Index to Plant Press Arizona, Volumes 1 to 45 (1977-2022)
Note: This is an interactive index. Click on the locator to access the content; use your browser back button to return to the index.
Reference locator format: year;volume #:issue #:page number.
The acronym for Arizona Native Plant Society may appear as AZNPS or ANPS reflecting the acronym used in the article title or text.
In most cases, scientific names used are those that appear in the article title or text regardless of nomenclature changes over time.
Abella, John
Using a Diverse Seed Mix to Establish Native Plants on a Sonoran Desert Burn, 2009;33:1:16
Abrahamson, Warren G.
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:43
Landscape Tips: Abutilon palmeri, 2000;24:2:13
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:14
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:1:11
Western sweet
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:1:11
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:2:12
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50, 2020;43:1:73
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:28
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:36
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:49
Acuff, Guy
The Creosote Bush, 1988;12:1:6
Acuña Cactus
Our Unique Flora, 1990;14:1:5
Adams, Carroll
obituary, 1990;14:2:12
Adenium spp.
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Rare Plant Closeup, 1999;23:3:2
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:5
Adopt-a-Species Program
Adopt-a-Species Program Gains FWS "Promise", 1991;15:1:14
Adopt-a-Species Program Report, 1991;15:3:10
support needed, 1990;14:2:14
Agaric fungus
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
undetermined species
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:73
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:69
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
Two Arizona Plants Listed as Endangered, 1984;8:3:1
Central Arizona Agaves: A Window into the Past, 2007;31:2:3
Gardening with Natives: Two Sharp Agaves, 1996;20:3:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15
Grand Canyon century plant
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:7
landscape use, 1987;11:2:4
Santa Cruz striped
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:4
Schott’s Century Plant, Shindagger
spotlight on, 2022;45:1:12
Threatened Hohokam Agaves Need Your Help, 1989;13:3:7
Tonto Basin Agave: A Living Relic of Pre-Columbian Cultures? 1996;20:2:1
Verde Valley—a “Hotspot” for Rare Pre-Columbian Agave Cultivars, 2006;30:2:5
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
Two Arizona Plants Listed as Endangered, 1984;8:3:1
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Threatened Hohokam Agaves Need Your Help, 1989;13:3:7
Gardening with Natives: Two Sharp Agaves, 1996;20:3:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:4
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:7
Gardening with Natives: Two Sharp Agaves, 1996;20:3:4
schottii Engelm
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
spolight on, 2022;45:1:12
landscape use, 1987;11:2:4
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants (M. Irish, G. Irish), 2000;24:3:14
Agaves, Yuccas, and Their Kin (Hawker), 2016;39:1:12
Agaves of North America (Gentry), 2004;28:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Arizona Native Food Plants for a Dry Future, 2014;37:2:1
The Obscure Lives of Ancient Crops… and Why They Matter, 2015;38:2:1
Stone Grids and the Archaeology of Agave Cultivation in the Safford Valley, Arizona, 2019;42:2:16
Agua Caliente Canyon
ANPS Tucson Alarmed by Grazing Negligence, 1998;22:2:12
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:7
Alcock, John
Desert Insects and Desert Plants, 2011;35:1:1
Desert Yards and Desert Insects, 2005;29:1:12
Alfred F. Whiting Ethnobotanical Collection
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:3
Landscape Tips Ii: Native Barberries, 2000;24:3:16
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:9
Alkali Pink
The Native Landscaper, 1992;16:1:5
Allan, Elijah
Nanisé’, A Navajo Herbal (Mayes, Lacy), review, 2013;36:2:12
Allen, Debbie DeWolf
Agnes Chase, Agrostologist—1869-1963, 2022;45:2:11
Bring On the Grasses, 2022;45:2:6
Common Grasses of the Central Arizona Highlands, 2021;44:2:14
How to Spend a Nice Quiet Evening with Scleropogon, 2022;45:2:21
Allergy-free Gardening (Ogren), 2002;26:2:15
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Rare Plants in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 1990;14:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
alpine tundra
Alpine Tundra in Arizona, 1980;4:2:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Native Wildflower Nook, 1985;9:4:3
Amaranthaceae family
Native Wildflower Nook, 1985;9:4:3
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:54
American Association of Nurserymen
AAN Asks for Tax Breaks for Energy-Saving Landscaping, 1977;1:2:5
Ames, Mary
The U of A Shuffle, or How Tony Got His Ph.D. (song), 1989;13:1:14
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Ethnobotany of Amoreuxia, 2013;36:2:4
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
description, 1978;2:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Saving the Nation’s Most Endangered Plant, 1988;12:2:5
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Ancient Sea Creatures (Wiewandt), 1993;17:1:14
Anderson, Edward F.
The Cactus Family, 2002;26:2:15
Anderson, Greta
The Effect of Land Management Practices on the Distribution of Peniocereus striatus (Brandegee) Buxbaum on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, 2007;31:2:6
Nancy “Z” Zierenberg obituary, 2011;35:1:10
Plants at the Margin (Crawford), review, 2011;34:2:10
Anderson, John L.
Edaphic Endemism and the Mogollon Highlands, 2017;40:2:7
Plant Rarity in Arizona, 1999;23:2:4
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
Annie Has Found a New Home, 2006;30:2:8
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Angel’s Trumpet, 1990;14:2:5
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1, 1987;11:2:6
Annotated Flora of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Southeastern Arizona (Verrier), 2018;41:1:13
Antelope horns
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Anthony, Rita Jo
Focus on, 1994;18:2:13
Apache plume
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
rare plants in, 1990;14:2:14
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
seeds of, 2016;39:2:17
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1999;23:2:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
aquatic plants
Water Primrose (Ludwigia peploides): An Invasive Aquatic Plant in Arizona, 2021;44:1:11
Aquilegia spp.
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
spotlight on, 2017;40:2:22
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:26
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
spotlight on, 2017;40:2:22
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:1
From Field of Weeds to Riparian Hotspot: The Rehabilitation of Willow Wash at The Arboretum at Flagstaff, 2009;33:1:6
Mountain Lover, Manzanita and More at the Transition Zone Horticultural Institute, 1984;8:4:2
arboretums. See specific arboretums
Stone Grids and the Archaeology of Agave Cultivation in the Safford Valley, Arizona, 2019;42:2:16
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:48
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:44
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:6
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:6
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:7
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:19
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:19
Arizona. See also specific place names or landforms
Arizona Plants in California, 2009;33:2:13
Arizona Third in U.S. for Big Trees, 2002;26:2:17
Endemic Plants of Arizona: A Working List, 2008;32:2:10
Fires in Arizona Forests, 2002;26:3:14
Native Plant Law. See Arizona Native Plant Law
Nomenclature Changes in the Orchidaceae of Arizona and New Mexico, 2003;27:1:1
Arizona Botanical Garden Association (ABGA)
Commitment to the Rare and Endangered Plant Program, 1984;8:1:1
Arizona Botany Meeting
Lifetime Achievement Award, 2011;35:1:9
Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)
Palo Verde Removal (on I-8), 1988;12:3:8
The Role of Native Plants in the Management of Highway Vegetation, 1998;22:1:1
Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association, The (AERA)
The Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association Little Colorado River Field Institute, 2007;31:2:14
Additions to Arizona Native Plant Law Denied, 1982;6:1:10
Arizona Native Plant Law May be Strengthened, 1985;9:3:1
A Brief History of the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1993;17:4:4
50th Anniversary of Arizona’s Native Plant Law, 1989;13:1:5
Native Plant Law Revision Becomes a Reality! 1989;13:2:1
Native Plant Law Revisions, 1989;13:1:4
Native Plant Laws in Arizona, 2001;25:3:12
Notice of Proposed Additions to the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1981;5:1:6
Plant Law Committee Begins Work, 1992;16:1:4
Arizona Native Plant Society (AZNPS)
Annual Appreciation Award, 1994;18:1:7, 1995;19:1:4
Annual Merit Award, 1994;18:2:3, 1996;20:1:3
ANPS and Cactus Rustling, 1990;14:1:5
ANPS At 25—Reflecting on Our past, 2002;26:3:1
ANPS: A Voice for the Wilderness, 1989;13:3:1
ANPS Conservation Policy, 1999;23:3:7
ANPS Publishes Poster, “Desert Trees”, 1988;12:2:1
Arizona Native Plant Society Incorporated under Laws of Arizona, 1977;1:1:4
Arizona Native Plant Society Receives Dept. of Interior Award, 1989;13:1:3
The AZNPS-Led Waterman Restoration Project, 2016;39:1:14
Desert Butterfly Gardening, 1996;20:3:7
Desert Grasses, 1994;18:1:7
“Desert Ground Covers & Vines”, 1991;15:1:5
Desert Wildflowers, 1991;15:3:4
Field Ethics, 1991;15:1:9
Flagstaff Chapter AZNPS Native Plant Garden Competition & Tour 2007, 2008;32:1:16
Flora of North America Honors the Arizona Native Plant Society, 2014;37:2:11
lobbying efforts, 1997;21:2:7
Membership Survey Summary
1998, 1998;22:3:2
Spring 2003, 2003;27:2:3
Strategic Planning Summary, 2003;27:2:26
Arizona Natural Heritage Program
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4, 1980;4:4:4
Tracing Arizona's Natural Heritage Program—1979-1991, 1991;15:1:1
Arizona Rare Plant Field Guide, 2002;26:1:16
Arizona Register of Big Trees, The, 2001;25:1:17
Arizona's Changing Rivers (Tellman, Yarde, Wallace), 1997;21:2:5
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees program, 2019;42:1:3
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:1
Field Notes on a Springtime Trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 1989;13:3:10
herbarium, 2001;25:2:4
Arizona State University
herbarium (ASU), 2002;26:3:18, 2014;37:1:4
The Patten Herbal Collection, 1999;23:1:11
Arizona Strip
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands, 2022;45:1:16
Arizona Western College Herbarium (AWC) Yuma, 2014;37:1:3
Armenta-Cota, Liliana
Vascular Plants of El Aribabi Conservation Ranch (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Arnett, John
The Bursera–Vireo Relationship at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:23
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Arnold, Elizabeth
A Glorious Fungal Season: A Strong Showing by the North American Monsoon Helps Arizona’s Remarkable Fungal Diversity Come to Light, 2021;44:2:16
Hidden within Our Botanical Richness, a Treasure Trove of Fungal Endophytes, 2008;32:2:13
Arthur M. Phillips, III
Peirson's Milkvetch: a Species at the Interface of Biology, Politics, and Litigation, 2006;30:2:1
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:34
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:8
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Growing Hydrocarbons for Fuel, 1978;2:1:2
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:30
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:47
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:1:6
Asociación para las Plantas Nativas de Sonora, A.C. (APNSAC)
Spreading Knowledge and Appreciation of Plants, 2009;33:2:16
Exotic Weed Watch, 1998;22:3:12
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:5
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:6
Charming woody
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:40
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Astragalus spp.
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
New Insights on the Distribution and Abundance of a Rare Endemic Plant, 2006;30:2:12
cremnophylax var. cremnophylax
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
cremnophylax var. myriorrhaphis
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
magdalenae var. peirsonii
Peirson's Milkvetch: a Species at the Interface of Biology, Politics, and Litigation, 2006;30:2:1
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:8
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:8
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:7
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Atriplex spp.
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
The Lost Landscape—Sonoran Saltbush Desertscrub, 1991;15:2:3
Soil Conservation Service Releasing “Corto” Australian Saltbush, 1977;1:2:8
At the Desert’s Green Edge (Rea), 1998;22:2:11, 2007;31:2:16
Austin, Daniel Frank
Baboquivari Mountain Plants (article), 2009;33:2:1
Baboquivari Mountain Plants (book), 2012;36:1:12
Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) in Arizona, 2013;36:2:9
The Nuance and Wit of Carolus Linnaeus, 2002;26:1:1
obituary, 2015;38:1:6
Australian Native Plants (Wrigley), 1980;4:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:51
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
Ávila-Jiménez, Denise Zulema
Vascular Plants of El Aribabi Conservation Ranch (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Ayers, Tina
Deaver Herbarium (ASC) Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 2001;25:1:3, 2014;37:1:14
Honoring H. David Hammond, 2011;35:1:9
Hybridization of the San Francisco Peaks Rare Endemic, Packera franciscana, with a Lower Elevation Congener, 2013;36:2:13
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Porterella Rediscovered, 2006;30:1:17
Aztec column
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZBaboquivari Mountain Plants (Austin), 2012;36:1:12
Baboquivari Mountains
Baboquivari Mountain Plants (article), 2009;33:2:1
Will the Baboquivari Wilderness Become Part of the Tohono O'odham Reservation? 1998;22:2:12
Baby bonnets
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:11
Bachman, Gary
The Pima County Native Plant Nursery, 2001;25:1:12
The Wolfberry, 2002;26:2:1
Backhaus, Balbir
Focus on Rita Jo Anthony, 1994;18:2:13
The Ironwood Task Force: Preserving Sonoran Life, 1992;16:2:1
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice (Plotkin), review, 1994;18:1:8
Tonto Basin Agave: A Living Relic of Pre-Columbian Cultures? 1996;20:2:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Bahre, Conrad J.
Changing Plant Life of La Frontera, 2002;26:1:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:26
Bailowitz, Richard A.
Butterflies Are Herbivores, too, 2011;35:1:8
Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona, 1992;16:1:9
Ballard, Bob
Cochise County Herbarium (CCH) Sierra Vista, 2014;37:1:18
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:49
Baniaga, Anthony E.
