
Chapter Meetings

The Flagstaff Chapter will offer in-person meetings this year with the option to watch from home via Zoom. The meetings will still take place on the third Tuesday of the month, March through October, at 7:00 PM.

We have a new location! The meetings are now being held at Highgate Senior Living Center at 1831 N Jasper Dr. on McMillan Mesa. Park anywhere in the parking lot or on the street. Buzz to be let in if the door is locked and come upstairs to the second floor.

Some of the meetings have been recorded and can be viewed the Flagstaff Chapter’s Facebook or at The Arizona Native Plant Society. For details about upcoming meetings, please see our email distribution list (naris123@cs.com), Facebook page, or AZNPS.com.

Register in advance once in order to attend any of the meetings virtually:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.




Join Our Chapter E-list:  If you would like to receive reminders and announcements about field trips and meetings via e-mail, send a note to Sue Holiday to be added to the list. Stay informed by joining us on Facebook.

Usually the most up-do-date information about upcoming chapter events can be found on our Facebook page.

* Photos above by Sue Carnahan.

Chapter Leadership

Name Role Contact
Kirstin Phillips President flagstaffAZNPS@gmail.com
Melissa Amberson Chapter Contact azmelissa@yahoo.com
Sue Holiday Email Distribution naris123@cs.com
Barbara Phillips Hike Information bagphillips@yahoo.com

Volunteering Opportunities

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Chapter News

Tuesday, September 17, Charlie DeMarco:The Natural History of Galls

Posted on Aug 03, 2019

About six years ago while hiking the trails at the Highland Center for Natural History in Prescott AZ,  I noticed something that had been there all along but had escaped my attention on all my previous outings. It was a small round red ball on a scrub oak leaf about three quarters of an inch in diameter. It looked like a tiny red apple. As I examined this curiosity, I noticed there were others just like it on the scrub oaks all around me. What was I looking at? At first it appeared to be a fruit but it felt hollow and most oddly was attached to the leaf and not at the bud, in fact it appeared to have emerged right out of the middle of the leaf! Strange indeed. I then thought it must be an insect’s nest of some kind. Even more curious now I went back to the Center’s office and when I inquired, I was told it was a gall. What is a gall? Little did I know at that time I would be spending many hours over the next six years delving deeply into this question.
Charlie DeMarco is the founder of the Pinecrest Gall Research Station in Prescott.

Tuesday, August 20: Ahsa Jensen, Grand Canyon’s Federally-Listed Endangered Plant, Sentry Milk- Vetch

Posted on Jul 17, 2019

Grand Canyon has one federally-listed endangered plant, the sentry milkvetch (Astragalus cremnophylax var. cremnophylax). The sentry milk-vetch is endemic to Grand Canyon and is only found in soil pockets located in the Kaibab Limestone, on the edge of the canyon. With limited populations, the park’s Science and Resource Management Division has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Arboretum at Flagstaff, and the Grand Canyon Conservancy to implement a recovery plan that includes reintroduction sites to remove the plant from the federal list of Threatened and Endangered Species.

Ahsa Jensen is Grand Canyon’s Native Plant Nursery Manager and has worked with the propagation, outplanting, and monitoring of the sentry milk-vetch for the last six years. She will present on the park’s reintroduction efforts for sites on the south rim of Grand Canyon.


Flagstaff Outing!

Posted on May 17, 2019

Porterella carnosula, fleshy porterella, Lobeliaceae. It has a broad distribution in the west, but only found around Flagstaff in Arizona.


See what your chapter has been up to!