Tonto Basin Friday Field Trip
Tonto Natural Bridge - “Plants of Higher Elevations”
Tonto Natural Bridge - “Plants of Higher Elevations”
Gayle Gratop, Susan Holiday, and Patti VanTuyl will speak on the topic: Gardening with High Elevation Native Plants.
Bill Peachey, a self-described "Saguarodero," will talk about "Things About Saguaros That Your Mother Would Not Tell You." He will present a variety of observations about the saguaro life history drawn from his years of observing these iconic elements of our Sonoran Desert landscape.
Upper Gila Chapter 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Arizona College, Discovery Park Campus The address will get you as far as the parking lot and main building, but to get to the meeting in the southern building you drive a route that's posted for personnel only so hopefully this map helps. It's possible to park […]
Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce Gila County Extension Agent, Chris Jones, will present “A Noxious Problem: Nonnative Invasive Plants of Tonto Basin.”
We encourage Phoenix Chapter members and nature lovers to participate in the City Nature Challenge 2023! This is a global effort to observe and document as much urban biodiversity as possible. From April 28 to May 1, use iNaturalist to document as many plants, animals, and other living things that you can find. Join the […]
Theme: “On the Horizon: Looking to the Future of Plant Conservation.” Hybrid event, with in-person sessions held at Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, as well as online presentations. See the Center for Plant Conservation website for more information.
May 5: First Friday Field Trip: “Botany, Burgers and Brews!” Details to be announced.
3 concurrent tracks: Plants and Design, Plant Health, and Water/Urban Landscapes For more details and to register, visit the conference website.
AZNPS will conduct public tours of the Waterman Restoration site on the first Saturday in March, April, and May. Tours will begin at 8:00 AM and all are welcome. Directions: This site is near Tucson. From I-10 proceed exactly 19 miles west on Avra Valley Road (exit 242). Turn left at the Pioneer Sign and […]
Islands of the Sea of Cortés: Plant Dispersal Corridors. Alberto Búrquez will discuss the geology of the Sea of Cortés and the biological processes leading to its unique assemblages of plants and animals on the Midriff Islands.
2nd Annual Native Plant Sale Save the date for our upcoming native plant sale! This time we'll be indoors and away from the high winds. We're partnering up with the wonderful White Mountain Nature Center this year.
Debbie will speak about The Brothers Boutelou and the Grass They Barely Knew: A Journey into Botany, History, Exploration, and Two Remarkable Men
Upper Gila Chapter 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Arizona College Discovery Park Campus 1651 W. Discovery Park Blvd. Safford, AZ 85546 The address will get you as far as the parking lot and main building, but to get to the meeting in the southern building you drive a route that's posted for personnel only so […]
Saturday, June 17th, 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM Natural History Institute hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society field experience to the Alligator Juniper that serves as a Granite Mountain Hotshot crew memorial. Join us on this Father’s Day to visit what is sometimes referred to as the “Grandfather Juniper.” Bring snacks, water […]
Tuesday, June 20, 7:00 PM: LoriAnne Barnett Warren and Madeline Burton. Arizona’s Magnificent Trees The Arizona Magnificent Tree Program, managed by the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management, recognizes trees in our state that are the largest of their species, both here and nationwide, as well as those that have cultural significance to our […]
Saturday, July 15, 8:00 - 1:00 PM Highlands Center for Natural History hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society guided walk and workshop. Learn more about the parsley and carrot plant family with a short stroll followed by a hands-on investigation at the Discovery Gardens ramada. Bring snacks, water and be prepared to […]
Tuesday, July 18, 7:00 PM: Nora Ventrella. Rare and Restoration Plants of the Navajo Nation: Conservation Activities of the Navajo Natural Heritage Program Nora Ventrella has been the botanist for the Navajo Natural Heritage Program with the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife for the past 6 years. As a part of this program […]
On Saturday, July 29, 2023, the Upper Gila Chapter will host a Pinaleño Mountains Saunter to explore wildflowers and other plants in the area between Shannon Campground, located in Engelmann spruce and Douglas fir habitat, and Heliograph Peak at 10,022'. The walk to the peak is approximately one mile but participants can turn around […]
