An Introduction to the History, Geology, Flora, and Fauna of theDragoon Mountains, Cochise County:

Posted Sep 03, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 7:00 PM: Douglas Ripley, President, Arizona Native
Plant Society.

One of the “Lesser Sky Islands” of southeastern Arizona, the Dragoon Mountains possess an incredible
history, geology, flora, and fauna. Since retiring to Cochise County in 2008, Doug Ripley and his good friend, well-known Arizona botanist Jim Verrier, have been studying the Dragoon Mountains with a goal of compiling a floristic catalogue and eventually publishing a comprehensive flora of the area. In this talk, Doug will present an introduction to the mountains by summarizing the work he and Jim have accomplished to date using photos taken and data collected during their field work. Location: The ENR2 Building, University of Arizona