Characterization of the Selaginella arizonica X eremophila (Selaginellaceae) Hybrid Zone in Southern Arizona, 2014;37:2:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Landscape Tips Ii: Native Barberries, 2000;24:3:16
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Barker, Michael S.
Characterization of the Selaginella arizonica X eremophila (Selaginellaceae) Hybrid Zone in Southern Arizona, 2014;37:2:13
Barnes, Sharon
Wildflower Legislation, 1985;9:1:6
Barrel cactus
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:9
Friends of Friends? Barrel Cactus and Its Interacting Mutualists, 2007;31:1:8
Barron, Kara
Effects of Fire and Reseeding on Sonoran Desert Plant Community Composition, 2019;42:2:20
Barry M. Goldwater Range
The Bursera–Vireo Relationship at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:23
land management, 2015;38:1:18, 2015;38:1:26
Mapping the Vegetation of the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:20
Sonoran Desert: Trashed or Treasured? 1998;22:1:5
Summary of Work on Annual Plant Coexistence in the Mohawk Valley, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona, 2015;38:1:21
Bash, Barbara
Desert Giant, 1990;14:2:6
Basta, Joanne
Spring 2003 Membership Survey, 2003;27:2:3
The Columnar Cactus-Nectar Bat Connection, 2011;35:1:6
Bauer, Michael
A Keystone Desert Grass Reaches Arizona: Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus, 2020;43:2:48
Bauer, Michael M.
Invasive Exotic Species in the Sonoran Region (Tellman, ed.), review, 2002;26:3:20
Baylor, Byrd
The Desert Is Theirs, 1990;14:2:6
Hopi Lima Beans, 1988;12:1:2
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Vic Miller Writes on Tepary Beans, 1977;1:2:6
Bean, Travis M.
Buffelgrass in the Sonoran Desert: Can We Prevent the Unhinging of a Unique American Ecosystem? 2006;30:1:4
Sunset Crater
spotlight on, 2008;32:2:12
Our Unique Flora, 1991;15:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:48
Bee plant
Rocky Mountain
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:25
Desert Insects and Desert Plants, 2011;35:1:1
Pruners in the Wilderness, 2002;26:3:6
Bell flower
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
Bellota Ranch
Buehman Canyon Saved By Unique Waters Designation, 1997;21:1:14
Belnap, Jane
A Field Guide to Biological Soil Crusts of Western U.S. Drylands, 2008;32:2:16
Benson, Lyman
Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Deserts, 1981;5:2:8
Ben Wetherill Ethnobotanical Collection
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:4
Berberis spp.
Landscape Tips Ii: Native Barberries, 2000;24:3:16
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Bermuda grass
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
Bertelsen, C. David
Collecting at Finger Rock/Mt. Kimball, 1993;17:4:1
Common Flora of Finger Rock Canyon/Mt. Kimball, 1993;17:4:7
Thirty-Seven Years on a Mountain Trail, 2018;41:2:41
Variability in an Area Flora, 2000;24:3:1
Vegetation Changes in the Finger Rock Canyon Drainage, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona Since 1984, 2019;42:2:1
Besom, Kim
Grand Canyon Museum Collection Herbarium (GCNP), 2014;37:1:16
Betancourt, Julio L.
Buffelgrass in the Sonoran Desert: Can We Prevent the Unhinging of a Unique American Ecosystem? 2006;30:1:4
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Bierner, Mark
Legumes of Arizona (Desert Legume Project), 2009;33:2:15
Big Creek, Pinaleño Mountains
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek–Pinaleño Mountains, 1995;19:2:2
bighorn sheep
Succulents and Bighorn of Isla Tiburón, 2007;31:2:9
Bill Williams River
Conservation Activities Along the Bill Williams River, 1996;20:2:10
Bingham Cienega Natural Preserve
Farming for Nature at Bingham Cienega, 1998;22:2:13
Arizona Biodiversity Conservation Assessment, 2005;29:1:8
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:1
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Endemic Plants of Arizona: A Working List, 2008;32:2:10
Grand Canyon Trust Volunteers: Partners in Protecting Biodiversity, 2008;32:2:18
Hidden within Our Botanical Richness, a Treasure Trove of Fungal Endophytes, 2008;32:2:13
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Restoring Plant Diversity in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, 2009;33:1:8
Bird, Debbie
Joan Tedford, botanist spotlight, 2017;40:2:30
Bird of Paradise
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
The Bursera–Vireo Relationship at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:23
Habitat at Home: Your Opportunity to Bring Birds and Wildlife Up Close and Personal, 2018;41:1:9
Hummingbirds in North and South American Mythology, 2007;31:1:15
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Rainwater-Based Habitat Landscaping: Declining Bird Populations and an Abundance of Backyards, 2008;32:1:13
Using Native Plants to Attract Birds to the Garden, 1981;5:2:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
Blatner, Sherry
Your Ideas Decide Noxious Weeds, 2002;26:2:10
Blazing star
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35, 2020;43:1:47
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:6
Blisard, Karen
A Brief Introduction to Liverworts, 2021;44:2:11
Blodgett, Cass
nomination for Cox Conserves Heroes Award, 2014;37:2:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Blue dicks
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Blue-eyed grass
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:20
Blue flag
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
Blue myrtle cactus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Blue star
Saving the Nation’s Most Endangered Plant, 1988;12:2:5
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
Bogan, Michael
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Boles, Patrick
Dripping Springs Field Trip, 1988;12:1:8
Field Notes on a Springtime Trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 1989;13:3:10
Hybridization Within the Genus Opuntia, 1988;12:2:8
Observing Nature, 1990;14:2:11
Bolton, Ken
Cactus Trade Meeting, 1981;5:3:10
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:8
Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants (M. Irish, G. Irish), 2000;24:3:14
Agaves, Yuccas, and Their Kin (Hawker), 2016;39:1:12
Agaves of North America (Gentry), 2004;28:1:20
Allergy-Free Gardening (Ogren), 2002;26:2:15
Ancient Sea Creatures (Wiewandt), 1993;17:1:14
Annotated Flora of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Southeastern Arizona (Verrier), 2018;41:1:13
Arizona's Changing Rivers (Tellman, Yarde, Wallace), 1997;21:2:5
Australian Native Plants (Wrigley), 1980;4:2:6
Baboquivari Mountain Plants (Austin), 2012;36:1:12
Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona (Bailowitz, Brock), 1992;16:1:9
Cacti of the Southwest (Earle), 1982;6:1:3
The Cactus Family (Anderson), 2002;26:2:15
Cactus Flowers (Wiewandt), 1993;17:1:14
Cactus Hotel (Guiberson), 2002;26:3:20
Catalina Mountains (Rose), 2019;42:1:8
C.G. Pringle (Mauz), 2019;42:1:14
Changing Plant Life of La Frontera (Webster, Bahre, eds.), 2002;26:1:16
Checklist of the Plants of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Arizona (Felger), 1999;23:2:14
Common Grasses of the Central Arizona Highlands (Allen), 2021;44:2:14
Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in Western North America (Nabhan, ed.), 2007;31:1:17
Desert Butterfly Gardening (ANPS, SASI), 1996;20:3:7
Desert Giant (Bash), 1990;14:2:6
The Desert Is Theirs (Baylor), review, 1990;14:2:6
Desert Landscaping (Water Resources Research Council, CD-ROM), 1996;20:3:7
Desert Rain, Desert Bloom (Wiewandt), 1993;17:1:14
At the Desert’s Green Edge (Rea), 1998;22:2:11, 2007;31:2:16
Desert: The Mojave and Death Valley (Dykinga, Bowers), 2000;24:2:12
Desert Wildflowers (ANPS), 1991;15:3:4
Discovering the Desert (McGinnies), 1981;5:1:4
Diversity in a Grassland (Carnahan), 2020;43:2:25
“Dry Borders” (Journal of the Southwest), 1998;22:2:11
Dune Country (Bowers), 1998;22:3:13
Eat Mesquite! (Desert Harvesters), 2011;34:2:9
Ecological Imperialism (Crosby), 1993;17:4:9
The Ecology of Herbal Medicine (Saville), 2021;44:1:20
Edible and Useful Plants of the Southwest (Tull), 2015;38:2:10
A Field Guide to Biological Soil Crusts of Western U.S. Drylands (Rosentreter, Bowker, Belnap), 2008;32:2:16
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona (Breslin et al.), 2015;38:1:24
A Field Guide to the Plants of Arizona (Epple, Epple), 1996;20:3:6
Field Identification Cards for Invasive Non-native Plant Species Known to Threaten Arizona Wildlands (Sonoran Institute), 2009;33:2:18
“The Flora of Canon de Nacapule” (Felger), 2000;24:1:17
Flora of North America (FNA) project Volume 4, 2004;28:1:18
Flora of North America (FNA) project Volumes 24 & 25, 2008;32:1:17
Flora of the Four Corners Region (Heil et al.), 2014;37:1:14
Flora of the Gran Desierto & Rio Colorado Delta (Felger), 2001;25:2:15
Food plants of the Sonoran Desert (Hodgson), 2001;25:3:15
The Forgotten Botanist (Brown), 2022;45:1:19
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants (Martin et al.), 1998;22:3:13
Grasses of Southeastern Arizona, 1999;23:3:12
Guide to the Plants of Arizona’s White Mountains (West), 2019;42:2:22
Herbarium (Thiers), 2022;45:2:19
Hidden Trails in the Sonoran Desert (Hunt), 1999;23:2:14
Hortus Third (L.H. Bailey Hortorium), 1977;1:2:4
Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest (Scott), 2017;40:2:17
Intermountain Flora (Holmgren et al.), 2013;36:1:9
Intermountain Flora (N. Holmgren, P. Holmgren), 2017;40:1:4
Invasive Exotic Species in the Sonoran Region (Tellman, ed.), 2002;26:3:20
Landscape Plants for Dry Regions (Jones, Sacamano), 2000;24:3:14
Landscape Plants of Southern Arizona (Dinchak), 1980;4:2:5
The Landscaping Revolution (A. Wasowski, S. Wasowski), 2001;25:1:16
Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol.1 (Ryan), 2003;27:1:21
The Magnate (Hagedorn), 2003;27:2:24
Mountain Trees of Southern Arizona (Rose), 2013;36:1:17
Museum of Northern Arizona Rio de Flag Nature Trail Guide, 2006;30:2:16
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest (States), 1991;15:3:4
The Mysterious Lands (Zwinger), 1990;14:1:3
Nanisé’, A Navajo Herbal (Mayes, Lacy), 2013;36:2:12
Native Landscaping From El Paso to L.A. (Wasowski), 2001;25:1:16
Native Plants for High-Elevation Western Gardens (Busco, Morin), 2003;27:2:25
A Natural History of the Intermountain West (Waring), 2011;35:1:13
The Natural History of the San Francisco Peaks (Waring), 2019;42:1:18
A New Garden Ethic (Vogt), 2018;41:1:10
One Green Mesquite Tree (Jernigan), 1990;14:2:6
Packrat Middens (Van Devender), 1992;16:1:9
“The Palms (Arecaceae) of Sonora, Mexico” (Felger, Joyal), 2000;24:1:17
Plant Discoveries (Knapp), 2004;28:1:18
Plants at the Margin (Crawford), 2011;34:2:10
Plants of Arizona (Epple, Epple, Wiens), 2021;44:2:29
Plants that Poison (Schmutz, Hamilton), 1979;3:3:6
Plant Them Deep (A. Thurlo, D. Thurlo), 2004;28:1:18
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert (Chambers, Gray, Buchmann), 2007;31:1:16
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 1 (Lancaster), 2006;30:1:17
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 2 (Lancaster), 2008;32:2:20
River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon (Husinga, Makarick, Watters), 2006;30:2:16
Robert Rhinehard Publishers audio books, 1991;15:1:4
Saguaro the Desert Giant (Humphreys), 2002;26:2:15
The San Pedro River (Hanson), 2001;25:3:15
The Secrets of Wildflowers (Sanders), 2003;27:2:24
Seed Propagation of Native California Plants (Emery), 1989;13:1:9
The Sierra Pinacate (Hayden et al.), 2000;24:2:12
A Sonoran Desert Scrapbook (Little), 2013;36:2:11
South Mountain Park and Preserve (Lenartz), 2022;45:1:9
Studies of the Desert Biome (Nabhan, Holdsworth), 1998;22:2:11
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice (Plotkin), 1994;18:1:8
Thirty-Seven Years on a Mountain Trail (Bertelsen), 2018;41:2:41
Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Deserts (Benson, Darrow), 1981;5:2:8
Trees of Western North America (Spellenberg et al.), 2014;37:2:17
On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects, and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing (Darwin), 2016;39:2:12
Western Wetland Flora (Mohlenbrock), 1999;23:1:15
Wildflowers Across America (Johnson), 1991;15:2:5
The Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico (Coleman), 2016;39:2:6
Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands (C. Tomoff, J. Tomoff), 2020;43:1:81
After K & P, What?,
Arizona Rare Plant Field Guide, 2000;24:3:4, 2002;26:1:16
The Arizona Register of Big Trees, 2001;25:1:17
A Brief History of the Vascular Plants of Arizona Project and the Journal CANOTIA, 2021;44:2:34
Desert Grasses (ANPS), 1994;18:1:7
“Desert Ground Covers & Vines” (ANPS), 1991;15:1:5
Flora of the Four Corners Region (Heil et al.), 2013;36:2:17
Going Native (Painter), 2013;36:2:17
“Handbook of Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Candidate Species of Arizona" (USFWS), 1990;14:1:9
Roadside Use of Native Plants (B. Harper-Lore, W. Harper-Lore), 2001;25:1:17
Saguaros (Evans), 1980;4:4:6
The Sonoran Desert (Helms), 1980;4:4:6
Sonoran Desert Plants (Turner, Bowers, Burgess), 1996;20:1:3
Work Progresses on the Much-Awaited Vascular Plants of Arizona, 1992;16:3:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:49
Boraginaceae spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:49
borderlands. See also specific place names or landforms
Changing Plant Life of La Frontera (Webster, Bahre, eds.), 2002;26:1:16
Southwest Project Cuts Across Cultural, National Boundaries, 1989;13:1:11
botanical drawings
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:1
A Wildflower Art Introduction for Arizona Native Plant Lovers, 2020;43:1:1
botanical gardens. See also specific gardens
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:1
botanists and naturalists
Gentry, Howard Scott, 2001;25:2:3
Gray, Asa, 2001;25:1:18
Gregg, Josiah, 1999;23:1:4
Lemmon, J. G., 1999;23:2:3
Lemmon, Sara Plummer, 1999;23:2:3
Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 2003;27:1:3
Merriam, C. Hart, 1990;14:2:1
Palmer, Edward, 1998;22:3:11
Parry, Charles Christopher, 2000;24:3:2
Pringle, Cyrus Guernsey, 1999;23:3:3
Rose, Frank S. See Rose, Frank S.
