Flagstaff Chapter Meeting

Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. 1831 N. Jasper Dr on McMillan Mesa, Flagstaff, Arizona

Jesse Duff-Woodruff. Plants Endemic to the Kaibab National Forest

Grass Identification Class at University of AZ Herbarium

University of Arizona Herbarium, Herring Hall

  Back by popular demand, the AZ Native Plant Society and the University of Arizona Herbarium will offer a two-day combination lecture and hands-on workshop for students serious about doing […]

Flagstaff Chapter Meeting

Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park 1831 N. Jasper Dr on McMillan Mesa, Flagstaff, Arizona

 Zane Robertson: Rumex orthoneurus Rumex orthoneurus is an herbaceous riparian perennial within the Polygonaceae or Buckwheat family native to Arizona and is a Forest Service sensitive species. One of the […]