Please Join Us for These Events

Posted Mar 07, 2023

Hello, Plant Friends!
On March 4, 2023, we had a table at the Sustainable Living Expo at the Show Low Elks Lodge. It was such a great event! We were thrilled to meet so many of you who stopped by the table to say hello and chat about native plants.

Our table raffle basket winner was Jacci, congrats! We will have another raffle basket at a later event, it was great fun!

We want to keep everyone updated on our upcoming events!
March Meeting: Starting Native Plants Workshop
Join us for the first workshop of our new Gardening with Native Plants series! This is for all ages and material will be provided with a hands on workshop. We’ll be going over the seed starting basics when it comes to native plants and showing you ho to start native seeds. You’ll be able to take home your potted seed!

Host: Michelle Straight – Master Gardener

When: Saturday, March 25th at 10:15 am – noon
Where: Snowflake-Taylor Library 418 West 4th St S Snowflake, AzMore Upcoming EventsOur events are always free (unless noted), but we do encourage you to become a member of the Arizona Native Plant Society. Your membership and support of AZNPS helps to ensure that our vital education, conservation, and plant sciences work continues to grow and bloom.

Spring Art Journal + Photo Walk 
Come join us for our first art journal and photography walk where we will share tips and methods on how to document native plants in creative ways using a sketchbook or camera.
Host: Jess Rollar (local sketch artist) and Bob Rollar (local nature photographer)
When: Saturday, April 8th from 9 am – 10:30 am
Where: Show Low Creek Meadow 769 S White Mountain Rd, Show Low, AZ

2nd Annual Native Plant Sale
Save the date for our upcoming native plant sale! This time we’ll be indoors and away from the high winds, we’re partnering up with the wonderful White Mountain Nature Center this year.
When: Saturday, May 3 from 10am – 1pm
Where: White Mountain Nature Center 425 N Woodland Rd, Lakeside, AZ