree that threatens riparian areas by diverting channel flow, thus enhancing the potential for streambank erosion, and it can displace mesquites. Besides producing abundant seeds, it also spreads by suckers and competes with native plants for water.

Sugar sumac Rhus ovata
A deep evergreen shrub with dense foliage and a rounded shape, growing up to 15 ft tall. Red buds open into clusters of pinkish flowers in the spring. To reduce drought stress, provide supplemental water, and shade during the summer.
Also consider
Rhus choriophylla.

Velvet mesquite Prosopis velutina
A popular drought-tolerant Sonoran Desert native deciduous tree that provides shade during the hottest part of the year. Velvet mesquites can reach up to 30 ft tall with a wide canopy. Fuzzy yellow flowers adorn the tree during the spring. Many desert animals use this tree for habitat and food. The pods provide excellent
fiber and nutrition and can be ground into a sweet, healthy flour.

Although native mesquites are thorny when young, the thorns of mature trees are small. Avoid South American mesquite varieties, they have even larger thorns and tend to blow over due to their shallow roots.