Shantz, Homer Leroy, 2000;24:2:4
Tedford, Joan, 2017;40:2:30
Thornber, John James, 1998;22:2:3
William H. Emory, 2000;24:1:2
Wright, Charles, 2002;26:3:22
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
diversispicula Columbus
spotlight on, 2020;43:2:48, 2022;45:2:13
Bowers, Jan
Dune Country, 1998;22:3:13
Bowers, Janice Emily
Desert: The Mojave and Death Valley, 2000;24:2:12
Relict Plants in the Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:1:4
Sand Dunes of the Sonoran Desert, 1993;17:1:8
Scientific Achievements of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona, 1993;17:1:1, 1993;17:3:1
Sonoran Desert Plants, 1996;20:1:3
Bowker, Matthew
A Field Guide to Biological Soil Crusts of Western U.S. Drylands, 2008;32:2:16
Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:2
Boyle, Brad
Flora of the Rancho Los Fresnos Grasslands (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Brady, LeRoy
Observations from LeRoy Brady—President of the Society, 1984;8:4:1
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:8
Sahara (Asian/African) Mustard: A Desert, Urban and Agricultural Weed of the Southwestern U.S., 2006;30:1:7
Sahara Mustard Invasion History and Patterns in Southwest Deserts, 2006;30:1:6
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Brennan, Dean
A Field Guide to the Plants of Arizona (Epple, Epple), review, 1996;20:3:6
Land Trust Works to Preserve McDowell Mountains, 1994;18:1:1
Phoenix to "Save" Desert, 1994;18:2:1
Sources for Native Plants, 1996;20:2:8
Breslin, P.
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona, 2015;38:1:24
Breunig, Karen Enyedy
ANPS: A Voice for the Wilderness, 1989;13:3:1
Conservation Page, 1990;14:1:9
Jojoba: A Dry Farming Promise, 1992;16:1:1
Robert Rhinehard Publishers audio books, review, 1991;15:1:4
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
Breunig, Robert G.
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:1
Plant Law Committee Begins Work, 1992;16:1:4
Brewer, Linda
Tracing Arizona's Natural Heritage Program—1979-1991, 1991;15:1:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
Brittle bush
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71, 2020;43:1:73
Brock, James P.
Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona, 1992;16:1:9
Brock, John H.
Long-Term Vegetation Trends as Influenced by Climate and Management, 2006;30:1:14
Weeds: Invasives vs. Noxious vs. Weedy Natives, 2020;43:2:3
Brome grasses
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
Bronstein, Judith L.
Friends of Friends? Barrel Cactus and Its Interacting Mutualists, 2007;31:1:8
Brooks, Matt
Sahara Mustard Invasion History and Patterns in Southwest Deserts, 2006;30:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Brown, Wynne
The Forgotten Botanist, 2022;45:1:19
Arizona Bryophytes, 2021;44:2:7
Buchmann, Stephen
Pollinators and Plants in Peril: Can We Prevent a Pollinator Crisis in North America? 2007;31:1:12
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert, 2007;31:1:16
Buckthorn family
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1999;23:3:6
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:3
Eastern Mojave
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
Heathleaf wild
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands, 2022;45:1:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Can We Prevent the Unhinging of a Unique American Ecosystem? 2006;30:1:4
The Long Journey from Buffelgrass Introduction, Spread and Latency, to an Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:20
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
spotlight on, 2007;31:1:11
Forcing Saucers of Tiny Bulbs, 1985;9:4:4
Wild Bulb Collection, 1995;19:1:9
Introduced Species: Are We Sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Bungart, Frank
Lichens in Arizona—More than Meets the Eye! 2021;44:2:21
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Arizona BLM desert wilderness bill, 1990;14:1:10
Bureau of Land Management Land Sales, 1983;7:2:3
John Scheuring Recognized with BLM Stewardship Award, 2021;44:1:5
Kingman Resource Area Management Plan, 1991;15:1:14
Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMP), 1991;15:1:14
Burgess, M.A.
Native Seeds/SEARCH: A Good Neighbor to ANPS, 1990;14:1:1
Burgess, Martha
Interpreting Ethnobotany at Mission Garden, Tucson, Arizona, 2015;38:2:17
Burgess, Tony
Desert Seasons, 1988;12:3:4
In Praise of Crossosoma, 2004;28:1:8
Sonoran Desert Plants, 1996;20:1:3
The U of A Shuffle, or How Tony Got His Ph.D. (song), 1989;13:1:14
Búrquez, Alberto
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:19
Another Milestone for the Sky Islands, 2017;40:1:27
The Bursera–Vireo Relationship at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:23
Busco, Janice
Native Plants for High-Elevation Western Gardens, 2003;27:2:25
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Butler, Lane
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Butter and Eggs
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Butterflies Are Herbivores, too, 2011;35:1:8
Monarch Butterfly Plant Utilization, Migration, and Habitat Enhancement in the Prescott Area, 2017;40:2:14
Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona (Bailowitz, Brock), 1992;16:1:9
Butterfly bush
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Butterwick, Mary
Arizona Native Plant Law May be Strengthened, 1985;9:3:1
Two Arizona Plants Listed as Endangered, 1984;8:3:1
Button, Clair
White-margined Beardtongue, 1991;15:1:5
Bygott, David
A Jewel Called Ruby, 2010;34:1:1
Byrd, Jessie
Pima County’s Native Plant Nursery, 2016;39:1:21
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZCabello de Angel
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Cacti of the Southwest (Earle), 1982;6:1:3
Cactus. See also specific type, genus, or common name
ANPS and Cactus Rustling, 1990;14:1:5
Cactus Trade Meeting, 1981;5:3:10
Cactus Family, The (Anderson), 2002;26:2:15
Cactus Flowers (Wiewandt), 1993;17:1:14
Cactus Hotel (Guiberson), 2002;26:3:20
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Caldwell, Dennis
Backyard Ponds and Invasive Species, 2002;26:3:16
Arizona Plants in California, 2009;33:2:13
California Native Plant Society
Tamarisk Control in California, 1997;21:1:14
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:39
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:40
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:39
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Camp Navajo
Natural Resources Conservation, 2015;38:1:28
Cannon, Carrie Calisay
A decade of the Hualapai Ethnobotany Youth Project, 2015;38:2:11
A Brief History of the Vascular Plants of Arizona Project and the Journal CANOTIA, 2021;44:2:34
Our Unique Flora: Canotia holacantha, 1998;22:2:5
On the Trail of the Palo Christi, 2001;25:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
Cardamine spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
Cardinal flower
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:17
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cardon grande
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Carex spp.
New Ideas about Rarity of Carex Species of Arizona, 2013;36:2:16
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Our Unique Flora, 1992;16:2:8
Carnahan, Susan Davis
Annotated Flora of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Southeastern Arizona (Verrier), review, 2018;41:1:13
Diversity in a Grassland, 2020;43:2:25
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra Buenos Aires, 2016;39:2:20
Pax et Prosopis: Dr. Richard Stephen Felger (obituary), 2020;43:2:46
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:7
Surveys of Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea) on the Florence Military Reservation, Arizona, 2015;38:1:12
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Casa Grande National Monument
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments, 1999;23:3:8
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
Nature Loves Yellow, 1979;3:2:3
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Castilleja spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
spotlight on, 2013;36:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Castor bean
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Catalina Mountains (Rose), 2019;42:1:8
Catalina State Park
Grasses in Catalina State Park, 1989;13:1:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Sonoran Tree
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:2:12
Cat’s eye
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
/f"Arial"Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands/f"", 2022;45:1:16
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Cave Creek Canyon
December ‘78 Freeze, 1980;4:1:3
Cave Creek Regional Park
Using a Diverse Seed Mix to Establish Native Plants on a Sonoran Desert Burn, 2009;33:1:16
Ecology and Natural History of Fendler’s Ceanothus, 2009;33:1:11
Ecology and Natural History of Fendler’s Ceanothus, 2009;33:1:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:19
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1998;22:2:4
Ethnobotany III: Desert Hackberries, 2001;25:3:17
Ethnobotany III: Desert Hackberries, 2001;25:3:17
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:9
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:17
Central Arizona
Endemic Plants of Arizona, 1981;5:2:6
Central Arizona College
landscaping at Signal Peak Campus, 1979;3:3:2
Signal Peak Gardens Gone, 1998;22:3:1
Central Arizona Project (CAP)
"Son of Cap" Threatens Gila River, 2004;28:1:3
Central Park Hermosillo (CPH) (Sonora, Mexico)
Entre Palo verdes, Torotes y Siviris: Las Plantas del Parque Central de Hermosillo (Cerro Johnson), Hermosillo, Sonora, México (with English translation), 2021;44:1:22
plant checklist, 2021;44:1:32
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15, 2020;43:1:65
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
C.G. Pringle (Mauz), 2019;42:1:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Flora of North America Honors the Arizona Native Plant Society, 2014;37:2:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
Chamberland, Michael
The Short Journey from Stinknet Introduction and Spread to Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:27
Chambers, Nina
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert, 2007;31:1:16
champion trees
An ANPS Field Trip with a "Pro", 2004;28:1:14
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
The Champion Trees of Arizona, 1993;17:1:10
Message from a Big Tree Hunter, 2019;42:1:5
Changing Plant Life of La Frontera (Webster, Bahre, eds.), review, 2002;26:1:16
chaparral biome
Fire in Chaparral, Oak Woodland, and Pinyon Pine-Juniper, 2003;27:1:18
Chaparral tea, 1977;1:2:7
Chapman, Neil
Hart Prairie Preserve, 2010;34:1:6
Charboneau, Joseph
Intermountain Flora (N. Holmgren, P. Holmgren), review, 2017;40:1:4
Chase, Agnes
Agnes Chase, Agrostologist—1869-1963, 2022;45:2:11
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
New Mexico
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:28
Checklist of the Plants of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Arizona (Felger), 1999;23:2:14
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:9
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:9
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:10
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:10
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:11
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:11
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:12
Chew, Matt
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Chia mint
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Chicory. See also Goat chicory
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
Chihuahuan Desert
Flora of Chihuahuan Desertscrub on Limestone in Northeastern Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
landscape plants from, 1986;10:1:5
The Desert Willow, 1977;1:2:3
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:19
Chiricahua Mountains
Gold Mining in Chiricahuas? 1991;15:1:14
National Forest Proposes to Extend South Fork Trail in the Chiricahuas, 1997;21:2:7
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:9, 2020;43:1:11
Teddy bear
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:11
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
Cicuta spp.
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:17
Cienega Creek Natural Preserve
Observations on Plant Life of the Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, Pima County, Arizona, 2019;42:1:10
Pantano Jungle Revegetation Project, 1996;20:3:10
Ciénega de Saracachi (Sonora, Mexico)
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Unique Habitats of the Southwest, 2003;27:2:15
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
spotlight on, 2007;31:1:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
spotlight on, 2010;34:1:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18, 2020;43:1:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Cinquefoil bush
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
Cirsium spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:31, 2020;43:1:54
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
A Vignette on a Not-So-Invasive Invasive: Bull Thistle Response to Slash Pile Burning, 2006;30:1:8
Claret cup cactus
Endangered Cacti, 1980;4:1:5
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:5
Clark, Tim
Agave vilmoriniana, 1987;11:2:4
In Memoriam: Hortense Spoehr Miller, 1989;13:3:9
An Introduction to Arizona’s “Lower Plants” and Plant-Like Wonders, 2021;44:2:1
clay deposits
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Clematis spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:51
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Habitat Management Plan for, 1991;15:1:14
Our Unique Flora, 1991;15:3:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Clifford, Arnold
Diné Bih Naniseh Bah Haneeh: Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:7
Flora of the Four Corners Region, 2013;36:2:17, 2014;37:1:14
Conservation Efforts for, 2000;24:2:2
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Two Arizona Plants Listed as Endangered, 1984;8:3:1
climate and climate change
Arizona Climate & Invasive Species: A Climatologist’s Perspective on Vegetation Management, 2006;30:1:1
Climate Change and its Implications for Plants, Water, and People, 2005;29:1:10
The Implications of a Long-Term Drought on Arizona's Flora, 2004;28:1:1
Long-Term Vegetation Trends as Influenced by Climate and Management, 2006;30:1:14
Unusual Sightings in the Midst of Drought, 2003;27:1:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
Coburn, Francis S.
