Tucson Chapter Meeting – March

ENR Building, Room 215, University of Arizona, & on zoom

 Jennifer Patton and Ben Wilder of Wilder Landscape Architects will take you backstage to learn how they subversively integrate native plants and wildlife habitat into a every project they do. 

Yuma Chapter AZNPS Field Trip March 22, 2023

1. 9:00 am Meet at the Landing for coffee and logistics. 2. Drive 13.4 miles on I-8 to Exit 159 Ogilby Road. Turn left (south) to an unpaved parking area. This is the first stop to search for wildflowers. See attached checklist of previous collections in the vicinity. 3. Head ~ 8.3 miles north on […]

2023 National Native Seed Conference

Washington, D.C.

Theme: "Cultivating the Restoration Supply Chain." See the Native Seed Network website for more information.

Stinknet Symposium (online event)

online webinar

Stinknet (Oncosiphon pilulifer) is an invasive plant spreading across southwestern North America. At this virtual symposium, hear from researchers and land mangers in California, Arizona, and Australia about their experiences with managing stinknet, its spread, and its impacts. This event is intended for professional land managers and roadside/ROW workers. This symposium is free and is […]

Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs Convention 2023

Tempe, AZ

The Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs Convention features speakers, tours, flower shows, socializing, and shopping. For more information, including registration prices and details, visit the convention's website.

Tucson Audubon Spring Planting Event

Tucson Audubon Mason Cente 3835 W. Hardy Road, Tucson, Arizona


Greater Phoenix City Nature Challenge 2023

Greater Phoenix Area

We encourage Phoenix Chapter members and nature lovers to participate in the City Nature Challenge 2023! This is a global effort to observe and document as much urban biodiversity as possible. From April 28 to May 1, use iNaturalist to document as many plants, animals, and other living things that you can find. Join the […]

2023 Center for Plant Conservation National Meeting

Desert Botanical Garden 1201 N. Galvin Pkwy, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Theme: “On the Horizon: Looking to the Future of Plant Conservation.” Hybrid event, with in-person sessions held at Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, as well as online presentations. See the Center for Plant Conservation website for more information.

Desert Horticulture Conference

Tucson, AZ

3 concurrent tracks: Plants and Design, Plant Health, and Water/Urban Landscapes For more details and to register, visit the conference website.


Prescott Chapter Field Experience to the Alligator Juniper

Saturday, June 17th, 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM Natural History Institute hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society field experience to the Alligator Juniper that serves as a Granite Mountain Hotshot crew memorial. Join us on this Father’s Day to visit what is sometimes referred to as the “Grandfather Juniper.” Bring snacks, water […]

Flagstaff Chapter Meeting

Tuesday, June 20, 7:00 PM: LoriAnne Barnett Warren and Madeline Burton. Arizona’s Magnificent Trees The Arizona Magnificent Tree Program, managed by the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management, recognizes trees in our state that are the largest of their species, both here and nationwide, as well as those that have cultural significance to our […]

Prescott Chapter Meeting

Highlands Center for Natural History 375 S. Walker Rd., Prescott, AZ, United States

Saturday, July 15, 8:00 - 1:00 PM Highlands Center for Natural History hosts a Prescott Chapter of Arizona Native Plant Society guided walk and workshop. Learn more about the parsley and carrot plant family with a short stroll followed by a hands-on investigation at the Discovery Gardens ramada. Bring snacks, water and be prepared to […]

Flagstaff Chapter meeting via Zoom

via Zoom

Tuesday, July 18, 7:00 PM: Nora Ventrella. Rare and Restoration Plants of the Navajo Nation: Conservation Activities of the Navajo Natural Heritage Program Nora Ventrella has been the botanist for the Navajo Natural Heritage Program with the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife for the past 6 years. As a part of this program […]