Upcoming AZNPS Volunteer opportunities June-July-August
Posted Jun 19, 2023

This summer there will be several conservation related volunteer activities to support our ongoing native plant restoration efforts on the Waterman Restoration Site and A-Mountain. If you are interested in participating please contact for details : aznpsconservation@yahoo.com
- Foothill Palo Verde Pod Harvesting along west Avra Valley road. Seed from this harvest will be planted at the Waterman Restoration and on A-Mountain. Volunteers will clear (lop) undergrowth to make room for harvest, catch seed pods with tarps, and whack trees to harvest the pods.
Date and Time : 7am on Saturday 1 July
Meeting Location : Intersection of Avra Valley and Pump Station Roads (1st cattle guard)
Wear : sturdy boots, long sleeved plants and shirt, and bring work gloves
RSVP to aznpsconservation@yahoo.com
- Baby Saguaro transplanting on the Waterman Restoration Site. Volunteers will meet at the Waterman Restoration Site to dig holes, pre-water, and transplant baby saguaros gifted to AZNPS by the Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society.
Date and Time : 7am on Saturday 1 July
Meeting Location : Waterman Restoration Site. 19 Miles from I-10 on Avra Valley Rd, then turn left at the new Holcim sign and drive straight for 1 mile, bearing left.
Wear : sturdy boots, long sleeved plants and shirt, and bring work gloves
RSVP to aznpsconservation@yahoo.com