Special Soils and Their Role in Plant Evolution, Distribution, and Regional Diversity, 2014;37:2:8
Coburn, Frankie S.
Flora of the Upper Verde River, 2012;36:1:7
Cochise County Herbarium (CCH) Sierra Vista, 2014;37:1:18
Cole, Jane B.
Seed Propagation of Native California Plants (Emery), review, 1989;13:1:9
Coleman, Ronald A.
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:24
A New Orchid for Arizona and the U.S. (Hexalectris parviflora), 2016;39:1:20
Nomenclature Changes in the Orchidaceae of Arizona and New Mexico, 2003;27:1:1
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3
The Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:6
Colorado River
Lower Colorado Delta Restoration Planning Begins, 1998;22:1:6
Chiricahua Mountain
spotlight on, 2017;40:2:22
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
spotlight on, 2017;40:2:22
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
Western red
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:26
columnar cactus
The Columnar Cactus-Nectar Bat Connection, 2011;35:1:6
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
The Valley of Tehuacán: Mexico’s Cactus Heaven, 2009;33:2:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:17
Common Grasses of the Central Arizona Highlands (Allen), 2021;44:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
Cone flower
Golden head
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
conservation. See also endangered or threatened species; plant salvage; rare plants
Adopt-a-Species Program, 1990;14:2:14, 1991;15:1:14, 1991;15:3:10
ANPS Aids Tumamoc Globeberry, 1988;12:2:3
ANPS: A Voice for the Wilderness, 1989;13:3:1
ANPS Conservation Policy, 1999;23:3:7
ANPS Seeks Protection for Dalea tentaculoides, 1998;22:2:12
ANPS Tucson Alarmed by Grazing Negligence, 1998;22:2:12
Applied Conservation Botany: Examples from Wyoming and the Colorado Plateau, 2013;36:2:18
Arizona Biodiversity Conservation Assessment, 2005;29:1:8
Arizona BLM desert wilderness bill, 1990;14:1:10
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:1
Arizona Wilderness Bill Needs Your Help, 1989;13:2:5
The Barry M. Goldwater Range (West), 2015;38:1:19
Battling Fountain Grass, 2002;26:1:14
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Buehman Canyon Saved By Unique Waters Designation, 1997;21:1:14
City of Tucson Promotes Native Plant Use and Protection, 1997;21:1:14
Conservation Activities Along the Bill Williams River, 1996;20:2:10
Conservation in the Sierra Madre, 1996;20:2:10
Conservation Priority Setting for Arizona G1 and G2 Plant Species, 2013;36:1:11
Critical Habitat Considered for the Huachuca Water Umbel, 1999;23:1:13
DG Threatens Ragged Top Area, 1996;20:2:10
Ecosystem Conservation in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, 2003;27:1:9
Entre Palo verdes, Torotes y Siviris: Las Plantas del Parque Central de Hermosillo (Cerro Johnson), Hermosillo, Sonora, México (with English translation), 2021;44:1:28
Exotic Plants in Wilderness Areas, 1998;22:1:6
Feds Release Documents on Dalea tentaculoides, 1998;22:3:14
FLORUTIL Conservation Project, 1989;13:1:11
Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area, 1994;18:1:9
Gold Mining in Chiricahuas? 1991;15:1:14
Grand Canyon Protection Act, 1991;15:2:14
Habitat Management Plan for Hedeoma diffusum/Clematis hirsutissima, 1991;15:1:14
Herbal Remedies May Impact Plant Populations, 1998;22:1:7
House Passes Arizona Wilderness Bill, 1984;8:2:1
Invasive Exotic Species: A Conservation Challenge, 2001;25:1:13
Kingman Resource Area Management Plan, 1991;15:1:14
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), 1996;20:1:4
LAW fund, 1992;16:1:10
Lemon Lily, 1989;13:3:14
letters as conservation tool, 1998;22:1:5
lobbying as conservation tool, 1997;21:2:7
Lower Colorado Delta Restoration Planning Begins, 1998;22:1:6
Mt. Graham Update on telescope construction, 1991;15:2:14
Mt. Lemmon Ski Expansion, 1989;13:3:13
National Forest Proposes to Extend South Fork Trail in the Chiricahuas, 1997;21:2:7
Native Plant Protection & the Law, 2004;28:1:15
Native Seeds/SEARCH project, 1991;15:2:14
North American Orchid Conservation Center, 2016;39:2:16
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Funds, 1991;15:2:14
Pantano Jungle Revegetation Project, 1996;20:3:10
Pima County Improves Native Plant Protection, 1998;22:2:12
Plant Conservation: Global Context and Local Action, 2005;29:1:1
Plant Conservation in Grand Canyon National Park, 1998;22:1:7
"Plant Materials Long Range Plan (1994-2000)", 1995;19:1:9
Prescott National Forest off-highway vehicle recreation, 1991;15:2:14
Private Property Bill passage, 1992;16:2:10
Rare Plants in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 1990;14:2:14
Rare Plant Update, 1984;8:2:1
Recent Legislation Affects State Land Conservation, 1999;23:1:13
Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMP), 1991;15:1:14
riparian area protection defeated, 1992;16:2:10
Santa Clara Slough, 1992;16:2:10
Sentry milkvetch, 1988;12:3:9
Sky Island Alliance formation, 1992;16:1:10
Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (SDCP), 1999;23:1:14, 2001;25:1:1
Sonoran Desert: Trashed or Treasured? 1998;22:1:5
Southwest Project Cuts Across Cultural, National Boundaries, 1989;13:1:11
Tamarisk Control in California, 1997;21:1:14
Timber Salvage Rider, 1995;19:2:7
Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society to the Rescue, 2018;41:1:23
Uniform Conservation Easement Act, 1985;9:2:1
“Vegetation Management” for water yield, 1990;14:1:9
Vegetation Response to Landscape Conservation in the Sky Islands, 2019;42:2:27
WASH (Watercourse Amenity, Safety and Habitat) ordinance, 1991;15:2:14
wetlands revised criteria, 1991;15:3:10
wild and scenic river designations, 1991;15:1:14, 1991;15:3:10, 1994;18:1:9
Wild Bulb Collection, 1995;19:1:9
Will the Baboquivari Wilderness Become Part of the Tohono O'odham Reservation? 1998;22:2:12
Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in Western North America (Nabhan, ed.), 2007;31:1:17
Continental Ranch
Continental Ranch Revegetation Project Shows Some Success, 1997;21:1:1
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Coral bean
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Coral fungus
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
protocorm of, 2016;39:2:17
description, 2016;39:2:16
Coral root (Corallorhiza spp.)
protocorm of, 2016;39:2:17
description, 2016;39:2:16
Coral root (Hexalectris spp.)
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:25
The Mystery Orchid Pollinator of, 2016;39:2:8
Purple spike
description, 2016;39:2:16
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
The Ancient Art of Eating Smut, 1987;11:2:5
Coronado National Forest
Public Forum on the Ecological Impacts of Forest Roads, 1994;18:1:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
spotlight on, 2006;30:2:11
Pima Pineapple Cactus: A Unique Cactus Hiding in Plain Sight, 2007;31:1:1
Section 10 permit coverage, 2016;39:1:19
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Cowan, Connie
PAPAZ Project Areas, 2012;36:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
Cowles, Jillian
Just Add Water: The Slime Molds of Southern Arizona, 2021;44:2:30
Cox Conserves Heroes Award
nomination of Cass Blodgett, 2014;37:2:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:73
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:31
Crane’s bill
Purple cluster
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Crawford, R.M.M.
Plants at the Margin, 2011;34:2:10
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Cream cups
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
Creosote bush
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
The Creosote Bush, 1988;12:1:6
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:25
Crider, Franklin
profile of, 1989;13:1:6
Crimmins, Michael A.
Arizona Climate & Invasive Species: A Climatologist’s Perspective on Vegetation Management, 2006;30:1:1
Crimmins, Theresa
Join the USA National Phenology Network in Tracking Plants and Animals in Your Own Backyard! 2011;34:2:8
Crisp, Debra
A Vignette on a Not-So-Invasive Invasive: Bull Thistle Response to Slash Pile Burning, 2006;30:1:8
Crosby, Alfred W.
Ecological Imperialism, 1993;17:4:9
In Praise of Crossosoma, 2004;28:1:8
Crosswhite, Frank S.
Spanish-Named Medicinal Plants of Arizona, 1978;2:1:3
fantzianus Seymour
Economic Necessity and Ecological Consequences: The Non-timber Harvest of "Vara Blanca" in Southern Sonora, Mexico, 1999;23:2:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:43
Crucifixion thorn
Our Unique Flora: Canotia holacantha, 1998;22:2:5
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
/f"Arial"Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands/f"", 2022;45:1:16
Cuenca Los Ojos (Sonora, Mexico)
170 Years of Natural History in Cuenca Los Ojos, Sonora, Mexico, 2017;40:2:24
Arizona Cypress Forests & Woodlands, 1980;4:1:6
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
humilis var. jonesii
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:9, 2020;43:1:11
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
michelianus subsp. pygmaeus
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Cypress, Arizona
Arizona Cypress Forests & Woodlands, 1980;4:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
description, 2016;39:2:16
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZDahl, Kevin
Agaves of North America (Gentry), review, 2004;28:1:20
The Ancient Art of Eating Smut, 1987;11:2:5
Eat Mesquite! (Desert Harvesters), review, 2011;34:2:9
Going Nuts (piñon nuts), 2005;29:1:7
Hopi Lima Beans, 1988;12:1:2
Palo Verde Removal (on I-8), 1988;12:3:8
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
bicolor var. argyrea
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
bicolor var. orcuttiana
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
ANPS Seeks Protection for Dalea tentaculoides, 1998;22:2:12
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Feds Release Documents on Dalea tentaculoides, 1998;22:3:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
Danzer, Shelley
Surveys of Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea) on the Florence Military Reservation, Arizona, 2015;38:1:12
Darrow, Robert A.
Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Deserts, 1981;5:2:8
Darwin, Charles
On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects, and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing, 2016;39:2:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
spotlight on, 2015;38:2:6
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
The Sacred Apple, 1990;14:2:5
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Davis, Jeny
EcoFlora: Connecting People to Plants, Plant Science, and Urban Ecosystems, 2022;45:1:21
Davis–Monthan Air Force Base
Stewards of Natural Resources, 2015;38:1:16
Davison, Elizabeth
The Cactus Family (Anderson), review, 2002;26:2:15
Day flower
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
Deaver Herbarium (ASC) Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 2001;25:1:3, 2014;37:1:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:28
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
DeGomez, Tom
Early Detection Rapid Response to Invasive Species in Forested Areas of Arizona, 2006;30:1:16
De Groot, Sarah J.
Arizona Plants in California, 2009;33:2:13
Delgado-Zamora, David Alfredo
Vascular Plants of El Aribabi Conservation Ranch (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Delphinium spp.
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
DeMarco, Charlie
Plant Galls of Prescott, Arizona, 2017;40:2:19
Desert Botanical Garden (Phoenix)
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:1
Commitment to the Rare and Endangered Plant Program, 1984;8:1:1
FLORUTIL Conservation Project, 1989;13:1:11
New Director at Desert Botanical Garden, 1979;3:3:7
Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium (DES) Phoenix, 2001;25:3:4, 2014;37:1:8
Desert broom
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:11
Desert Butterfly Gardening (ANPS, SASI), 1996;20:3:7
Desert Giant (Bash), 1990;14:2:6
Desert Grasses (ANPS), 1994;18:1:7
“Desert Ground Covers & Vines” (ANPS), 1991;15:1:5
Desert Harvesters
Eat Mesquite! 2011;34:2:9
Desert Is Theirs, The (Baylor), 1990;14:2:6
Desert Landscaping (Water Resources Research Council, CD-ROM), 1996;20:3:7
Desert Legume Program (DELEP)
DELEP: Studying and Safeguarding the World's Legumes, 1994;18:3:4
Legumes of Arizona, 2009;33:2:15
Major Initiative to Understand, Conserve, and Appreciate a Major Plant Family, 2022;45:1:25
Desert Rain, Desert Bloom (Wiewandt), 1993;17:1:14
deserts, North American. See also specific deserts
illustration, 1977;1:1:2
Desert spoon
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15
spotlight on, 2015;38:2:6
Desert Survivors Native Plant Nursery
Desert Survivors Native Plant Nursery—An Outstanding Source of Native Plants for Arizona Gardeners and Landscapers, 2018;41:1:25
Desert: The Mojave and Death Valley (Dykinga, Bowers), 2000;24:2:12
Desert tree caper
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Desert Wildflowers (ANPS), 1991;15:3:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Devil’s claw
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:69
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3
Dimmitt, Mark
Transplanting Large Tres, 1987;11:2:2
Dinchak, Ronald K.
Landscape Plants of Southern Arizona, 1980;4:2:5
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Discovering the Desert (McGinnies), 1981;5:1:4
Diversity in a Grassland (Carnahan), 2020;43:2:25
Doane, Shannon
The Arizona State University Herbarium, 2002;26:3:18
Growing the Elusive Canelo Hills Lady's Tresses of Arizona's Cienegas, 1992;16:2:7
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
Rare Plant Closeup, 1999;23:3:2
Dorn, Ellen
Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands (C. Tomoff, J. Tomoff), review, 2020;43:1:81
Douglas, Emily
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs Field Trip, 1988;12:1:8
Desert Plant Strategies, 1983;7:1:5
The Implications of a Long-Term Drought on Arizona's Flora, 2004;28:1:1
Unusual Sightings in the Midst of Drought, 2003;27:1:7
drought tolerance
Desert Plants Need Water Too, 1999;23:2:13
“Dry Borders” (Journal of the Southwest), 1998;22:2:11
saxosa subsp. collomiae
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
Duncan, Russell B.
