Easter Wildflowers and Native Plants on Tucson A-Mountain Summit, 8:00 am. AZNPS members Jack Dash and John Scheuring will lead this Easter Morning walk up the loop road and pathways to the summit of A Mountain, enjoying the views and abundance and diversity of native plants that have come back after 8 years' effort to get buffelgrass […]
Wildflowers along Canyon Loop Trail, Catalina State Park, 8:00 am with Lyn Loveless. This is an unhurried 2-mile hike mostly on flat terrain (one long up and one long down) and includes upland and riparian sections. If there is water in Sutherland Wash, you will get slightly wet feet. Meet at the Catalina State Park trailhead by […]
Saturday, April 6 Wildflowers, Mariposa Lily habitat and much more along the Loop Trail at Catalina State Park. 8am to 11am. Arizona Native Plant Society member John Scheuring will lead this learning field trip covering big picture themes like plant succession after the bighorn fire, the contrast between native grasses and invasive Lehmann Lovegrass on […]
The exhibit name, translated as "Where we gather Yucca and Beargrass," acknowledges and displays the higher desert grasslands habitat known to the original residents of S-cuk Ṣon, the O’odham village and present day site of Mission Garden.
Sunday April 7. Pristine Desert Spring Flowers on the way to Ragged Top in Ironwood NM, 8am to noon with John Scheuring. Fifteen-person limit. Join AZNPS member John Scheuring on a slow drive with many stops and a short but steep and rocky hike in the pristine foothills of Ragged Top on Ironwood Forest NM. […]
The flora of Sierra Murrieta was surveyed in 2014 and 2022. This presentation will discuss the vegetation of the site, as well as the floristic characteristics of the area and some of its signature species.
Friday April 12: Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 -11 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch. Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains. Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing […]
Saturday, April 13: Spring Native Plants and Wildflowers galore. Waterman Restoration Area, Ironwood Forest NM, 8:00 -11 am with John Scheuring and Andrew Gourevitch. Stroll through this impressive desert restoration site on a limestone foothill slope snuggled at the base of the Waterman Mountains. Fourteen years after getting a monoculture of buffelgrass under control and installing […]
The National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER) features presentations and field trips dedicated to both small- and large-scale restoration in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Monday will be a full day of talks focused on the desert Southwest region. View the conference website for more information.
Sunday April 14 Tiny to Huge Native Plants. Upper Romero Canyon and Green Pirate Rock, 8-1130am with John Scheuring. Fourteen-person limit. This slow hike will traverse actively growing riparian areas, desert grassland, and saguaro-studded bajadas as we learn about key plant species in each habitat and dynamic plant successions now in progress. We’ll also see […]
Tuesday, April 16, 7:00 PM: Janice Busco. The Life and Seasons of the Living Roof. Hybrid meeting: In-person and via Zoom Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park anywhere in the parking lot or on the street. Buzz to be let in if the door is locked and come […]
Saturday April 20 Saguaros Like You Have Never Seen Them. West Avra Valley Road, 35 mile car loop. 8-11am with John Scheuring. Fifteen-person limit. We will carpool west on Avra Valley Rd 20 miles with four stops for an eye-opening learning tour about saguaros and their associated native plants. This will include a half mile […]
Friday, May 3, 10:00 - 1:00 pm: "Seven Layers of the Forest," presented by Charles Locke, Soil Food Web Specialist. Learn how to create native habitats that will increase biodiversity in your own landscapes. Stay for a year-end potluck picnic in the Chapter President’s garden located at 268 E. Stephens Way, Tonto Basin, AZ