Upcoming Activities

Posted Jun 01, 2023

Saturday, June 17th, 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Natural History Institute hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society field experience to the
Alligator Juniper that serves as a Granite Mountain Hotshot crew memorial. Join us on this Father’s Day to visit what is sometimes referred to as the “Grandfather Juniper.” Bring snacks, water and be prepared to walk up to 5 miles.

Saturday, July 15, 8:00 – 1:00 PM
Highlands Center for Natural History hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society guided walk and workshop. Learn more about the parsley and carrot plant family with a short stroll followed by a hands-on investigation at the Discovery Gardens ramada. Bring snacks, water and be prepared to walk up to one mile.

Saturday, August 26, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
City of Prescott Community Nature Center and Highlands Center for Natural History hosts a Prescott
Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society community and family-friendly Wildflower Celebration event.
Participants can expect to go on short, guided walks and engage with hands-on learning activities. Bring
snacks, water and be prepared to walk up to one mile.