This is a two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing grass identification work. The goals are to impart sufficient knowledge for students to make wise decisions regarding collection of grasses, to provide complete information on grass morphology, and to teach the use of keys for identification of most Arizona species. Handout […]
Potluck & plant swap at the Museum of Northern AZ Colton Community Garden. See members live and in-person! We’ll meet to swap native plants, native seeds, and botany books. Bring a dish to share. No alcohol, please. See the flyer for directions to event location: AZNPS August Social Flyer 2023
The Arizona Nursery Association is hosting their annual all day education event featuring 4 tracks with 6 sessions each: Tree & Plant Pest Management Water Management Design Also featuring a 50 vendor marketplace with the best new products and plants for the Southwest. CEUs: AzDA, PMD, APLD, ASLA, ISA, and IA For full details, see […]
This year's AZNPS Tucson chapter Monsoon Mixer is scheduled for August 18th at 6:30pm at the MSA Annex at 267 South Avenida del Convento, Tucson, AZ 85745. Put the date on your calendars, and keep an eye out for further updates. This will be a plant swap like last year, so set aside native plants, […]
Sunday 20 August 8am to 10am Meet on the north side of the Trader Joe’s Parking area on the SE corner of Magee/Oracle Limit: 12 participants RSVP to Roadsides are unlikely but surprising places to find dozens of native (and non-native) grasses. Join John Scheuring on a driving grass tour of roadside basins briming with various […]
Join in this summer as the Phoenix Chapter reads and discusses Around the World in 80 Plants by Jonathan Drori. We will discuss our thoughts at a virtual Chapter meeting on Sunday, August 20th at 2:00 PM. All Arizona Native Plant Society members and friends are welcome to attend! We’ll begin the virtual meeting with […]
Sunday, August 20th 6pm-8pm Meet at the Sabino Canyon Visitors Center RSVP to Join Tucson Herpetological Society President Robert Villa and AZNPS Tucson Chapter President Jack Dash on a natural history walk in Sabino Canyon. We will be looking out for reptiles, amphibians, plants, and whatever else we happen across. This trip is open […]
This is a two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing grass identification work. The goals are to impart sufficient knowledge for students to make wise decisions regarding collection of grasses, to provide complete information on grass morphology, and to teach the use of keys for identification of most Arizona species. Handout […]
City of Prescott Community Nature Center and Highlands Center for Natural History hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society community and family-friendly Wildflower Celebration event. Participants can expect to go on short guided walks and engage with hands-on learning activities. Bring snacks, water and be prepared to walk up to one mile. […]
Saturday, August 26, 8:00 am- 1:00 pm Leader: Doug Moore. Friends of Madera Canyon Naturalist Limit: 10 participants; AZNPS members only on the Wrightson loop drive)RSVP to Meet at Mt. Wrightson Picnic Area: 3rd upper right-side parking lot (with 1st restroom on the Wrightson loop drive) Morning plant/nature walk on the beautiful lower Carrie Nation Trail, hiking up to & […]
Saturday-Sunday September 2 and 3, 8:00 - 10:00 AM Bring water, camelback recommended Wear sturdy boots and long pants Open to the Public Please rsvp to Directions : Turn west at I-10 Avra Valley Road exit 242 Drive west exactly 19.5 miles Turn left immediately after the HOLCIM sign Drive straight ahead 1 mile, bearing […]
Saturday-Sunday September 2 and 3, 8:00 - 10:00 AM Bring water, camelback recommended Wear sturdy boots and long pants Open to the Public Please rsvp to Directions : Turn west at I-10 Avra Valley Road exit 242 Drive west exactly 19.5 miles Turn left immediately after the HOLCIM sign Drive straight ahead 1 mile, bearing […]
It's been a tough monsoon season, but there are still some things out there flowering. Lyn Loveless will lead a leisurely plant walk around the Canyon Loop trail (about 2.5 miles) to see what we can find. We'll meet at the trailhead mosaic at 6:30 am. The hike is mostly level, with one descent of […]
Free in-person workshop "Native plant gardening: Bringing the Sonoran desert to your outdoor spaces" at the South Mountain Community Library. See the event flyer for more information. Registration is not required.
Fireflies in Arizona? YES! Come learn about the three Arizona fireflies and their distribution and ecology.
