New Date For Grass Identification Class

Posted May 30, 2024

Back by popular demand, the AZ Native Plant Society and the University of Arizona Herbarium will offer a
two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing grass ID work. The course goals are to impart sufficient knowledge for students to make wise decisions regarding collection of grasses, to provide complete information on grass morphology, and to teach the use of keys for identification of most Arizona species. Handout materials, dissecting scopes, tools, and pressed grass specimens for study will be provided. The first day will be lecture mixed with hands-on work. The second day can be for review if needed or desired and questions, plus working with keys from various references.
Total enrollment for the class is 18 students. Last year the class filled rapidly, and a waiting list was established.
This year we will consult the 2023 waiting list and offer class slots to individuals on last year’s waiting list and who wish to take the course this year.

Instructors: Mike Bauer with assistance from several AZNPS members, Dr. Shelley McMahon, Herbarium
Curator and Associate Professor, UA, and George Ferguson, UA Herbarium Collections Manager.
Sponsors: University of Arizona Herbarium and Arizona Native Plant Society

There are two, one-day classes scheduled.
When: November 1 and November 15 2024, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Where: University of Arizona Herbarium, Herring Hall
Cost: $40
For Registration Contact: Douglas Ripley,, 520-909-3132