Native Orchid Photo Contest

Posted May 15, 2022

Most folks who enjoy observing wildflowers, native orchids in particular, are also inclined to photograph what they find in meadows, parks and forests. Then what? Show a few friends, solicit identification help, maybe even change your computer monitor wallpaper. The more creative among us may design orchid greeting cards or frame a few images to hang on the office wall. However, the vast majority of our photos simply collect digital dust on some unseen hard drive, in the cloud or wherever else digital bits reside. That’s about to change!!

The Native Orchid Conference is pleased to announce its inaugural Native Orchid Photo Contest. NOC member Dave Taylor proposed the idea which was well received by the Directors. It was decided that year one will be low-key. Perhaps we’ll call it an exhibit rather than a contest. There will be no fees, no prizes, no administrative hassle and no pressure … simply an opportunity to share. An NOC committee will select an assortment of images to be published in an edition of the NOC Journal which will be devoted entirely to your photos. What better way to share the joy of our native orchids ?

We hope the idea will catch on and evolve into a full-fledged contest complete with experienced judges, prizes and additional publication opportunities. Meanwhile, the orchids are blooming. Start organizing your photos and watch for details. We’ll provide specifics at the Olympic Peninsula symposium and in a follow-up email.