Join us at our virtual Chapter meeting on Sunday, September 17th at 2:00 PM. All Arizona Native Plant Society members and friends are welcome to attend! We’ll begin the meeting with 10-15 minutes of networking and socializing, enabling participants to seek tips and recommendations from members on topics related to native plants. Next, we’ll share […]
Andrew Salywon. Using Trained Dogs to Detect Endangered Spiranthes delitescens The objective of this work is to determine the ability of detection dogs to identify the presence of Spiranthes delitescens. If successful, the use of detection dogs would be a powerful tool to aid future surveys to relocate historical populations or discover previously undocumented populations […]
Aster Family Workshop at Highlands Center for Natural History September 23, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Pre-registration required. Visit the website to register (
10% discount on all plants and seeds. Visit the Borderlands Nursery & Seed website for more information.
Saturday, September 30, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: In the Garden Meet & Greet Social at 268 E. Stephens Way, Tonto Basin, AZ 85553. Bring your coffee or tea and enjoy the company of other plant loving folks while we have fun identifying native plants in a six-acre garden.
Insect Fest 2023! You’re invited to the 11th annual Insect Fest. Sunday October 1, 2023 – 10am to 3pm, ENR2 building on UA campus, 1064 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ This year’s theme at the Arizona Insect Festival is the big and bold tarantula hawk, Pepsis formosa. Known for its sting, it paralyzes and lays its eggs on tarantulas, providing […]
Friday, October 6, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Plant Families Botany Walk, Payson, AZ (exact location TBD)
Urban Wildlife Conservation Day is a national day of celebration for our urban green spaces and urban wildlife. This free event will have multiple family-friendly activities including a native plant sale, kids art zone, music, food, and a festival of partner organizations. 7:00-8:00 am: River Heroes- Salt River Cleanup 8:15-8:45 am: Nature Nook- Live Animal Demonstrations 9:00-10:00 […]
Our speakers will discuss issues facing SE Arizona grasslands, such as invasive species and climate change, and what these challenges mean for the future of this biome.
October 13 (Arboretum members), October 14 – 29 (public) See the Boyce Thompson Arboretum website for full details.
Fall is the BEST time to plant and shop for plants, so get the most out of this year's planting season! Join us at our virtual Chapter meeting on Friday, October 13th at 6:00 PM. All Arizona Native Plant Society members and friends are welcome to attend! We’ll begin the meeting with 10-15 minutes of […]
Tohono Chul Members’ Preview: Wednesday, October 11 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM General Public: Saturday, October 14 and Sunday, October 15 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM A selection of over 430 species and more than 6,000 plants, plus garden soil, native seeds, ceramic pots, and yard accessories. The sale is located in […]
Join Scottsdale Community College and the Southwest Monarch Study in celebrating 20 years of supporting and monitoring monarch butterfly populations. Learned about the amazing monarch and how you can join the cause to save this threatened species and its migration. Festival activities: Milkweed plant sale Maricopa Native Seed Library (free wildflower seeds) Discovery tables with […]
OCT 14 2023 Xeriscape Class Agenda FINAL (2)
Lane Butler. Assessment and Status of Rumex orthoneurus, a Rare and Vulnerable Forest Service Conservation Agreement Species on the Tonto National Forest This talk will tell the story of Rumex orthoneurus on the Tonto National Forest from the late seventies to the present. How have populations changed? How has management changed? What actions have been […]
In-Person Meeting October 18: 9 AM - 4 PM, Arizona American Italian Club, 7509 North 12th St, Phoenix, AZ Field Trip October 19: 8 AM -noon, Restoration sites along the Gila River near Phoenix Conference Highlights: Challenges facing vegetation managers in Arizona. Invasive plant removal and management of key problem invaders. Wildfire effects and habitat […]
October 19 (Garden members) 20 - 22 (public). Reservations required for entry. See the Desert Botanical Garden website for full details.
Do you want to create an outdoor space of beauty at home while supporting butterflies and other pollinators? This in-person workshop will teach how to attract and support pollinators using region-specific guidelines developed by a local panel of experts (including the Arizona Native Plant Society, Phoenix Chapter). You will learn about our pollinators and their […]
Fall color field experience, Location TBD, October 21, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Preregistration appreciated. Visit the Prescott Chapter webpage to register (
Come have fun and take action in honor of Sustainability Month! Tuesday, October 24 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Wildflower garden seed sowing at the South Mountain library 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Help pack seeds for the Maricopa Native Seed Library 1:00 PM -2:00 PM: Screening of Necessity: Climate Justice & The Thin Green […]
Saturday, October 28, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Nighttime Pollinators & Full Moon Walk, 268 E. Stephens Way, Tonto Basin, AZ 85553 Details and updates for all our chapter meetings, First Friday Field Trips, and special events will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you don't want to miss out on our […]
Friday, November 3, 10:00 am - 12:00 PM: First Friday Field Trip, Tonto National Monument Details and updates for all our chapter meetings, First Friday Field Trips, and special events will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you don't want to miss out on our Chapter's activities, please email your contact info […]
Sonoran desert plants and their pollinators
The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) Southwest Chapter's Annual Conference will be held Nov 16 - 18 in Santa Fe, NM. View the conference website for more information. Early bird registration is in effect through August 15, and abstracts/proposals are due September 1.
