The Tucson chapter holds meetings between September and May each year, with a summer break. We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. We hold “hybrid” meetings, where we meet both in person and also on Zoom. The live meetings will be in the ENR2 (Environment and Natural Resources 2) building at the University of Arizona, located on 6th street near Park. We meet in Room S215. Parking is available in the 6th St parking garage adjacent to ENR2. A credit card is required to pay for garage parking. If you are not on our mailing list and wish to attend one of our meetings on Zoom, email us at to request the Zoom link. Videos of past meetings can be found on our YouTube channel.
Join Our Chapter E-list: If you would like to receive announcements about field trips and meetings via e-mail, send a note to the Tucson Chapter email to be added to the list. Stay informed by joining us on Facebook.
Usually, the most up-to-date information about upcoming chapter events can be found on our Facebook page.
Caring for agave and baby cacti? Consider volunteer opportunities at the Pima County Native Plant Nursery! Located at 5845 N. Camino de la Tierra, the Pima County Native Plant Nursery grows native plants for public projects and is looking for volunteers to help with weeding, watering and propagation. The nursery is open Monday to Friday 7:00am to 3:30 pm. Email Amy for available times/days and details. Plant salvage at Cortaro Farms from Camino Del Oeste to Thornydate prior to road improvement project.
Chapter News
Mark Your Calendar for the Monsoon Mixer
Posted on Jul 02, 2023
Annual Monsoon Mixer:
This year’s AZNPS Tucson chapter Monsoon Mixer is scheduled for August 18th at 6:30pm at the MSA Annex at 267 South Avenida del Convento, Tucson, AZ 85745. Put the date on your calendars, and keep an eye out for further updates. This will be a plant like last year, so set aside native plants, native plant literature, and seed to exchange. Membership is not required to attend this event.
This summer there will be several conservation related volunteer activities to support our ongoing native plant restoration efforts on the Waterman Restoration Site and A-Mountain. If you are interested in participating please contact for details :
Foothill Palo Verde Pod Harvesting along west Avra Valley road. Seed from this harvest will be planted at the Waterman Restoration and on A-Mountain. Volunteers will clear (lop) undergrowth to make room for harvest, catch seed pods with tarps, and whack trees to harvest the pods.
Date and Time : 7am on Saturday 1 July
Meeting Location : Intersection of Avra Valley and Pump Station Roads (1st cattle guard)
Wear : sturdy boots, long sleeved plants and shirt, and bring work gloves
Baby Saguaro transplanting on the Waterman Restoration Site. Volunteers will meet at the Waterman Restoration Site to dig holes, pre-water, and transplant baby saguaros gifted to AZNPS by the Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society.
Date and Time : 7am on Saturday 1 July
Meeting Location : Waterman Restoration Site. 19 Miles from I-10 on Avra Valley Rd, then turn left at the new Holcim sign and drive straight for 1 mile, bearing left.
Wear : sturdy boots, long sleeved plants and shirt, and bring work gloves
This summer the UA Special collections Gallery is running a show titled: “Inspired by Plants: the Art and Science of the UA Campus Floregium”
This show features illustrations of the plants in the Joseph Wood Krutch Garden at the University. The exhibit runs until August 3. Click the link below for more details