Tuesday, April 21: Ellie Becklund
Posted Mar 11, 2020
In just a few pockets along the LCR, the imperiled Errazurizia rotundata quietly sits in sandstone outcroppings. It is one of four legumes in the genus Errazurizia, which has a disjunct distribution across the New World tropics. The other errazurizias live in narrow ranges in the deserts of Chile, Baja California, and northern Mexico.
This talk will outline the historical focus on this genus and its evolutionary relationships, and the presentday work that clarified generic boundaries of this group. Ellie Becklund is a master’s student in Dr. Tina Ayers’ lab at NAU studying plant systematics and evolution.
The meeting will be at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church , 1601 N San Francisco St, Flagstaff, AZ, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Photo: Daniella Roth