Yuma Chapter Update Fall 2021

Posted Sep 05, 2021

Yuma will forgo regular monthly, in-person meetings for the foreseeable future.
Instead, we will focus on outdoor activities—field trips and work projects—and
go virtual for meetings and similar indoor activities. Currently, we anticipate the

September: Everyone keep an eye out for September bloom locations
following the summer monsoons, and we will schedule a hot, muggy but
beautiful field trip to check it out. Please post locations to our Facebook page
(AZ Native Plant Society Yuma Chapter). For example, at this moment, it
seems that the usually shy and somewhat cryptic mammillaria (fishhook cacti)
are ablaze and popping up like Easter eggs out in the Yuma foothills. Now, who
wouldn’t want to see that, no matter the heat? Also on our Facebook page, we
request that everyone post throughout the month of September about recent
plant travels and adventures. This Facebook event will take the place of our
usual October in-person “Show and Tell” program.

For October – December we are planning a suite of outdoor events,
including nursery tours and field trips to refuges and natural areas.
Announcements of these events and other news updates will be posted via
email. Follow us at by requesting to be on our
email list.
Announcements of these events and other news updates will be posted via
email. Follow us at by requesting to be on our
email list.