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
Dune Country (Bowers), 1998;22:3:13
Dykinga, Jack
Desert: The Mojave and Death Valley, 2000;24:2:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZEarle, C.J.
Trees of Western North America, 2014;37:2:17
Earle, Hubert
Cacti of the Southwest, 1982;6:1:3
Eat Mesquite! (Desert Harvesters), 2011;34:2:9
Eberhardt, Marty
Thanks Marty Eberhardt, 2000;24:1:3
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes for Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:31
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
horizonthalonius var. nicholii
Endangered Cacti, 1980;4:1:5
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:8
triglochidiatus arizonicus
Endangered Cacti, 1980;4:1:5
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:5
erectocentrus var. acunensis
Our Unique Flora, 1990;14:1:5
erectocentrus var. erectocentrus
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
spotlight on, 2019;42:1:17
Eckstein, Holly
Cactus Hotel (Guiberson), review, 2002;26:3:20
Ecological Imperialism (Crosby), 1993;17:4:9
Ecology of Herbal Medicine, The (Saville), 2021;44:1:20
Edible and Useful Plants of the Southwest (Tull), 2015;38:2:10
Edward Gelardin
Remembering Frank Rose, 2020;43:2:45
Edwards, Christine
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:10
El Aribabi Conservation Ranch (Sonora, Mexico)
Vascular Plants of El Aribabi Conservation Ranch (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Elden Pueblo Archaeological Site
Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia spp.) Near Prehistoric Human Habitations at Walnut Canyon National Monument and Elden Pueblo Archaeological Site, Arizona, 2015;38:2:20
Ethnobotany Notes I: Elderberry, 1999;23:1:12
Elephant Tree
The Bursera–Vireo Relationship at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:23
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:4
Embrey, Teague
The Mystery Orchid Pollinator, 2016;39:2:8
Emery, Dara E.
Seed Propagation of Native California Plants, 1989;13:1:9
Emory, William H.
profile of, 2000;24:1:2
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
endangered or threatened species
Arizona Biodiversity Conservation Assessment, 2005;29:1:8
Desert Botanical Garden and the Arizona Botanical Garden Association Commitment to the Rare and Endangered Plant Program, 1984;8:1:1
Endangered Cacti, 1980;4:1:5
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Endangered Plant Update, 1994;18:1:10
Endangered Vine on Way to Recovery: Botanists Keep Striving to Save Rare Globeberry, 1988;12:3:6
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
The Fund for Animals v. Lujan, 1993;17:3:11
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2002;26:3:24
Peirson’s Milkvetch
Peirson's Milkvetch: a Species at the Interface of Biology, Politics, and Litigation, 2006;30:2:1
Pima Pineapple Cactus
Pima Pineapple Cactus: A Unique Cactus Hiding in Plain Sight, 2007;31:1:1
Section 10 permit coverage, 2016;39:1:19
plant lists and checklists, 1984;8:1:3
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Saving the Nation’s Most Endangered Plant, 1988;12:2:5
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Supreme Court decision, 1992;16:2:10
Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Plant Program, 1991;15:2:14
Threatened Hohokam Agaves Need Your Help, 1989;13:3:7
Two Arizona Plants Listed as Endangered, 1984;8:3:1
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Endangered Species Act Reauthorization, 1985;9:2:6
endemic species
Arizona Sneezeweed: A Threatened Northern Arizona Endemic, 2006;30:1:13
Beath’s Milkvetch: New Insights on the Distribution and Abundance of a Rare Endemic Plant, 2006;30:2:12
Endemic Plants of Arizona, 1981;5:2:4
Endemic Plants of Arizona: A Working List, 2008;32:2:10
Hybridization of the San Francisco Peaks Rare Endemic, Packera franciscana, with a Lower Elevation Congener, 2013;36:2:13
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands, 2022;45:1:16
Engard, Rodney G .
obituary, 1990;14:2:12
environmental change
Vegetation Changes in the Finger Rock Canyon Drainage, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona Since 1984, 2019;42:2:1
Enyedy, Karen Louise
Ocotillo Fencing Part 1: Ethics & Aesthetics, 2002;26:2:8
Ephedra spp.
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
ephemeral drainages
The Quiet Riparian Plant Community, 2011;34:2:6
description, 2016;39:2:16
Eplee, Robert E.
The Challenge of Bio-pollution, 1996;20:3:1
Epple, Anne
A Field Guide to the Plants of Arizona, 1996;20:3:6
Plants of Arizona, 2021;44:2:29
Epple, Lewis
A Field Guide to the Plants of Arizona, 1996;20:3:6
Plants of Arizona, 2021;44:2:29
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:35
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:35
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:35
boothii subsp. condensata
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
Erigeron spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:40
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
Eriogonum spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands, 2022;45:1:16
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
vesicaria subsp. sativa
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:34
spotlight on, 2019;42:2:39
spotlight on, 2021;44:1:10
spotlight on, 2021;44:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
californica subsp. mexicana
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
Esperanza Ranch (Tucson, Arizona)
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:5
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Arizona Black Walnut Juglans major, 1999;23:3:12
The Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association Little Colorado River Field Institute, 2007;31:2:14
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:3
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Central Arizona Agaves: A Window into the Past, 2007;31:2:3
Common Mullein, 1999;23:2:12
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
The Creosote Bush, 1988;12:1:6
A decade of the Hualapai Ethnobotany Youth Project, 2015;38:2:11
Desert Hackberries, 2001;25:3:17
Diné Bih Naniseh Bah Haneeh: Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:7
Dr. Margarita Artschwager Kay Plans Monograph on Native Medicinal Plants, 1978;2:2:6
Dr. Theresa Flores to Study Native Medicinal Plants of San Carlos Apache, 1978;2:2:6
Elderberry, 1999;23:1:12
Ethnobotany: Whose Perspective? 2007;31:2:17
In the Eye of the Desert (Sonoran Desert history), 2007;31:2:5
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Going with the Flow: Indigenous Uses for Exotic Plants, 2006;30:1:12
Hopi Lima Beans, 1988;12:1:2
Hualapai Ethnobotany, 2010;34:1:17
Hummingbirds in North and South American Mythology, 2007;31:1:15
Interpreting Ethnobotany at Mission Garden, Tucson, Arizona, 2015;38:2:17
Montezuma Well, 2011;34:2:13
Polygala subspinosa: A Culturally Significant Find, 2006;30:2:4
Spring Restoration at Hopi, 2009;33:1:10
The Supai Sunflower Saves the Day, 2008;32:2:17
Tribal Floras, 2009;33:2:17
Why You Should Care about Ethnobotany, 2007;31:2:11
Eucalyptus spp.
Eucalyptus for Southern Arizona, 1978;2:2:1
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Growing Hydrocarbons for Fuel, 1978;2:1:2
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1998;22:3:8
Evans, Doris
Saguaros, 1980;4:4:6
Evans, Jane
Desert Wildflowers (ANPS), review, 1991;15:3:4
Evening primrose
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:19
spotlight on, 2018;41:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Yellow desert
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
exotic species. See non-native species
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZFairy duster
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
False coral
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71
False grama grasses
spotlight on, 2020;43:2:48
False lily of the valley
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Feather tree
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:1:5
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes for Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:7
Federal Manual for Delineating Wetlands, 1991;15:3:1, 1991;15:3:10
Feldman, William R.
Provisional Plant List of White Canyon, Pinal Co., Arizona, 1990;14:1:7
Wildflower Pillage Along Arizona's Highways and Byways, 1991;15:1:3
Felger, Richard Stephen
Annotated Flora of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Southeastern Arizona (Verrier), review, 2018;41:1:13
Arizona Native Food Plants for a Dry Future, 2014;37:2:1
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Checklist of the Plants of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Arizona, 1999;23:2:14
Desert Tree of Life, 2020;43:1:85
In the Eye of the Desert (Sonoran Desert history), 2007;31:2:5
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
“The Flora of Canon de Nacapule”, 2000;24:1:17
Flora of the Gran Desierto & Rio Colorado of Northwestern Mexico, 2001;25:2:15
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Honoring Ray & Jeanne Turner, 2010;34:1:5
“The Palms (Arecaceae) of Sonora, Mexico”, 2000;24:1:17
Pax et Prosopis: Dr. Richard Stephen Felger (obituary), 2020;43:2:46
Pilostyles, Strange Desert Parasite, 1988;12:2:6
Remembering Daniel Frank Austin, Mr. Morning Glory, 2015;38:1:6
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Succulents and Bighorn of Isla Tiburón, 2007;31:2:9
2002 supplement for Flora of the Gran Desierto & Rio Colorado of Northwestern Mexico (Felger), 2002;26:3:12
Fenner, Patti
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:6
Ferguson, Charles
Tortolita Mountain geology, 2017;40:1:3
Ferguson, George M.
Biogeography and Diversity of Pines in the Madrean Archipelago (abstract)., 2013;36:1:5
C.G. Pringle (Mauz), review, 2019;42:1:14
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
Trees of Western North America (Spellenberg et al.), review, 2014;37:2:17
University of Arizona Herbarium (ARIZ) Tucson, 2014;37:1:10
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:5
cultivation by transplanting, 1981;5:1:3
cultivation from spores, 1981;5:2:7
Notholaena incana, 1982;6:1:7
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:10
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:9
Friends of Friends? Barrel Cactus and Its Interacting Mutualists, 2007;31:1:8
Ferris, Elaine
Flagstaff Chapter AZNPS Native Plant Garden Competition & Tour 2007, 2008;32:1:16
Fertig, Walter
Applied Conservation Botany: Examples from Wyoming and the Colorado Plateau, 2013;36:2:18
Arizona State University Herbarium (ASU) Tempe, 2014;37:1:4
fertilizers and fertilization
Research Increases on Nitrogen Fixation, 1984;8:4:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
field guides. See book and publication reviews; books, new; specific titles
Field Guide to Biological Soil Crusts of Western U.S. Drylands, A (Rosentreter, Bowker, Belnap), 2008;32:2:16
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona (Breslin et al.), 2015;38:1:24
Field Guide to the Plants of Arizona, A (Epple, Epple), 1996;20:3:6
Field Identification Cards for Invasive Non-native Plant Species Known to Threaten Arizona Wildlands (Sonoran Institute), 2009;33:2:18
Finger Rock Canyon
Collecting at Finger Rock/Mt. Kimball, 1993;17:4:1
Common Flora of (plant list), 1993;17:4:7
Variability in an Area Flora, 2000;24:3:1
Vegetation Changes in the Finger Rock Canyon Drainage, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona Since 1984, 2019;42:2:1
Effects of Fire and Reseeding on Sonoran Desert Plant Community Composition, 2019;42:2:20
Fire in Chaparral, Oak Woodland, and Pinyon Pine-Juniper, 2003;27:1:18
Fire in the Desert, 2004;28:1:9
Fires in Arizona Forests, 2002;26:3:14
Fires in Arizona’s Grasslands, 2003;27:2:1
Using a Diverse Seed Mix to Establish Native Plants on a Sonoran Desert Burn, 2009;33:1:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
Fish, Paul
Stone Grids and the Archaeology of Agave Cultivation in the Safford Valley, Arizona, 2019;42:2:16
Fish, Suzanne
Stone Grids and the Archaeology of Agave Cultivation in the Safford Valley, Arizona, 2019;42:2:16
Fishbein, Mark
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants, 1998;22:3:13
Fisher, Jessa
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Going with the Flow: Indigenous Uses for Exotic Plants, 2006;30:1:12
Hualapai Ethnobotany, 2010;34:1:17
Hummingbirds in North and South American Mythology, 2007;31:1:15
Montezuma Well, 2011;34:2:13
Polygala subspinosa: A Culturally Significant Find, 2006;30:2:4
Spring Restoration at Hopi, 2009;33:1:10
The Supai Sunflower Saves the Day, 2008;32:2:17
Tribal Floras, 2009;33:2:17
A Tribute to Ferrell Secakuku, 2007;31:2:1
Why You Should Care about Ethnobotany, 2007;31:2:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:14
spotlight on, 2019;42:1:17
Fish poison tree
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Flagstaff, Arizona. See also Arboretum at Flagstaff, The
Flagstaff Chapter AZNPS Native Plant Garden Competition & Tour 2007, 2008;32:1:16
Willow Bend Environmental Education Center: Learning from Native Landscapes, 2010;34:1:8
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Fleabane (Erigeron spp.)
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22, 2020;43:1:40
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
undetermined species
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
Fleabane (Heterotheca spp.)
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:40
Fleischner, Thomas
A Preliminary Description of the Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion, 2017;40:2:1
Fleming, Susan
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest (States), review, 1991;15:3:4
Fleming, Theodore H.
The Columnar Cactus-Nectar Bat Connection, 2011;35:1:6
Flesch, Aaron D.
