Join us for these upcoming meetings via Zoom!
Posted Jan 13, 2021
Friday, January 15, 2021: Sue Carnahan, University of Arizona Herbarium, Arizona Native Plant Society. Diversity in a Grassland: Flora of the Salero Ranch, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Sue Carnaghan, Arizona botanist extraordinaire, will present the results of her comprehensive floristic study of the Salero Ranch, Santa Cruz County. Her presentation will include a description of the physical features of the 16,163 acre ranch such as the geology and climate as well as the individual plant communities. Sue documented the presence of 788 vascular plant taxa in her study, many of which she will illustrate with her superb photographs.

Salero Ranch, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Friday, February 19, 2020. Dr. Jacqueline Soule, Tucson, Arizona. Herbs of Father Kino and the Old Missions
When founding missions in the frontier land of the Pimaria Alta, Father Kino, his priests, and his soldiers brought along the plants they were used to. But! due to Father Kino’s influence, these newcomers also actively sought the herb lore of the Natives. Dr. Soule will discuss this blend of native and introduced plants that were grown in the Mission Gardens – with a focus on the ones that can be grown in your Cochise County landscape.
Jacqueline Soule is a long-time Southwest gardener and award-winning garden writer. Of her thirteen books, nine are on gardening in the unique Southwestern climate. She has been a popular columnist for many years with weekly and monthly columns in a number of national, regional and local publications, including Angie’s List Magazine, and Southwest Trees & Turf.

Jacqueline Soule

yerba mansa

Poliomintha incana