Upcoming Activities

Posted Jan 06, 2023

During the winter months, our chapter will be assisting the Tonto National Monument by planting agave, saguaro, prickly pear, and yuccas in the area that was affected by the 2019 Woodbury Fire. Sturdy boots are required as we will be working off-trail. We will also work on removing non-native, invasive plant species during the winter. This is a great way to learn many of the plants in the Tonto National Forest. Snake gaiters, gloves, and tools are provided by the monument; in addition, participants will be required to complete a release of liability. Dates will be determined by the resource staff at Tonto National Monument

As a newly developing chapter, we are in the process of setting up our Facebook and Instagram accounts. Please contact us at for more information. First Friday field trip will begin in December from 1:00 – 3:00 PM and continue thru May 2023. Locations will be determined based on trail accessibility, plant diversity, and parking. Monthly Chapter meetings will begin in January and continue thru May 2023. We will not meet during the summer months of June, July, and August.

We are having a Chapter Meeting, Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 – 12 noon. We will be meeting at 268 E. Stephens Way, Tonto Basin, AZ. You can include our chapter email for more info about the meeting.