
Chapter Meetings

The Flagstaff Chapter will offer in-person meetings this year with the option to watch from home via Zoom. The meetings will still take place on the third Tuesday of the month, March through October, at 7:00 PM.

We have a new location! The meetings are now being held at Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park anywhere in the parking lot or on the street. Buzz to be let in if the door is locked and come upstairs to the second floor.

Some of the meetings have been recorded and can be viewed the Flagstaff Chapter’s Facebook or at The Arizona Native Plant Society. For details about upcoming meetings, please see our email distribution list (naris123@cs.com), Facebook page, or AZNPS.com.

Register in advance once in order to attend any of the meetings virtually:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.




Join Our Chapter E-list:  If you would like to receive reminders and announcements about field trips and meetings via e-mail, send a note to Sue Holiday to be added to the list. Stay informed by joining us on Facebook.

Usually the most up-do-date information about upcoming chapter events can be found on our Facebook page.

* Photos above by Sue Carnahan.

Chapter Leadership

Name Role Contact
Kirstin Phillips President flagstaffAZNPS@gmail.com
Melissa Amberson Chapter Contact azmelissa@yahoo.com
Sue Holiday Email Distribution naris123@cs.com
Barbara Phillips Hike Information bagphillips@yahoo.com

Volunteering Opportunities

Want to get involved? We've got just the thing!

Chapter News

June 27, 2024 Presentation

Posted on Jun 07, 2024

Natural History Institute in Prescott, AZ has a free talk coming up on June 27th which may be of interest to members of your group. Carrie Cannon, a professional Ethnobotanist with the Hualapai Tribe of the Grand Canyon, will be giving a lecture on “Plants of the Mojave Desert and Traditional Tribal Uses” at 7pm AZ Time on Thursday, June 27th. *The event is free, but space is limited, and registration is required to attend. Use the Eventbrite link above to register.

If you or any member of your group would like to attend in person, it would be a wonderful opportunity to connect with the Prescott Native Plant Society co-presidents and members who will be in attendance. The talk can also be live-streamed remotely at this link on our Youtube channel. The live-stream recording will be posted on the Flagstaff chapter YouTube channel for you to watch at your convenience if the timing of the event doesn’t suit you well.

Field TripSunday, June 23, 2024

Posted on May 30, 2024

Mt. Elden Agaves
Join Susan Holiday as she shows us native Agave parryi (Parry’s Agave)
that grow in the “banana belt” of Mt. Elden. Contact Susan at
naris123@cs.com for specific details.

June 18, 2024 Chapter Meeting at 7 p.m.

Posted on May 30, 2024

Wendy McBride: Conserving Rare Plants and Their Pollinators
The need for information on the basic biology, including reproductive systems and pollination ecology, of rare species is integral to both species-and community-level conservation efforts. Angiosperms are often dependent upon interactions with animal pollinators for successful reproduction, and pollinators are often reliant upon plants for vital food and other resources.
This talk explores the pollination ecology of two rare plants occurring in Arizona, Erigeron rhizomatus (Zuni fleabane), and Sphaeralcea gierischii (Gierisch’s globemallow), and the tightly bound relationship between plants and their pollinators. This mutual dependence informs conservation efforts and reminds us of the complexity of organisms, their intricate connections and interconnected fates, much of which we still do not understand despite our impacts on the environment around us.

Wendy is a botanist based in Flagstaff. She has a background in teaching, independent botanical research,
and working as a consulting botanist. She has been working with plants for 18 years and enjoys opportunities to learn more about plants and explore their biology, ecology, and taxonomy


See what your chapter has been up to!