Tonto Basin Chapter First Friday Field Trip
Tonto Basin Chapter First Friday Field Trip
Mills Ridge parking area on FS Road 429 and Highway 188 (Roosevelt Lake) “Sentinels of the Sonoran Desert.”
Mills Ridge parking area on FS Road 429 and Highway 188 (Roosevelt Lake) “Sentinels of the Sonoran Desert.”
AZNPS will conduct public tours of the Waterman Restoration site on the first Saturday in March, April, and May. Tours will begin at 8:00 AM and all are welcome. Directions: This site is near Tucson. From I10 proceed exactly 19 miles west on Avra Valley Road (exit 242). Turn left at the Pioneer Sign and […]
The chapter will have a table with some native plants. Show Low Elks Lodge, 805 E Whipple.
Jennifer Patton and Ben Wilder of Wilder Landscape Architects will take you backstage to learn how they subversively integrate native plants and wildlife habitat into a every project they do.
Upper Gila Chapter 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Arizona College, Discovery Park Campus The address will get you as far as the parking lot and main building, but to get to the meeting in the southern building you drive a route that's posted for personnel only so hopefully this map helps. It's possible to park […]
Carrie Cannon will speak about Plants of the Mojave Desert and Traditional Tribal Uses.
1. 9:00 am Meet at the Landing for coffee and logistics. 2. Drive 13.4 miles on I-8 to Exit 159 Ogilby Road. Turn left (south) to an unpaved parking area. This is the first stop to search for wildflowers. See attached checklist of previous collections in the vicinity. 3. Head ~ 8.3 miles north on […]
Chapter Community Service Project at Tonto National Monument: Revegetation and Nonnative Invasive Plant Removal Details TBD
March Meeting: Starting Native Plants Workshop Join us for the first workshop of our new Gardening with Native Plants series! This is for all ages and material will be provided with a hands on workshop. We'll be going over the seed starting basics when it comes to native plants and showing you how to start native […]
Theme: "Cultivating the Restoration Supply Chain." See the Native Seed Network website for more information.