Saturday, November 18, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Botany 101 Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce, 45675 N. Highway 188, Tonto Basin, AZ 85553 Details and updates for all our chapter meetings, First Friday Field Trips, and special events will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you don't want to miss out on […]
Friday, February 2, 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Bringing Nature Home by Doug W. Tallamy book discussion and potluck at 268 E Stephens Way, Tonto Basin, AZ. Please join us, even if you haven't read the book. Potluck to follow the discussion. The Tonto Basin Chapter will meet on the first Friday of each month […]
Friday, December 1, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Exploring the Foothills of The Four Peaks Wilderness Details and updates for all our chapter meetings, First Friday Field Trips, and special events will be postedon our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you don't want to miss out on our Chapter's activities, please. email your contact info […]
Wednesday, December 13, 5:00 - 7:00 PM at the 4H Building: Tina Ayers. Introduction to Plant Identification Tina Ayers will give a introduction to the field of plant taxonomy and then present a few families of plants that are common in northern Arizona. These families have distinctive features that make them easy to recognize with […]
Members will give mini-presentations on topics of botanical interest.
Friday, January 5, 10:00 - 12 noon 10:00 - 11:30 am at the Tonto National Monument Learn about Plant Families as we walk a portion of the paved lower cliff dwelling trail. Please arrive early to register in the Visitor Center. Your National Park Pass will admit you and 3 guests. Our walk will begin […]
Wednesday, January 10, 5:00 - 7:00 PM at the 4H Building: Melissa McMaster. Amazing Plants of Grand Canyon and Efforts to Protect and Enhance Them Melissa McMaster will share stories about restoration projects and discuss the importance of keeping track of the plants of the Canyon, both invasive and native.
Gardening with native plants is a win-win endeavor. There are hundreds of attractive native species from which to choose. They are beautiful, drought-tolerant, and provide habitat for native insects and other organisms. Jared and Katy will facilitate a discussion about a different sort of horticulture--one that doesn't center the plants and how they look but […]
National Native Seed Conference: a Virtual Conference on February 7 & 8, 2024. This conference will focus on Native Seed Production and Seed-Based Restoration with an emphasis on Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change. Registration opens on August 7, 2023 and details will be updated on the website linked below. Stay tuned for request for abstracts. […]
The TCSS has a variety of programs which salvage cactus from construction sites, restore cactus habitats, and educate citizens about the beauty and value of cactus and succulents. To receive the zoom link, write to
Ranger Micah will lead us on a Botany Walk on the paved trails at the Tonto Natural Bridge, Highway 87, Pine, AZ 85547. Group rate admission is $2 per person.
Check with website for time and 'member only' sale dates. Plant Sales & Events - Desert Survivors
Members’ Sale | 9 AM – 3 PM ▸ Wednesday, March 13th Public Sale | 9 AM – 3 PM ▸ Saturday, March 16th ▸ Sunday, March 17th (No admission fee necessary to shop the public sale) Located in the Main Parking Lot
SPRING PLANT SALE DATE: March 14-17 TIME: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m., last admission at 2 p.m. PRICE: Free Admission. Reservations required. RESERVATIONS OPEN JAN. 26 FOR MEMBERS & FEB. 9 FOR GENERAL ADMISSION Spring has sprung! Discover hundreds of varieties of native plants, succulents, cactus and pollinator-friendly species with more than 30,000 plants […]
Plants and Petroglyphs, Kings Canyon, Saguaro NP West, 8:00 am with Jack Dash. We will be hiking about a mile on the main trail before heading back along the King Canyon wash. We will see an abundance of wildflowers, ferns, petroglyphs, and the uncommon ragged rock flower (Crossosoma bigelovii). The total distance will be about two miles […]
We’ll look at various germination strategies of the ephemerals and how flowers and their pollinators have co evolved together in a rich interplay of strategies, tactics and syndromes
October 15 (Arboretum members), October 16 – 31 (public) See the Boyce Thompson Arboretum website for full details.
