Native Plants for Desert Tortoises: 2022 Update
Posted Nov 01, 2022
The Phoenix Chapter collaborated with the Arizona Game and Fish Department to update the Native Plants for Desert Tortoises pamphlet. The native plants listed provide captive desert tortoises a nutritious diet. (These plants are also great choices for landscaping, even if you don’t have a tortoise!)
Arizona’s desert tortoise adoption program is open to all Arizona residents. Native Plants for Desert Tortoises provides tips on creating and maintaining a tortoise habitat, which is required to adopt a tortoise.
Desert tortoise adoption was the topic of a recent Phoenix Chapter meeting, where Kellie Tharpe of the Arizona Game and Fish Department gave a feature presentation. The recording is available to watch any time on the AZNPS YouTube Channel.
Information about the desert tortoise adoption program is also available on the Arizona Game and Fish Department website.