Spring Flowers, Ferns and Petroglyphs, Kings Canyon, Tucson Mts and Saguaro NP West

King Canyon Trailhead

Plants and Petroglyphs, Kings Canyon, Saguaro NP West, 8:00 am with Jack Dash. We will be hiking about a mile on the main trail before heading back along the King Canyon wash. We will see an abundance of wildflowers, ferns, petroglyphs, and the uncommon ragged rock flower (Crossosoma bigelovii). The total distance will be about two miles […]

Spring Plant Sale at Scottsdale Community College

Scottsdale Community College 9000 East Chaparral Rd, Scottsdale, AZ, United States

March 21 from 10am - 1pm and 5:00pm - 6:30pm The Center for Native and Urban Wildlife's (CNUW) bi-annual fundraising plant sale at SCC will have a diversity of native flowering plants including old favorites, milkweed, and harder to find species. View the CNUW website and the event flyer for full details. During the event, […]

Wildflowers, Mariposa Lily habitat and much more along the Loop Trail at Catalina State Park.

Catalina State Park

Saturday, April 6 Wildflowers, Mariposa Lily habitat and much more along the Loop Trail at Catalina State Park.  8am to 11am.  Arizona Native Plant Society member John Scheuring will lead this learning field trip covering big picture themes like plant succession after the bighorn fire, the contrast between native grasses and invasive Lehmann Lovegrass on […]

Pristine Desert Spring Flowers on the way to Ragged Top in Ironwood Forest National Monument

Ironwood Forest National Monument, Waterman Restoration Site

Sunday April 7. Pristine Desert Spring Flowers on the way to Ragged Top in Ironwood NM, 8am to noon with John Scheuring.  Fifteen-person limit. Join AZNPS member John Scheuring on a slow drive with many stops and a short but steep and rocky hike in the pristine foothills of Ragged Top on Ironwood Forest NM. […]

Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore.

Ironwood Forest National Monument, Waterman Restoration Site

Friday April 12:  Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 -11 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch.  Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains.   Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing […]

Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore.

Ironwood Forest National Monument, Waterman Restoration Site

Saturday, April 13:  Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 -11 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch.  Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains.   Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing […]

Tiny to Huge Native Plants.  Upper Romero Canyon and Green Pirate Rock, Catalina State Park

Catalina State Park

Sunday April 14 Tiny to Huge Native Plants.  Upper Romero Canyon and Green Pirate Rock, 8-1130am with John Scheuring.  Fourteen-person limit.  This slow hike will traverse actively growing riparian areas, desert grassland, and saguaro-studded bajadas as we learn about key plant species in each habitat and dynamic plant successions now in progress. We’ll also see […]