Biogeography and Diversity of Pines in the Madrean Archipelago (abstract)., 2013;36:1:5
“Flora of Canon de Nacapule, The” (Felger), 2000;24:1:17
Flora of North America (FNA) project
Flora of North America Honors the Arizona Native Plant Society, 2014;37:2:11
Volume 4, review, 2004;28:1:18
Volume 12 published, 2016;39:2:7
Volume 17 published, 2019;42:1:19
Volumes 24 & 25, review, 2008;32:1:17
Flora of the Four Corners Region (Heil et al.), 2013;36:2:17, 2014;37:1:14
Flora of the Gran Desierto & Rio Colorado of Northwestern Mexico (Felger), 2001;25:2:15
2002 supplement for, 2002;26:3:12
Florence Military Reservation
Surveys of Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea) on the Florence Military Reservation, Arizona, 2015;38:1:12
Flores, Theresa
Study of Native Medicinal Plants of San Carlos Apache, 1978;2:2:6
FLORUTIL Conservation Project, 1989;13:1:11
Floyd, Joel
Exotic Weed Watch: Asphodelus fistulosus, 1998;22:3:12
Floyd-Hanna, Lisa
A Preliminary Description of the Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion, 2017;40:2:1
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
Foerman, Boyce
Annual Gardening Guide, 1984;8:4:5, 1985;9:2:4
Fonseca, Julia
Adopt-a-Species Program Gains FWS "Promise", 1991;15:1:14
ANPS Conservation Policy, 1999;23:3:7
Chronicling Place-Based Plant Diversity, 2019;42:1:13
Conservation Corner, 1993;17:4:10, 1994;18:1:9
Conservation Page, 1995;19:1:9
Conservation Update, 1995;19:2:7, 1996;20:1:4, 1996;20:2:10, 1996;20:3:10, 1997;21:1:14, 1997;21:2:7, 1998;22:1:5, 1998;22:2:12, 1998;22:3:14, 1999;23:1:13
Continental Ranch Revegetation Project Shows Some Success, 1997;21:1:1
The Creation of a Wildflower Poster, 1998;22:2:1
At the Desert’s Green Edge (Rea), review, 1998;22:2:11
Farming for Nature at Bingham Cienega, 1998;22:2:13
Grasses of Southeastern Arizona, review, 1999;23:3:12
Honoring Julia Fonseca, 2013;36:2:6
Is Mesquite Native to Southeast Arizona? 1995;19:1:5
Observations on Plant Life of the Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, Pima County, Arizona, 2019;42:1:10
Pima County Plant Information Available to the Public, 2002;26:1:17
Pima County’s Native Plant Program, 2016;39:1:18
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 2 (Lancaster), review, 2008;32:2:20
"Son of Cap" Threatens Gila River, 2004;28:1:3
Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan Update, 2000;24:1:18
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
The Tumamoc Globeberry, 2003;27:2:19
Food plants of the Sonoran Desert (Hodgson), 2001;25:3:15
forests. See pine forests and woodlands; specific forests
Forgotten Botanist, The (Brown), 2022;45:1:19
Fort Bowie National Historic Site
Update on Marrubium vulgare at Fort Bowie National Historic Site, 1999;23:3:5
Fort Huachuca
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
Provisional Flora of Garden Canyon, 1991;15:3:5
A Treasure of Biological Diversity in Southeastern Arizona, 2015;38:1:7
Fossil Creek
Central Arizona Fossil Creek. See Upper Verde River region
Fossil Creek Watershed PAPAZ Flora Project, 2017;40:2:10
Fountain grass
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:6
Battling Fountain Grass, 2002;26:1:14
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:7
Four o’clock
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
Gardening with Natives, 1997;21:2:4
Mirabilis spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
Fox, Janet
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:24
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Francisco, Jefford
Preserving Tradition ( and Plants) in the Tohono O'odham Nation, 1997;21:2:1
Franklin, Kim
The Long Journey from Buffelgrass Introduction, Spread and Latency, to an Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:43
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:1:6
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
Frerich, George
On the Trail of the Palo Christi, 2001;25:2:5
One of a Kind Frogs, 1998;22:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
Fund for Animals v. Lujan, 1993;17:3:11
fungi. See also specific fungi
A Glorious Fungal Season: A Strong Showing by the North American Monsoon Helps Arizona’s Remarkable Fungal Diversity Come to Light, 2021;44:2:16
Hidden within Our Botanical Richness, a Treasure Trove of Fungal Endophytes, 2008;32:2:13
Marvels of the Plant Kingdom, 2016;39:2:1
Mycorrhizal Associations In Southwestern North America, 1995;19:1:1
Mycorrhizal Fungi of Native Desert Plants, 1978;2:2:6
Funicelli, Carianne
Native Wildflowers Are Weeds? the Need for a Paradigm Shift for Neighborhood Associations, 2008;32:1:12
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZGains, LaNella
Habitat at Home: Your Opportunity to Bring Birds and Wildlife Up Close and Personal, 2018;41:1:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:48
Gallagher, Margaret L.
Research Increases on Nitrogen Fixation, 1984;8:4:3
galls. See plant galls
Where: A Game for Arizona Plant Nuts, 2019;42:2:38
Garden Canyon
Provisional Flora of Garden Canyon, 1991;15:3:5
gardens and gardening. See also landscaping
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
The Arizona Wildlife Federation’s Wildlife Habitat Enhancement and Certification Program, 2018;41:1:12
Backyard Ponds and Invasive Species, 2002;26:3:16
Boyce Foerman’s Annual Gardening Guide, 1984;8:4:5, 1985;9:2:4
Celebrating Native Gardens, 2018;41:1:16
Community Gardens, 2002;26:2:17
Desert Survivors Native Plant Nursery—An Outstanding Source of Native Plants for Arizona Gardeners and Landscapers, 2018;41:1:25
The Evolution of a Native Plant Garden (and Gardener), 2018;41:1:4
Flagstaff Chapter AZNPS Native Plant Garden Competition & Tour 2007, 2008;32:1:16
Gardening with Natives
Four O’Clocks–Mirabilis spp., 1997;21:2:4
Two Sharp Agaves, 1996;20:3:4
Grow Native! 2018;41:1:1
Habitat at Home: Your Opportunity to Bring Birds and Wildlife Up Close and Personal, 2018;41:1:9
Watering Guide, 1984;8:4:6
Gass, Ron
ANPS At 25—Reflecting on Our past, 2002;26:3:1
Ron Gass Rediscovers Penstemon Crideri, 1977;1:2:6
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
A New Moss Record for Arizona: Gemmabryum tenuisetum (Limpr.) J.R. Spence & H.P. Ramsay, 2021;44:2:9
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
Some Thoughts About Genotypes, 2000;24:3:17
Autumn dwarf
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Mt. Graham spurred
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Gentry, Howard Scott
Agaves of North America, 2004;28:1:20
Jojoba: The Sleeping Princess, 1993;17:3:4
profile of, 2001;25:2:3
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants (Martin et al.), 1999;23:2:13
George Washington Elm
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:4
Purple cluster
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
caespitosum var. eremophilum
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:27
Gessner, Bob
Monarch Butterfly Plant Utilization, Migration, and Habitat Enhancement in the Prescott Area, 2017;40:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Giant reed
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:8
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Giant sacaton
Pantano Jungle Revegetation Project, 1996;20:3:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:54
Gierlach, Peter
Annual Appreciation Award to, 1994;18:1:7
Gila Bend, Arizona
Floral Observations of a Winter Visitor to Gila Bend, 2002;26:1:10
Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area, 1994;18:1:9
Gila River
"Son of Cap" Threatens Gila River, 2004;28:1:3
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:17
Gladstein, Susan K.
The Barry M. Goldwater Range (East), 2015;38:1:26
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:48
ANPS Aids Tumamoc Globeberry, 1988;12:2:3
Endangered Vine on Way to Recovery, 1988;12:3:6
Revisiting the Tumamoca Globeberry, 2008;32:2:5
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
The Tumamoc Globeberry, 2003;27:2:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:39
A Muddle of Mallows, 2016;39:1:10
Orange Flower
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Going Native (Painter), 2014;37:1:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Solidago spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21, 2020;43:1:60
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:68
González-Elizondo, M.
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
González-Elizondo, M.S.
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Grama grass
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
spotlight on, 2022;45:2:13
Grand Canyon
Ecosystem Conservation in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, 2003;27:1:9
Endemic Plants of Arizona, 1981;5:2:4
Grand Canyon Protection Act, 1991;15:2:14
Plant Conservation in Grand Canyon National Park, 1998;22:1:7
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:1
Grand Canyon Museum Collection Herbarium (GCNP), 2014;37:1:16
Grand Canyon Trust
Grand Canyon Trust Volunteers: Partners in Protecting Biodiversity, 2008;32:2:18
Granite Mountain
An Island in a Sea of Developing Lands, 2010;34:1:4
Granite Mountain Alligator Juniper
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
Arizona Canyon
description and use, 2000;24:3:10
Grapevine Canyon
PAPAZ Project Areas, 2012;36:1:5
Graptopetalum spp.
Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) in Arizona, 2013;36:2:9
spotlight on, 2021;44:2:20
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
grasses. See also specific grasses
Agnes Chase, Agrostologist—1869-1963, 2022;45:2:11
Big Farma—How did THAT grass end up here? 2022;45:2:28
Bring On the Grasses, 2022;45:2:6
The Grasses, 2022;45:2:1
Grasses: An Ecological Perspective, 2022;45:2:25
Grasses in Catalina State Park, 1989;13:1:12
Morphology of the Grass Flower, 2022;45:2:3
What Is That Grass? 1987;11:1:6
Grasses of Southeastern Arizona, 1999;23:3:12
Pesticides, Grasshoppers, and Native Plants in Arizona, 1990;14:1:4
Fires in Arizona’s Grasslands, 2003;27:2:1
Grasslands and Rangeland Management in Arizona, 2022;45:2:14
Gray, Asa
profile of, 2001;25:1:18
Gray, Yajaira
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert, 2007;31:1:16
Green, C. Douglas
An ANPS Field Trip with a "Pro", 2004;28:1:14
Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in Western North America (Nabhan, ed.), review, 2007;31:1:17
A Field Guide to Biological Soil Crusts of Western U.S. Drylands (Rosentreter, Bowker, Belnap), review, 2008;32:2:16
Field Identification Cards for Invasive Non-native Plant Species Known to Threaten Arizona Wildlands (Sonoran Institute), review, 2009;33:2:18
Flora of North America (FNA) project Volume 4, review, 2004;28:1:18
Flora of North America (FNA) project Volumes 24 & 25, review, 2008;32:1:17
Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol.1 (Ryan), review, 2003;27:1:21
In Memoriam: Henry Browne “H.B.” Wallace, 2006;30:1:16
obituary, 2013;36:2:19
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert (Chambers, Gray, Buchmann), review, 2007;31:1:16
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Gregg, Josiah
profile of, 1999;23:1:4
Gries, Corinna
Conservation Page, 1991;15:1:14, 1991;15:2:14, 1991;15:3:10, 1992;16:2:10
Griswold, Terry L.
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
New Mexico
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
Sand wash
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1: 47
San Francisco Peaks
Hybridization of the San Francisco Peaks Rare Endemic, Packera franciscana, with a Lower Elevation Congener, 2013;36:2:13
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
Growing Smarter Initiative, 1999;23:1:13
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Guaymas (Sonora, Mexico)
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Guiberson, Brenda
Cactus Hotel, 2002;26:3:20
Guide to the Plants of Arizona’s White Mountains (West), 2019;42:2:22
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZHaberkorn, Matt
Ephemeral Drainages: The Quiet Riparian Plant Community, 2011;34:2:6
Ethnobotany III: Desert Hackberries, 2001;25:3:17
Ethnobotany III: Desert Hackberries, 2001;25:3:17
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Hagedorn, Herman
The Magnate, 2003;27:2:24
Hale, Stephen F.
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Juriquipa, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:33
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Hamilton, Louis P.
Landscape Plants of Southern Arizona (Dinchak), review, 1980;4:2:5
Nature Loves Yellow, 1979;3:2:3
obituary, 1990;14:2:12
Hamilton, Lucretia
obituary, 1987;11:1:1
Plants that Poison, 1979;3:3:6
Hammond, H. David
death notice, 2011;34:2:14
Honoring H. David Hammond, 2011;35:1:9
Hanby, Jeannette
A Jewel Called Ruby, 2010;34:1:1
“Handbook of Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Candidate Species of Arizona" (USFWS), 1990;14:1:9
Hanna, David
A Preliminary Description of the Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion, 2017;40:2:1
Hanson, Marilyn
Thanks to Marilyn Hansen for AZNPS service, 2014;37:2:18
Hanson, Roseann
The San Pedro River, 2001;25:3:15
Harper-Lore, Bonnie
Roadside Use of Native Plants, 2001;25:1:17
Harper-Lore, Wilson
Roadside Use of Native Plants, 2001;25:1:17
Harrington, Alison H.
A Glorious Fungal Season: A Strong Showing by the North American Monsoon Helps Arizona’s Remarkable Fungal Diversity Come to Light, 2021;44:2:16
Harris, Richard
Washingtonia velutina: Native Palms of Arizona, 2004;28:1:12
Hart Prairie Preserve
PAPAZ Project Areas, 2012;36:1:4
restoration and flora projects, 2010;34:1:6
Haskins, Kris
From Field of Weeds to Riparian Hotspot: The Rehabilitation of Willow Wash at The Arboretum at Flagstaff, 2009;33:1:6
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Hawker, Jon
Agaves, Yuccas, and Their Kin, 2016;39:1:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:25
Hay, John
obituary, 1979;3:1:4
Hayden, Julian D.
The Sierra Pinacate, 2000;24:2:12
Hayes, Alden C.
December ‘78 Freeze—Cave Creek Canyon, 1980;4:1:3
Heal all
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Hedeoma spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:54
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
Habitat Management Plan for, 1991;15:1:14
Hedrick, Phil
Water Primrose (Ludwigia peploides): An Invasive Aquatic Plant in Arizona, 2021;44:1:11
Heil, K.D.
