Cochise Chapter Update

Posted Dec 01, 2023

The Chapter’s monthly meetings continue to be on a hiatus. We are looking into
various options for resuming the meetings such as establishing a new meeting
room, lining up member volunteers to help run the meetings, and identifying
potential speakers. Consequently, we are not announcing any new meetings
currently. Members may learn of upcoming meetings, field trips, and other
activities from the Chapter Facebook website. Also, we will inform members of
all future activities in advance via the Chapter email roster. We would really
appreciate suggestions for future meeting topics and speakers. Please contact
Chapter President Douglas Ripley for any questions you may have regarding
future activities ( Our most recent activity was the
annual Chiricahua weekend which was held on 16-18 September 2023. Thanks to
the conscientious assistance of several volunteers and the staff of the
Southwestern Research Station, I think it is safe to say that a good time was had
by all!
The Chapter has established a Facebook website (
) where much useful information about the chapter and its
members is posted.