Tonto Basin Chapter Field Trip

Boyce Thompson Arboretum 37615 E. Arboretum Way, Superior, AZ, United States

Friday, January 3, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Boyce Thompson Arboretum Carpooling will be arranged from Tonto Basin. Please RSVP so we can secure a group rate and/or library passes […]

Tucson Chapter Meeting: Yuccas and Their Moths

U of A campus, Environment and Natural Resources Building (ENR2), Room S255 -- 1064 E. Lowell Street, Tucson AZ 1064 E. Lowell ST, Tucson

Wendy Hodgson from the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix will talk about “Yuccas and their Moths.”

ENR2 Building, U of A Campus, Room S225 and on zoom 1064 E Lowell Street, Tucson

Wendy Hodgson from the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix will share the story of the incredible relationship between yuccas and hesperoyuccas and their pollinators. 

Tonto Basin Chapter Meeting

Payson Public Library Payson, AZ, United States

Friday, January 17, 10:00 - 11:30 AM: Wendy Hodgson ; Pre-contact Agaves in the  Southwestern United States: Rediscovering Lost Crops Among the Hohokam and Other Arizona Cultures Location: Payson Public Library, […]

Tonto Basin Chapter Meeting

Friday, February 7, 10:00 - 11:30 AM: Teri Balaska: Plant Families and Plant Specialties Location: TBD For more information closer to the date, contact

Tucson Chapter Meeting for February 2025

ENR2 Building, U of A Campus, Room S225 and on zoom 1064 E Lowell Street, Tucson

Uninvited Guests – The Lifestyles of Parasitic Plants Presented by Pinau Merlin Naturalist and Author Parasitic plants have evolved fascinating adaptive strategies for their lifestyles, as well as providing some […]

Tonto Basin Chapter Meeting

Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce 45675 N Arizona Highway 188, Tonto Basin, AZ, United States

Friday, March 7, 10:00 - 11:30 AM. Ashley Hall, Rangeland Management Agent Ashley will share her work on the Tonto National Forest. This presentation will be held at the Tonto […]

Tucson Chapter Meeting for March 2025

ENR2 Building, U of A Campus, Room S225 and on zoom 1064 E Lowell Street, Tucson

MONDAY March 17 (NOTE DAY CHANGE!!!) 2025 7:00 pm ENR2 Room S225, 1064 E Lowell, Tucson AZ Melissa Sevigny, co-author of "Brave The Wild River" will discuss the two pioneering […]

Flagstaff Chapter Meeting

Northern Arizona University Biology Sciences Building, Room 328. Flagstaff, Arizona

Tuesday, March 18, 7:00 PM: Catherine Young. Analysis of Potential Hazards to the Future Conservation of the Endemic Alpine Species Packera franciscana Catherine Young, a junior at the NAU School […]

Tonto Basin Chapter Meeting

Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce 45675 N Arizona Highway 188, Tonto Basin, AZ, United States

Friday, April 4, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Patti Fenner, Executive Director of the Friends of the Tonto National Forest Patti will share information on how to ID, remove, dispose, […]

Flagstaff Chapter Meeting

Northern Arizona University Biology Sciences Building, Room 328. Flagstaff, Arizona

Tuesday, April 15, 7:00 PM: Amelia Blake. Propagating Native Plants Growing uncultivated plant varieties can be challenging. They often have seed dormancy, unique soil needs, and don’t grow well in […]

Tonto Basin Chapter Meeting

268 E Stephen’s Way, Tonto Basin, Arizona

Friday, May 2, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Laird Blackwell. Wildflower Adventures Laird is the author of numerous wildflower books. He will share his field work in this inspiring presentation. […]

Flagstaff Chapter Meeting

Northern Arizona University Biology Sciences Building, Room 328. Flagstaff, Arizona

Tuesday, May 20, 7:00 PM: Dr. James Smith. Recent Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses of Alpine Spring Parsley, Pseudocymopterus montanus Alpine spring parsley (Pseudocymopterus montanus) is known to be highly variable morphologically […]