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Tucson FIELD TRIP: The Romero Canyon – Return of the Natives

May 11, 2024 @ 7:00 am - 10:00 am MST

Meet at Catalina State Park :  After the entrance proceed straight ahead to the end of the main road to the main parking area. We will meet up at the information kiosk near the mosaic wall. Wear sturdy hiking boots and bring plenty of water.

Limit: 10 participants RSVP to

 We will slowly botanize along lower Romero canyon and witness the impressive recovery of native plants following both the Bighorn Fire and the multiyear AZNPS effort to suppress invasive species. We will see the remarkable explosion of native species including classic riparian flowering plants, grasses, rushes, bushes and trees; including the appearance of the first cottonwood in Lower Romero Canyon in living memory.   Finally we will witness the return of canyon tree frogs and canyon spotted whiptail lizards to this canyon. Lots to see and learn !


May 11, 2024
7:00 am - 10:00 am MST