THIS HIKE HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL MONDAY, MARCH 18, at 8:00 am. Rain has been forecast for Friday, and so the trip is being delayed. Early Spring Wildflowers, Canyon Loop Trail, Catalina State Park, 8:00 am with Lyn Loveless. This is an unhurried 2-mile hike mostly on flat terrain (one long up and one long down) […]
Spring Growth. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch. Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains. Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing passive water harvesting, we will see many of the […]
Saguaros Like You Have Never Seen Them. West Avra Valley Road, 20 mile car loop. 8:00 am with John Scheuring. Fifteen-person limit. We will carpool west on Avra Valley Rd 20 miles with four stops for an eye opening learning tour about saguaros and their associated native plants. This will include a half mile slow hike through desert filled […]
Tuesday, March 19, 7:00 PM: Catherine Young. The Efficacy of Using Terminal and Axillary Bud Cuttings as a Means of Propagation for the Endemic Alpine Species Packera franciscana Hybrid meeting: In-person and via Zoom Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park anywhere in the parking lot or on the street. […]
March 21 from 10am - 1pm and 5:00pm - 6:30pm The Center for Native and Urban Wildlife's (CNUW) bi-annual fundraising plant sale at SCC will have a diversity of native flowering plants including old favorites, milkweed, and harder to find species. View the CNUW website and the event flyer for full details. During the event, […]
Tiny to Huge Native Plants. Upper Romero Canyon and Green Pirate Rock, 8:00 am with John Scheuring. Fourteen-person limit. This slow hike will traverse actively growing riparian areas, desert grassland, and saguaro-studded bajadas as we learn about key plant species in each habitat and dynamic plant successions now in progress. We’ll also see desert blooming wildflowers. We will […]
Saturday, March 23, 10:00 - 11:30 am “Nonnative, Invasive Plants of Gila County“ will be presented by Chris Jones from the Gila County Cooperative Extension at the Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce, 45675 N Arizona Hwy 188, Tonto Basin, AZ 85553
Carpets of Desert Spring Flowers on Ragged Top in Ironwood NM, 8:00 am. Fifteen-person limit. Join AZNPS member John Scheuring on a slow drive with many stops and a short but steep and rocky hike in the pristine foothills of Ragged Top on Ironwood Forest NM. We will see amazing swathes of blooming Gordon Bladderpod, Mexican […]
A Wildflower Hike on the Sutherland Trail, Catalina State Park, 8:00 am with Lyn Loveless. This slow 3 mile hike will follow the Sutherland Trail out and back, through a varied landscape with some easy hills. We hope to see a diversity of lovely spring wildflowers. Meet at the tile mosaic at the main Catalina State Park trailhead. To […]
Spring Flowers at Tucson Greasewood Park, 8:00 am with Gay Gilbert and Jack Dash. Our goals are to identify common and uncommon plants in this Arizona Uplands unmanicured city park and begin a Park plant list. Park trails are narrow, mostly gravely, uneven terrain with minimal elevation gain. There will be easy walking and standing as […]
Easter Wildflowers and Native Plants on Tucson A-Mountain Summit, 8:00 am. AZNPS members Jack Dash and John Scheuring will lead this Easter Morning walk up the loop road and pathways to the summit of A Mountain, enjoying the views and abundance and diversity of native plants that have come back after 8 years' effort to get buffelgrass […]
Wildflowers along Canyon Loop Trail, Catalina State Park, 8:00 am with Lyn Loveless. This is an unhurried 2-mile hike mostly on flat terrain (one long up and one long down) and includes upland and riparian sections. If there is water in Sutherland Wash, you will get slightly wet feet. Meet at the Catalina State Park trailhead by […]
Friday, April 5, 10:00 - 11:30 am Desert Bloom Walk. Location to be determined. Contact chapter for developing information.
Saturday, April 6 Wildflowers, Mariposa Lily habitat and much more along the Loop Trail at Catalina State Park. 8am to 11am. Arizona Native Plant Society member John Scheuring will lead this learning field trip covering big picture themes like plant succession after the bighorn fire, the contrast between native grasses and invasive Lehmann Lovegrass on […]
The exhibit name, translated as "Where we gather Yucca and Beargrass," acknowledges and displays the higher desert grasslands habitat known to the original residents of S-cuk Ṣon, the O’odham village and present day site of Mission Garden.
