3 Photos from Doug Ripley

Cochise County

Hello and Welcome to Cochise County Chapter!

As has been explained in the most recent issues of Happenings, the Cochise Chapter has been in an inactive status for the last two years. Chapter president Doug Ripley has been trying for the last year to find a way to return the Chapter
to an active status. The principal need is for volunteers to serve in the various officer positions, especially the president. Doug Ripley has been the chapter president since its inception in 2010 and now finds it extremely difficult to
continue in that role single handedly. Furthermore, he plans to move from Cochise County within the next 12 months. Efforts at recruiting members to help run the chapter have been unsuccessful. Consequently, Doug proposes that the
Cochise Chapter be officially designated by the AZNPS Board of Directors as an inactive chapter. This would leave open the possibility of quickly reopening the chapter if sufficient leadership came forward.

The Chapter has established a Facebook website (
AZNPSCochise) where much useful information about the chapter and its members is posted.

Chapter Leadership

Name Role Contact
Doug Ripley President
Elliott Hendricks Vice President
Deanna Sanner Secretary
Pat Sullivan Treasurer

Volunteering Opportunities

Want to get involved? We've got just the thing!

Chapter News

Cochise Chapter Update

Posted on Dec 01, 2023

The Chapter’s monthly meetings continue to be on a hiatus. We are looking into
various options for resuming the meetings such as establishing a new meeting
room, lining up member volunteers to help run the meetings, and identifying
potential speakers. Consequently, we are not announcing any new meetings
currently. Members may learn of upcoming meetings, field trips, and other
activities from the Chapter Facebook website. Also, we will inform members of
all future activities in advance via the Chapter email roster. We would really
appreciate suggestions for future meeting topics and speakers. Please contact
Chapter President Douglas Ripley for any questions you may have regarding
future activities ( Our most recent activity was the
annual Chiricahua weekend which was held on 16-18 September 2023. Thanks to
the conscientious assistance of several volunteers and the staff of the
Southwestern Research Station, I think it is safe to say that a good time was had
by all!
The Chapter has established a Facebook website (
) where much useful information about the chapter and its
members is posted.

Bisbee Earns National Wildlife Federation Recognition

Posted on Aug 27, 2023

This story is part of the Arizona Spotlight episode which aired on August 24, 2023.

A group of volunteers in Bisbee is celebrating their city’s official designation as a Community Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. 

The group, Project Wildlife: Bisbee, got at least 100 property owners to commit to planting native species to provide food for pollinators, cover, and a place to raise young.

Late Summer in the Chiricahua Mountains, September 16, 17, and 18, 2023

Posted on Aug 07, 2023

Southwestern Research Station, Portal, Cochise County.

The Cochise and Tucson Chapters of the Arizona Native Plant Society are again sponsoring a long weekend in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Cochise County.
These richly diverse mountains are one the northern-most islands in the Madrean Archipelago that encompasses parts of Arizona, New Mexico , Sonora, and Chihuahua. Come enjoy this weekend with us.
Whatever the weather, there will be botanical treats and great company.

Tentative Schedule:
Day 1: Arrive mid to late afternoon, check in, eat supper and head for the education center for some plant talks and discussion.

Day 2: An all-day field trip to a location to be determined. Or alternatively, stay nearer SWRS and attend one or both of two shorter field trips. Happy Hour at the pool before dinner. Evening program in the station’s education center consisting of a plant ID workshop for plants encountered during the field trips.

Day 3: A morning field trip, lunch, and then depart.

Accommodations, including meals, will be provided by the Southwestern Research Station.



See what your chapter has been up to!