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Flagstaff Chapter meeting via Zoom

July 17, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm MST

Tuesday, July 18, 7:00 PM: Nora Ventrella. Rare and Restoration Plants of the Navajo Nation: Conservation Activities of the Navajo Natural Heritage Program

Nora Ventrella has been the botanist for the Navajo Natural Heritage Program with the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife for the past 6 years. As a part of this program she collects, manages, and disseminates information on threatened and endangered plant species on Navajo lands, and is the curator of the Navajo Nation herbarium located in Flagstaff. This talk will cover monitoring and conservation efforts by NNHP focused on threatened and endangered plants of the Navajo Nation. This talk will also focus on seed-banking and plant propagation activities conducted by the newly created Diné Native Plants Program, a tribally-run restoration program focused on bringing native and culturally-important plants back to tribal lands. Nora has her master’s degree in plant biology and conservation from the joint program between Northwestern University and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Her research background focused on Colorado plateau flora, invasive species, local adaptation, and seed-sourcing for restoration

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July 17, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm MST


Flagstaff Chapter AZNPS


via Zoom