Flora of the Four Corners Region, 2013;36:2:17, 2014;37:1:14
spotlight on, 2006;30:1:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Helms, Christopher L.
The Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:4:6
herbal medicines
Herbal Remedies May Impact Plant Populations, 1998;22:1:7
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Herbarium, 2001;25:2:4
Arizona State University Herbarium (ASU) Tempe, 2002;26:3:18, 2014;37:1:4
Arizona Western College Herbarium (AWC) Yuma, 2014;37:1:3
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:1
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
Cochise County Herbarium (CCH) Sierra Vista, 2014;37:1:18
Deaver Herbarium (ASC) Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 2001;25:1:3, 2014;37:1:14
Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium (DES) Phoenix, 2001;25:3:4, 2014;37:1:8
Grand Canyon Museum Collection Herbarium (GCNP), 2014;37:1:16
The Herbarium: A Priceless Resource for Botanical Documentation, Research, and Understanding, 2014;37:1:1
McDougall Herbarium (MNA) Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, 2014;37:1:17
University of Arizona Herbarium (ARIZ) Tucson, 1992;16:2:7, 2002;26:1:4, 2014;37:1:10
Herbarium (Thiers), 2022;45:2:19
heritage trees
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:4
Herkenham, Norman B.
Checklist of Vascular Plants, Red Rock State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1997;21:1:4
Hermosillo (Sonora, Mexico)
Entre Palo verdes, Torotes y Siviris: Las Plantas del Parque Central de Hermosillo (Cerro Johnson), Hermosillo, Sonora, México (with English translation), 2021;44:1:22
Hernández-Rodríguez, Ana Lilia
Floristic Analysis of a Vegetation Island and Biological Corridor in Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Herring, Jack
Climate Change and its Implications for Plants, Water and People, 2005;29:1:10
Herrmann, Bob
Desert Spoon, Sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri), 2015;38:2:6
Mexican tansyaster (Psilactis gentryi), 2014;37:2:16
Mexican thistle (Eryngium heterophyllum), 2019;42:2:39
Pinkthroat or Longleaf Morning-glory (Ipomoea longifolia), 2017;40:1:13
Pinyon Evening Primrose (Oenothera podocarpa, formerly Gaura hexandra spp. gracilis), 2018;41:1:20
Pringle’s Pleatleaf (Nemastylis tenuis var. pringlei), 2013;36:2:15
Rothrock’s knapweed (Plectocephalus rothrockii), 2016;39:2:23
White Spine Pineapple Cactus, White Fish-hook Cactus (Echinomastus intertextus), 2019;42:1:17
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:3
Heterotheca spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:40
Hexalectris spp.
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:24
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3, 2016;39:2:4
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:25
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:25
The Mystery Orchid Pollinator of, 2016;39:2:8
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:26
spotlight on, 2016;39:1:20
description, 2016;39:2:16
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:26
Hicks, Aaron
Growing the Elusive Canelo Hills Lady’s Tresses of Arizona's Cienegas (Spiranthes delitescens), 2016;39:2:14
Hidden Trails in the Sonoran Desert (Hunt), 1999;23:2:14
Highlands Center for Natural History, 2010;34:1:15
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Hillmer, John
First Impressions of a Non-native, 1985;9:1:1
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Hodgson, Wendy C.
Agaves, Yuccas, and Their Kin (Hawker), review, 2016;39:1:12
Central Arizona Fossil Creek, 2012;36:1:8
Desert Botanical Garden and the Arizona Botanical Garden Association Commitment to the Rare and Endangered Plant Program, 1984;8:1:1
Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium (DES) Phoenix, 2001;25:3:4, 2014;37:1:8
At the Desert’s Green Edge (Rea), review, 2007;31:2:16
Food plants of the Sonoran Desert, 2001;25:3:15
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:1
Kanab Canyon and its Tributaries, 2012;36:1:13
Plant Atlas Project of Arizona (PAPAZ), 2012;36:1:1
A Sense of Place in South Phoenix, 2008;32:1:1
The Southwest Plant Conservation Alliance is Born! 2012;36:1:10
Verde Valley—a “Hotspot” for Rare Pre-Columbian Agave Cultivars, 2006;30:2:5
Hogan, Phyllis
The Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association Little Colorado River Field Institute, 2007;31:2:14
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
Holdsworth, Andrew
Studies of the Desert Biome, 1998;22:2:11
Holiday, Susan
Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia spp.) Near Prehistoric Human Habitations at Walnut Canyon National Monument and Elden Pueblo Archaeological Site, Arizona, 2015;38:2:20
The Results of Vegetative Propagation Trials of Nine Plants of the Southwestern Plateau, 2001;25:1:14
Holmgren, Noel H.
Intermountain Flora, 2013;36:1:9, 2017;40:1:4
Holmgren, Patricia K.
Intermountain Flora, 2017;40:1:4
Holt, Jodie
Sahara Mustard Invasion History and Patterns in Southwest Deserts, 2006;30:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
The Native Landscaper, 1992;16:3:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
Hopi culture
Hopi Lima Beans, 1988;12:1:2
Spring Restoration at Hopi, 2009;33:1:10
A Tribute to Ferrell Secakuku, 2007;31:2:1
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Update on Marrubium vulgare at Fort Bowie National Historic Site, 1999;23:3:5
Horst, Jonathan
Habitat at Home: Your Opportunity to Bring Birds and Wildlife Up Close and Personal, 2018;41:1:9
Hortus Third (L.H. Bailey Hortorium), 1977;1:2:4
Hospital Flat, Pinaleño Mountains
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek–Pinaleño Mountains, 1995;19:2:2
Hotevilla Spring
Spring Restoration at Hopi, 2009;33:1:10
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Huachuca Mountains
Rare Plants of the Huachuca Mountains, 2001;25:1:4
Hualapai culture
A decade of the Hualapai Ethnobotany Youth Project, 2015;38:2:11
Hualapai Ethnobotany, 2010;34:1:17
The Supai Sunflower Saves the Day, 2008;32:2:17
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments, 2000;24:2:6
Huckins, Charles A.
profile of, 1979;3:3:7
Huffman, David W.
Ecology and Natural History of Fendler’s Ceanothus, 2009;33:1:11
Hughes, Lee
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
Hummingbird bush
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest (Scott), 2017;40:2:17
Hummingbirds in North and South American Mythology, 2007;31:1:15
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Using Native Plants to Attract Birds to the Garden, 1981;5:2:3
Humphreys, Anna
Saguaro the Desert Giant, 2002;26:2:15
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Hunt, Henry
Hidden Trails in the Sonoran Desert, 1999;23:2:14
Husband, Susan
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest (States), review, 1991;15:3:4
The Mysterious Lands (Zwinger), review, 1990;14:1:3
Three Postcard Books by Thomas Wiewandt, review, 1993;17:1:14
Husinga, Kristin
River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon, 2006;30:2:16
Hybridization Within the Genus Opuntia, 1988;12:2:8
hybrid zones
Characterization of the Selaginella arizonica X eremophila (Selaginellaceae) Hybrid Zone in Southern Arizona, 2014;37:2:13
Hyde, Colleen L.
Grand Canyon Museum Collection Herbarium (GCNP), 2014;37:1:16
Hydrilla Invasion, 2001;25:3:11
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
verticillata (L.f.) Royale
Hydrilla Invasion, 2001;25:3:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34, 2020;43:1:49
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:69
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZIndigo bush
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
In Memoriam. See obituaries and death notices
insects. See also butterflies
Desert Insects and Desert Plants, 2011;35:1:1
Desert Yards and Desert Insects, 2005;29:1:12
Nectarless Flowers and Leaves with Extrafloral Nectaries: Insights from the legume genus Senna, 2011;35:1:4
Intermountain Flora (Holmgren et al.), 2013;36:1:9
Intermountain Flora (N. Holmgren, P. Holmgren), 2017;40:1:4
Invasive Exotic Species in the Sonoran Region (Tellman, ed.), 2002;26:3:20
invasive species. See also weeds
Arizona Climate & Invasive Species: A Climatologist’s Perspective on Vegetation Management, 2006;30:1:1
Backyard Ponds and Invasive Species, 2002;26:3:16
Buffelgrass in the Sonoran Desert: Can We Prevent the Unhinging of a Unique American Ecosystem? 2006;30:1:4
Can Tamarisk Be Controlled? 1988;12:1:3
Early Detection Rapid Response to Invasive Species in Forested Areas of Arizona, 2006;30:1:16
Invasive Exotic Species: A Conservation Challenge, 2001;25:1:13
Invasive Weed Treatments on the Verde River, 2009;33:2:9
Sahara (Asian/African) Mustard: A Desert, Urban and Agricultural Weed of the Southwestern U.S., 2006;30:1:7
Sahara Mustard Invasion History and Patterns in Southwest Deserts, 2006;30:1:6
Tamarisk Control in California, 1997;21:1:14
A Vignette on a Not-So-Invasive Invasive: Bull Thistle Response to Slash Pile Burning, 2006;30:1:8
Water Primrose (Ludwigia peploides): An Invasive Aquatic Plant in Arizona, 2021;44:1:11
Weeds: Invasives vs. Noxious vs. Weedy Natives, 2020;43:2:3
Ipomoea spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:17
spotlight on, 2017;40:1:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
Irish, Frederick M.
Arizona State University Herbarium, 2002;26:3:18
Irish, Gary
Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants, 2000;24:3:14
Irish, Mary F.
Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants, 2000;24:3:14
Landscape Tips: Abutilon palmeri, 2000;24:2:13
Landscape Tips Ii: Native Barberries, 2000;24:3:16
Landscaping Tips III: Two Native Justicias, 2001;25:3:16
Landscaping Tips III: Vines, 2001;25:2:14
Landscaping Tips IV: Rosewoods in the Desert, 2002;26:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:6
Ironwood Alliance study of, 1999;23:3:1
The Ironwood Task Force: Preserving Sonoran Life, 1992;16:2:1
Ironwood Alliance, 1999;23:3:1
Ironwood Forest National Monument
DG Threatens Ragged Top Area, 1996;20:2:10
A Floristic Look at the Ironwood Forest National Monument, 2009;33:2:5
Ironwood National Monument Created, 2000;24:2:14
Ragged Top and the Ironwood Forest National Monument, 2001;25:2:1
Desert Plants Need Water Too, 1999;23:2:13
Irrigating the Desert Landscape, 1981;5:3:5
Watering Guide, 1984;8:4:6
Isla Tiburón
Succulents and Bighorn of Isla Tiburón, 2007;31:2:9
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZJackson, Laura
The Lost Landscape—Sonoran Saltbush Desertscrub, 1991;15:2:3
Wildflowers Across America (Johnson), review, 1991;15:2:5
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Jacobs, Sky
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Jacob’s ladder
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
“Jail Tree” of Wickenburg
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:4
James, Dan
Exotic Plants: Environmental Weeds? 1994;18:3:1
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:3
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:3
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:8
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:3
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:8
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:15
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:9
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:9
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:15
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:9
Jenkins, Phil
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants, 1998;22:3:13
Honoring Phil Jenkins, 2012;36:1:14
The University of Arizona Herbarium, 2002;26:1:4
Jernigan, Gisela
One Green Mesquite Tree, 1990;14:2:6
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Jimson weed
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
Johnson, Claudia Alta "Lady Bird"
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, 2000;24:1:1
Wildflowers Across America, 1991;15:2:5
Johnson, Elizabeth P.
Hybridization of the San Francisco Peaks Rare Endemic, Packera franciscana, with a Lower Elevation Congener, 2013;36:2:13
Johnson, Janet
Surveys of Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea) on the Florence Military Reservation, Arizona, 2015;38:1:12
Johnson, Mathew B.
Sonoran Tree Catclaw, 1991;15:2:12
Johnson, Matt
Velvet Mesquite: Sonoran Desert Tree of Major Importance, 2004;28:1:11
Johnson, Matthew B.
