Grow Native

Gardening in Cooperation with Nature

Grow Native is a movement that AZNPS has initiated in order to educate and inform local residents to utilize our existing natural eco-system to better serve the health of our environment by reducing the amount of invasive plant species that are being sold commercially. Don’t plant a pest!

Not only do local plants look incredible, but they take far less maintenance than non-native plants. This includes healthy local bugs, lizards and other critters (and yes, they are helpful!), they sustain local pollinators such as honeybees, and the avoid the proliferation of invasive species. Our hope is that you can quickly see local plants that match the aesthetics you are looking for in your own landscaping needs. Using the resources and plant list below, you can begin building out your native garden!

Planning Your Garden

The Plant List

Planning Your Garden

Local Growers

Native Gardening Resources