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Yuma Chapter AZNPS Field Trip March 22, 2023

March 22, 2023

1. 9:00 am Meet at the Landing for coffee and logistics.
2. Drive 13.4 miles on I-8 to Exit 159 Ogilby Road. Turn left (south) to an
unpaved parking area. This is the first stop to search for wildflowers.
See attached checklist of previous collections in the vicinity.
3. Head ~ 8.3 miles north on Ogilby Road (paved) to intersection (BLM Route 668) with
Gold Rock Ranch Road. Turn right onto dirt road and drive ~1 mile to sign for Tumco
ghost town. Turn right to go ~.3 miles to town site entrance (or turning left goes to old
cemetery). For a BLM map of eastern Imperial County California, click on BLM Routes of
Travel for Eastern Imperial County. For an introduction to the history of the site, click on
Tumco Historic Mine | Bureau of Land Management ( See attached checklist of
previous collections in the vicinity.

4. If desired, on the return trip stop at the Center of the World, Felicity, CA to see the
History of Humanity in Granite Museum. For more information click




March 22, 2023


Yuma Chapter