Upcoming opportunities relevant to native plants.

Posted Apr 25, 2021

First off, if any of you are seeing wildflowers popping up, please post on our Facebook page ((20+) AZ Native Plant Society Yuma Chapter | Facebook). There are some annuals here and there. At least the palo verdes are spectacular and worth the venture outdoors.

For those of you that are tech savvy there is a couple virtual opportunities that may be of interest:

On Tuesday April 27 at 10 am AZ time there is a really great virtual national tour of school gardens headlined by actress America Ferrera. Learn more and sign up at Home – Growing School Gardens. One of the schools highlighted is in Arizona.

Another virtual program offered is a webinar on “Native Edible & Medicinal Shrubs for Wildlife and People” sponsored by Audubon Southwest featuring Dara Saville, an herbalist, geographer, writer, mother, and native plant advocate out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The webinar will be held Thursday April 29th at 5 pm AZ time. There is a small donation requested. Find out more at Webinar Registration | Audubon New Mexico

Lastly, are you ready and willing to get out in the desert and kill? Our Chapter has again been asked by Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma and partners to join other volunteers in a buffelgrass removal effort the morning of May 2nd. We will convene at 7:30 am at the Foothills Library parking lot and caravan from there to the worksite. Be sure to register for an access permit and complete the range safety briefing at

You will need to bring water, snacks/lunch, sun protection, and gloves. MCAS will provide shovels. Please let Val know if you can join us by emailing her at That contact info will also work if you have any questions. I sure hope you can come. It would be downright wonderful to see you (hopefully vaccinated) fine people before the summer heat swoops in.