Invasive Species Alert: Fountain Grass
Posted Apr 21, 2021
Fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) is a popular landscaping plant, but a dangerous invasive weed. Its seeds easily spread and invade roadsides, washes, and natural areas. As a result, Fountain grass pushes out native plants and wildlife, disrupts water flow and availability, and increases the risk and severity of wildfires. Therefore, it was listed as an Arizona noxious weed in early 2020 and is no longer sold by the nursery trade.
The Arizona Native Plant Society, along with several partners, created an informational pamphlet to help the community learn how to identify and control the spread of Fountain grass. The timing of its release coincides with the spring flowering of Fountain grass throughout Central and Southern Arizona.
The pamphlet is available for download in two formats. The digital format is best for viewing electronically. The printable format is best for viewing as a tri-fold pamphlet. In addition, a Spanish version of the pamphlet is available.
Please download, read, and share this important information with others!