Sunday April 7. Pristine Desert Spring Flowers on the way to Ragged Top in Ironwood NM, 8am to noon with John Scheuring. Fifteen-person limit. Join AZNPS member John Scheuring on a slow drive with many stops and a short but steep and rocky hike in the pristine foothills of Ragged Top on Ironwood Forest NM. […]
The flora of Sierra Murrieta was surveyed in 2014 and 2022. This presentation will discuss the vegetation of the site, as well as the floristic characteristics of the area and some of its signature species.
Friday April 12: Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 -11 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch. Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains. Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing […]
Saturday, April 13: Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 -11 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch. Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains. Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing […]
The National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER) features presentations and field trips dedicated to both small- and large-scale restoration in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Monday will be a full day of talks focused on the desert Southwest region. View the conference website for more information.
Sunday April 14 Tiny to Huge Native Plants. Upper Romero Canyon and Green Pirate Rock, 8-1130am with John Scheuring. Fourteen-person limit. This slow hike will traverse actively growing riparian areas, desert grassland, and saguaro-studded bajadas as we learn about key plant species in each habitat and dynamic plant successions now in progress. We’ll also see […]
Tuesday, April 16, 7:00 PM: Janice Busco. The Life and Seasons of the Living Roof. Hybrid meeting: In-person and via Zoom Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park anywhere in the parking lot or on the street. Buzz to be let in if the door is locked and come […]
Saturday April 20 Saguaros Like You Have Never Seen Them. West Avra Valley Road, 35 mile car loop. 8-11am with John Scheuring. Fifteen-person limit. We will carpool west on Avra Valley Rd 20 miles with four stops for an eye-opening learning tour about saguaros and their associated native plants. This will include a half mile […]
Friday, May 3, 10:00 - 1:00 pm: "Seven Layers of the Forest," presented by Charles Locke, Soil Food Web Specialist. Learn how to create native habitats that will increase biodiversity in your own landscapes. Stay for a year-end potluck picnic in the Chapter President’s garden located at 268 E. Stephens Way, Tonto Basin, AZ
Meet at Catalina State Park : After the entrance proceed straight ahead to the end of the main road to the main parking area. We will meet up at the mosaic panel near the main kiosk. Wear sturdy hiking boots, a hat and bring plenty of water. No RSVP required There has been remarkable desert […]
Invasive plants don't recognize jurisdictional boundaries. The Tucson Audubon Society has been bridging the gap between the public lands, government agencies, and private land holdings in their effort to protect native species by joining the battle against invasives. Join Tony Figueroa from Tucson Audubon Society to learn about protecting the native species by prioritizing invasive […]
3 concurrent tracks: Plants and Design, Plant Health, and Water/Urban Landscapes For more details and to register, visit the conference website.
Meet at Catalina State Park : After the entrance proceed straight ahead to the end of the main road to the main parking area. We will meet up at the information kiosk near the mosaic wall. Wear sturdy hiking boots and bring plenty of water. Limit: 10 participants RSVP to We will slowly botanize […]
Meet at Catalina State Park : After the entrance proceed straight ahead to the end of the main road to the main parking area. We will meet up at the mosaic panel near the main kiosk. Wear sturdy hiking boots, a hat and bring plenty of water. No RSVP required There has been remarkable desert […]
Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 PM: Melissa Sevigny. Brave the Wild River: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon Hybrid meeting: In-person and via Zoom The meetings are now being held at Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park anywhere in the parking […]
Wendy McBride. Conserving Rare Plants and Their Pollinators The need for information on the basic biology, including reproductive systems and pollination ecology, of rare species is integral to both species- and community-level conservation efforts. Angiosperms are often dependent upon interactions with animal pollinators for successful reproduction, and pollinators are often reliant upon plants for vital […]
Mt. Elden Agaves Join Susan Holiday as she shows us native Agave parryi (Parry’s Agave) that grow in the “banana belt” of Mt. Elden. Contact Susan at for specific details.
