Deer Grass

Muhlenbergia rigens

This is one of Arizona’s most spectacular grasses. It’s usual habitat in the wild is in the bottom of mountain washes in the oak/juniper belt. With a little shade and some supplemental water it can perform quite well even in a true desert. When moderately watered this grass is usually less than 3 feet tall, but in good conditions can reach 4 feet.

Details & Attributes

Plant Type(s) Grass
Longevity 15 (in years)
In relative feet, width by height
7 X 4
Description Very long and narrow
Flower Color Green
Fruit Inconspicuous.
Range Map Click Here to View
Sun Full, Partial
Freeze Tolerance Poor
Ethnobotany/Medical Seeds were ground and eaten as a mush, made into cakes and bread, used as a forage, and used in basketmaking and other weavings, also used ceremonially.
Water Needs Moderate