Online Master Gardener Class for Northern Arizona
2025_Spring MG Online Flyer
2025_Spring MG Online Flyer
Friday, April 4, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Patti Fenner, Executive Director of the Friends of the Tonto National Forest Patti will share information on how to ID, remove, dispose, and report Stinknet, an aggressive, nonnative invasive weed that has arrived in the Tonto Basin. We will meet at Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce, 45675 […]
Tuesday, April 15, 7:00 PM: Amelia Blake. Propagating Native Plants Growing uncultivated plant varieties can be challenging. They often have seed dormancy, unique soil needs, and don’t grow well in containers. Because of this, many native plants are not available in the nursery trade and native plant enthusiasts are left to cultivate their own. Amelia […]
Friday, May 2, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Laird Blackwell. Wildflower Adventures Laird is the author of numerous wildflower books. He will share his field work in this inspiring presentation. A year-end potluck will follow in the Chapter President’s garden/arboretum, 268 E Stephens Way, Tonto Basin. Please bring a dish to share.
Tuesday, May 20, 7:00 PM: Dr. James Smith. Recent Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses of Alpine Spring Parsley, Pseudocymopterus montanus Alpine spring parsley (Pseudocymopterus montanus) is known to be highly variable morphologically and in its phenology. Dr. James Smith will present preliminary results that separate what we commonly call Pseudocymopterus montanus into several separate well-supported clades. Dr. […]