April Chapter Meeting
Posted Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday, April 15, 7:00 PM: Amelia Blake. Propagating Native Plants
Growing uncultivated plant varieties can be challenging. They often have seed dormancy, unique soil needs, and don’t grow well in containers. Because of this, many native plants are not available in
the nursery trade and native plant enthusiasts are left to cultivate their own. Amelia will discuss strategies for successful native-plant propagation.
Amelia is co-owner of Lily of the Filed Nursery, which focuses on growing native and heirloom plants that are especially well-adapted to the Flagstaff area. Amelia spent her childhood working with plants at the NAU Research Greenhouse during her father’s tenure as greenhouse manager. She received her B.S. in Plant Sciences from the University of Arizona. She then worked at Native Plant and Seed for three years before opening Lily of the Field Nursery in 2020 with her husband. She sells at most local markets, runs the Gardeners’ Market in east Flagstaff each spring, and sells by appointment from her home in the Upper Greenlaw neighborhood. Hybrid meeting: in-person and via Zoom.