The Natural History Institute in Prescott, AZ has a free talk this month. Carrie Cannon, a professional Ethnobotanist with the Hualapai Tribe of the Grand Canyon, will be giving a lecture on "Plants of the Mojave Desert and Traditional Tribal Uses" at 7pm AZ Time on Thursday, June 27th. Attendance is free but requires registration […]
Jesse Duff-Woodruff. Plants Endemic to the Kaibab National Forest
Back by popular demand, the AZ Native Plant Society and the University of Arizona Herbarium will offer a two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing grass ID work. The course goals are to impart sufficient knowledge for students to make wise decisions regarding collection of grasses, to provide complete information […]
Saturday August 17 2024 in Tucson, at Pima Community College West Campus.
Zane Robertson: Rumex orthoneurus Rumex orthoneurus is an herbaceous riparian perennial within the Polygonaceae or Buckwheat family native to Arizona and is a Forest Service sensitive species. One of the issues regarding the “threatened” status of R. orthoneurus is the taxonomic distinctions between R. orthoneurus and closely related species, such as R. densiflorus, R. pycnanthus, […]
Spend a delightful, friend-filled evening with ANZPS on Friday, September 6th, 2024 at 6:00pm for our annual monsoon mixer and plant swap! This year we will be holding this event under the large Ramada on the west side of Himmel Park. There is ample parking on the northwest side of Himmel Park and the ramada […]
September 19-21, 2024. This symposium will assess progress toward conserving North American crop wild relatives and wild utilized plants. View the symposium announcement for more information.
Learn about websites and books to help identify Arizona native plants and practice using a hand lens. Following the presentation, we will use our new skills to identify some native plants in the chapter president's garden. Location: 268 E Stephen’s Way, Tonto Basin.
An Introduction to the History, Geology, Flora, and Fauna of the Dragoon Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona. Presented by J. Douglas Ripley One of the "Lesser Sky Islands" of southern Arizona, the Dragoon Mountains of southeastern Arizona possess an incredible history, geology, flora, and fauna. Since retiring to Cochise County in 2008, Doug Ripley and his good […]
Don't miss our last meeting of 2024! Megan Swan, Christopher Calvo, and Hannah Andrascik will be presenting "Taking the Pulse of Vegetation Communities in National Parks on the Colorado Plateau " . The Southern Colorado Plateau Network is one of 32 Inventory and Monitoring Networks across the U.S. The National Park Service established these networks […]
The Arboretum at Flagstaff is hosting a workshop for Arizona’s Magnificent Tree program on October 19th, from 9:00-12:00. Registration is free, but required. This program teaches you how to measure large trees to nominate them to be added to the list of the Arizona’s Magnificent Trees. These could be the largest trees in girth […]
Back by popular demand, the AZ Native Plant Society and the University of Arizona Herbarium will offer a two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing grass ID work. The course goals are to impart sufficient knowledge for students to make wise decisions regarding collection of grasses, to provide complete information on […]
Kenda Svoboda from the Payson Forest Service will lead us in a grass walk at the Deer Creek Trailhead, located at the intersection of Highway 87 and Highway 188, south of Rye. Bring your hand lens, if you have one, and have fun learning how to ID grasses in the field.
Re-hydrating and Re-enlivening Our Communities with Rain-watered Neighborhood Food Forestry Presented by Brad Lancaster This presentation is about neighborhood forestry efforts empowering citizens, and contractors, to effectively plant the rain and native food-bearing vegetation to grow vibrant and resilient abundance where they live, work, and play. Then train them up and support them with the education, guidance, collaborations, and […]
Back by popular demand, the AZ Native Plant Society and the University of Arizona Herbarium will offer a two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing grass ID work. The course goals are to impart sufficient knowledge for students to make wise decisions regarding collection of grasses, to provide complete information on […]
Friday, December 6, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Botany Over the Bridge, Tonto Basin Join us for a 10-mile roundtrip adventure to explore the plant diversity in a chain-fruit cholla forest, desert ridge, and riparian area. This driving tour will include three stops and minimal walking. Directions: From Highway 188 in Tonto Basin, turn east […]
Our December meeting will feature the Member’s Showcase. Our presenters will be Jillian Cowles and Logan Phillips. If you are able, please bring a holiday food treat to share.
Jillian Cowles – Chasing Wildflowers Logan Phillips – Tucson’s Birthplace Open Space Coalition THURSDAY, December 12, 2024 Meeting and presentation, 7pm U of A campus, Environment and Natural Resources Building (ENR2), Room S225 1064 E. Lowell Street, on the U of A Campus, Tucson Our December meeting will feature the Member’s Showcase. Two of our esteemed […]