Cochise Chapter Update Fall 2021

Posted Sep 05, 2021

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we held monthly programs on the third Friday of each month from September through May at 5:00 PM in the Cochise County Community Development Office conference room, 4001 Foothills Dr. (corner of
Highway 92 and E. Foothills Drive), Sierra Vista. With the start of the pandemic, we cancelled all in-person meetings but resumed them on September 18, 2020 via Zoom Conferencing.

Currently it does not appear that we will be able to meet in our previous meeting room for the foreseeable future. Fortunately, meeting remotely remains a viable option; however, we are exploring the possibility of holding meetings at different times and frequencies than in the pre-pandemic times. Consequently, we are not announcing any new meetings at this time.

Members may learn of upcoming meetings, field trips, and other activities from the Chapter Facebook website. Also, members will be informed of all future activities in advance via the Chapter email roster. Please contact Chapter
President Douglas Ripley for any questions you may have regarding future activities (

The Chapter has established a Facebook website ( where much useful information about the chapter and its members is posted.