3 Photos from Doug Ripley

Cochise County

Hello and Welcome to Cochise County Chapter!

As has been explained in the most recent issues of Happenings, the Cochise Chapter has been in an inactive status for the last two years. Chapter president Doug Ripley has been trying for the last year to find a way to return the Chapter
to an active status. The principal need is for volunteers to serve in the various officer positions, especially the president. Doug Ripley has been the chapter president since its inception in 2010 and now finds it extremely difficult to
continue in that role single handedly. Furthermore, he plans to move from Cochise County within the next 12 months. Efforts at recruiting members to help run the chapter have been unsuccessful. Consequently, Doug proposes that the
Cochise Chapter be officially designated by the AZNPS Board of Directors as an inactive chapter. This would leave open the possibility of quickly reopening the chapter if sufficient leadership came forward.

The Chapter has established a Facebook website (http://www.facebook.com/
AZNPSCochise) where much useful information about the chapter and its members is posted.

Chapter Leadership

Name Role Contact
Doug Ripley President jdougripley@gmail.com
Elliott Hendricks Vice President emhndrks@yahoo.com
Deanna Sanner Secretary longeyes1@msn.com
Pat Sullivan Treasurer patolisa@cox.net

Volunteering Opportunities

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Chapter News

Cochise Chapter: Linda Kennedy Presents “A Ranch without Cows” – Now On YouTube

Posted on Jan 08, 2021

Here is the link to Linda Kennedy’s presentation to the Cochise Chapter of the Arizona Native Plant Society on December 18, 2020.


See what your chapter has been up to!