New Directions in Native Landscape, Summer Education Series

Posted May 15, 2022

An accomplished group of presenters will include Darrel Morrison, Piet Oudolf, Veronica Tyson Strait, Gerould Wilhelm, Angela Kyle, and Larry Weaner. Some will present virtually on the artistic, social, and
ecological considerations that can inform landscape design. Others will guide “In the Field‘’ sessions to observe and analyze the real world results of various ecology-based landscape approaches. All will explore avenues for expanding the practice of landscape design. N E W D I R E C T I O N S in the
A M E R I C A N L A N D S C A P E F o u n d e d i n 1 9 9 0 b y L a r r y W e a n e r
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Cosponsored by:
American Horticultural Society
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Wild Ones – Native Plants, Natural Landscapes