Chihuahuan Whitethorn, 1991;15:1:11
DELEP: Studying and Safeguarding the World's Legumes, 1994;18:3:4
Desert Smoketree, 1992;16:2:4
Goodding Ash, 1990;14:1:6
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:11
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Summer Salvage of Native Shrubby Composites in Arizona, 1989;13:2:4
Tohono Chul Park, 1987;11:1:2
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Johnson, Stephen
Can Tamarisk Be Controlled? 1988;12:1:3
A Dry Farming Promise, 1992;16:1:1
The Sleeping Princess, 1993;17:3:4
Jones, Warren
Landscape Plants for Dry Regions, 2000;24:3:14
Joseph, Gene
Irrigating the Desert Landscape, 1981;5:3:5
Succulent Hill, Baja California, 1989;13:3:8
Journal of the Southwest
“Dry Borders”, 1998;22:2:11
Joyal, Elaine
“The Palms (Arecaceae) of Sonora, Mexico”, 2000;24:1:17
Arizona Black Walnut Juglans major, 1999;23:3:12
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
Relict Plants in the Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:1:4
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
Relict Plants in the Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
Landscaping Tips III: Two Native Justicias, 2001;25:3:16
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
Landscaping Tips III: Two Native Justicias, 2001;25:3:16
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:6
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZKaibab Plateau
Vascular Plants of the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, 2022;45:1:13
Kaiser, Jack
Common Ferns of Southern Arizona, 1994;18:2:5
obituary, 2001;25:3:3
Two Recent Additions To The Arizona Flora, 1988;12:1:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
Kanab Canyon
Kanab Canyon and its Tributaries, 2012;36:1:13
Kane Ranch
The Kane and Two Mile Ranches, 2012;36:1:9
Kapp, Jennifer
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Karroo bush
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Kay, Margarita Artschwager
Monograph on Native Medicinal Plants, 1978;2:2:6
Kendall, Bill
Plant Lists as Tools for Protection and Restoration, 2001;25:3:1
Kendall, William
Protected Plants in Township 14 South, Range 13 East, Pima County, Arizona, 2001;25:3:6, 2001;25:3:9
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
Kinnison, William A
Annual Merit Award to, 1996;20:1:3
landscaping at Signal Peak Campus, 1979;3:3:2
Kleberg bluestem
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Kleinman, Russ
Arizona Bryophytes, 2021;44:2:7
Kluever, Vernon
obituary, 1992;16:1:7
Knapp, Sandra
Plant Discoveries, 2004;28:1:18
spotlight on, 2016;39:2:23
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:17
Knight, Anthony
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Kocek, Alison
One of a Kind Frogs, 1998;22:1:4
Koppinger, Doug
Mt. Lemmon Ski Expansion, 1989;13:3:13
Kraemer, Jeff
Arizona Canyon Grape, Vitis arizonica, 2000;24:3:10
Common Mullein, 1999;23:2:12
Desert Hackberries, 2001;25:3:17
Elderberry, 1999;23:1:12
Invasive Exotic Species: A Conservation Challenge, 2001;25:1:13
The Ironwood Alliance, 1999;23:3:1
Ironwood National Monument Created, 2000;24:2:14
The Mason Institute for Environmental Learning, 1999;23:1:1
Monitoring Exotic Species, 2000;24:2:14
Plants of the Mason Audubon Center for Ironwood Preservation and Environmental Education, 1999;23:2:7
Staying Native, Going Native, 2000;24:3:11
Tips for Measuring Arizona's Trees, 2000;24:1:4
Update on Pima County Native Plant Nursery, 2001;25:3:14
Kreutz, Douglas
Endangered Vine on Way to Recovery: Botanists Keep Striving to Save Rare Globeberry, 1988;12:3:6
Kroesen, Kendall
Rainwater-Based Habitat Landscaping: Declining Bird Populations and an Abundance of Backyards, 2008;32:1:13
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:1
Kurzius, Margaret
Desert Plant Strategies, 1983;7:1:5
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZLacey Act
Cactus Trade Meeting, 1981;5:3:10
Lacy, Barbara Bayless
Nanisé’, A Navajo Herbal, 2013;36:2:12
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
demonstration site and programs, 2000;24:1:1
Lady’s slipper
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
description, 2016;39:2:16
Lady’s tresses
Canelo Hills
Growing the Elusive Canelo Hills Lady's Tresses of Arizona's Cienegas, 2016;39:2:14
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:73
Lafferty, Daryl
Where: A Game for Arizona Plant Nuts, 2019;42:2:38
Lahti, Megan
Arizona Western College Herbarium (AWC) Yuma, 2014;37:1:3
Lancaster, Brad
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 1, 2006;30:1:17
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 2, 2008;32:2:20
Lance, Richard F.
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), 1996;20:1:4
land management
ANPS Tucson Alarmed by Grazing Negligence, 1998;22:2:12
Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:18, 2015;38:1:26
The Effect of Land Management Practices on the Distribution of Peniocereus striatus (Brandegee) Buxbaum on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, 2007;31:2:6
Grasslands and Rangeland Management in Arizona, 2022;45:2:14
Kingman Resource Area Management Plan, 1991;15:1:14
Long-Term Vegetation Trends as Influenced by Climate and Management, 2006;30:1:14
Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMP), 1991;15:1:14
Will the Baboquivari Wilderness Become Part of the Tohono O'odham Reservation? 1998;22:2:12
Landrum, Les
Arizona State University Herbarium (ASU) Tempe, 2014;37:1:4
A Brief History of the Vascular Plants of Arizona Project and the Journal CANOTIA, 2021;44:2:34
Landrum, Leslie R.
Where: A Game for Arizona Plant Nuts, 2019;42:2:38
Work Progresses on the Much-Awaited Vascular Plants of Arizona, 1992;16:3:1
Landscape Plants for Dry Regions (Jones, Sacamano), 2000;24:3:14
Landscape Plants of Southern Arizona (Dinchak), 1980;4:2:5
landscaping. See also roadside landscaping
AAN Asks for Tax Breaks for Energy-Saving Landscaping, 1977;1:2:5
Big Farma—How did THAT grass end up here? 2022;45:2:28
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Desert Plants Need Water Too, 1999;23:2:13
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Irrigating the Desert Landscape, 1981;5:3:5
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:3
Landscaping Tips
Abutilon palmeri, 2000;24:2:13
Native Barberries, 2000;24:3:16
Rosewoods in the Desert, 2002;26:1:3
Two Native Justicias, 2001;25:3:16
Vines, 2001;25:2:14
Lester Weiland Saves 1 Million Gallons of Water, 1977;1:1:4
The Native Landscaper
Alkali Pink, 1992;16:1:5
Arizona Honeysuckle, 1992;16:3:6
Blue Yucca, 1991;15:3:3
Desert Smoketree, 1992;16:2:4
Sonoran Tree Catclaw, 1991;15:2:12
A Native Plant Garden in a Neighborhood of Exotic Plants, 2008;32:1:6
Native Plants in Northern Arizona Neighborhoods, 2008;32:1:10
Observations from LeRoy Brady—President of the Society, 1984;8:4:1
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1, 1987;11:2:6
Rainwater-Based Habitat Landscaping: Declining Bird Populations and an Abundance of Backyards, 2008;32:1:13
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
A Sense of Place in South Phoenix, 2008;32:1:1
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Staying Native, Going Native, 2000;24:3:11
Transplanting—A Good Start for Your New Plant, 1993;17:1:6
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes For Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:6
The Use of Regional Native Flora for Desert Landscaping, 1989;13:1:7
Using Native Plants to Attract Birds to the Garden, 1981;5:2:3
Landscaping Revolution, The (A. Wasowski, S. Wasowski), 2001;25:1:16
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:19
divaricata subsp. tridentata
The Creosote Bush, 1988;12:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
lanszwertii var. leucanthus
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Laughlin, Daniel
Restoring Plant Diversity in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, 2009;33:1:8
Laurenzi, Andy
Conservation Priority Setting for Arizona G1 and G2 Plant Species, 2013;36:1:11
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
LAW fund, 1992;16:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Lead Tree
Golden ball
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Leather Flower
Habitat Management Plan for, 1991;15:1:14
Our Unique Flora, 1991;15:3:9
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Additions to Arizona Native Plant Law Denied, 1982;6:1:10
ANPS: A Voice for the Wilderness, 1989;13:3:1
Arizona BLM desert wilderness bill, 1990;14:1:10
Arizona Native Plant Law May be Strengthened, 1985;9:3:1
Arizona Wilderness Bill, 1983;7:2:4
Arizona Wilderness Bill Needs Your Help, 1989;13:2:5
A Brief History of the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1993;17:4:4
50th Anniversary of Arizona’s Native Plant Law, 1989;13:1:5
Grand Canyon Protection Act, 1991;15:2:14
House Passes Arizona Wilderness Bill, 1984;8:2:1
Lacey Act amendments, 1981;5:3:10
Native Plant Law Revision Becomes a Reality! 1989;13:2:1
Native Plant Law Revisions, 1989;13:1:4
Native Plant Laws in Arizona, 2001;25:3:12
Notice of Proposed Additions to the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1981;5:1:6
Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Funds, 1991;15:2:14
Private Property Bill passage, 1992;16:2:10
Recent Legislation Affects State Land Conservation, 1999;23:1:13
riparian area protection defeated, 1992;16:2:10
Timber Salvage Rider, 1995;19:2:7
Uniform Conservation Easement Act, 1985;9:2:1
Wilderness Notes, 1989;13:3:6
Wildflower Legislation, 1985;9:1:6
DELEP: Studying and Safeguarding the World's Legumes, 1994;18:3:4
The Desert Legume Program: A Major Initiative to Understand, Conserve, and Appreciate a Major Plant Family, 2022;45:1:25
Desert Legumes, 1988;12:3:1
Legumes of Arizona (Desert Legume Project), 2009;33:2:15
LeMay, Karen
The Evolution of a Native Plant Garden (and Gardener), 2018;41:1:4
Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest (Scott), review, 2017;40:2:17
Lemmon, J.G.
profile of, 1999;23:2:3
Lemmon, Sara Plummer
The Forgotten Botanist (Brown), 2022;45:1:19
profile of, 1999;23:2:3
Lenartz, Andrew
South Mountain Park and Preserve, 2022;45:1:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Blue wild
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
ASU Patten Herbal Collection, 1999;23:1:11
The Maricopa Native Seed Library: Inspiring and Equipping the Community to Create Habitat at Home, 2021;44:1:6
Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol.1 (Ryan), 2003;27:1:21
Lichens in Arizona—More than Meets the Eye! 2021;44:2:21
Licher, Max
Casner Research Natural Area Plant List, 2002;26:3:8
New Ideas about Rarity of Carex Species of Arizona, 2013;36:2:16
life zones
C. Hart Merriam and the Life Zone Concept, 1981;5:3:7
Ligustrum spp.
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:19
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
schaffneriana var. recurva
Critical Habitat Considered for the Huachuca Water Umbel, 1999;23:1:13
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
conservation efforts, 1989;13:3:14
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:4
spotlight on, 2012;36:1:6
Blue sand
Triteleiopsis palmeri—an Elusive Plant of the Sand Dunes, 2006;30:2:10
Desert Mariposa
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:39
Golden mariposa
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Gunnison’s Mariposa
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:40
conservation efforts, 1989;13:3:14
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:4
spotlight on, 2012;36:1:6
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Winding Mariposa
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:39
The Native Landscaper, 1990;14:2:8
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Lindley, Marcia
Forgotten Botanist ,The (Brown), review, 2022;45:1:19
Lindley, Ries
Arizona Native Plant Society Botanical Adventure to the Chiricahua Mountains, 2018;41:2:54
Catalina Mountains (Rose), review, 2019;42:1:8
Common Grasses of the Central Arizona Highlands (Allen), review, 2021;44:2:14
Diversity in a Grassland (Carnahan), review, 2020;43:2:25
The Ecology of Herbal Medicine (Saville), review, 2021;44:1:20
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona (Breslin et al.), review, 2015;38:1:24
The Flora of Ruby, Arizona, 2012;36:1:11
A Flora of the Tortolita Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona, 2017;40:1:1
The Grasses, 2022;45:2:1
Grow Native! 2018;41:1:1
Guide to the Plants of Arizona’s White Mountains (West), review, 2019;42:2:22
Intermountain Flora (Holmgren et al.), review, 2013;36:1:9
Mosses, 2021;44:2:4
A Muddle of Mallows, 2016;39:1:10
A New Moss Record for Arizona: Gemmabryum tenuisetum (Limpr.) J.R. Spence & H.P. Ramsay, 2021;44:2:9
A Sonoran Desert Scrapbook (Little), review, 2013;36:2:11
Thirty-Seven Years on a Mountain Trail (Bertelsen), review, 2018;41:2:41
2800 Arizona Wildflowers (smartphone app), review, 2014;37:1:6
On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects, and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing (Darwin), review, 2016;39:2:12
A Wildflower Art Introduction for Arizona Native Plant Lovers, 2020;43:1:1
Lindquist, Cynthia
Economic Necessity and Ecological Consequences: The Non-timber Harvest of "Vara Blanca" in Southern Sonora, Mexico, 1999;23:2:1
Lindsay, Denise L.
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
Linnaeus, Carolus
The Nuance and Wit of Carolus Linnaeus, 2002;26:1:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:54
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Little, William J.
A Sonoran Desert Scrapbook, 2013;36:2:11
Little Colorado River (LCR) Field Institute (LCR)
The Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association Little Colorado River Field Institute, 2007;31:2:14
Gila County
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
A Brief Introduction to Liverworts, 2021;44:2:11
livestock. See animals and livestock
lobbying as conservation tool, 1997;21:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
The Native Landscaper, 1992;16:3:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
Loomis, Beverly
Early Detection Rapid Response to Invasive Species in Forested Areas of Arizona, 2006;30:1:16
López-Enríquez, I. L.
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
schottii forma monstrosus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:36
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:35
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:35
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:35
Loveless, Lyn
In Memory of Frank S. Rose (1927-2020), 2020;43:2:44
Sue Rutman’s Scanned Arizona Native Plant Images Are Valuable and Beautiful, 2022;45:1:10
Loyola-Reina, Beatriz E.
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:15
Water Primrose (Ludwigia peploides): An Invasive Aquatic Plant in Arizona, 2021;44:1:11
Luna-Salazar, G
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
Lycium spp.
The Wolfberry, 2002;26:2:1
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:1:5
description, 1979;3:2:1
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes for Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:7
Desert Insects and Desert Plants, 2011;35:1:1
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZMadrean Archipelago
Biogeography and Diversity of Pines in the Madrean Archipelago (abstract)., 2013;36:1:5
Madrean Archipelago (Sonora, Mexico)
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
Madrean Archipelago Conference
Abstracts of Botanical Papers Presented in the Madrean Archipelago Conference, 2013;36:1:5
Floras in the Madrean Archipelago Conference, 2013;36:1:1
Madrean Discovery Expeditions (MDE) program, 2016;39:2:20
Madrean Mountains
Endemic Plants of Arizona, 1981;5:2:6
Madrean tree
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Magnate, The (Hagedorn), 2003;27:2:24
Magney, David L.
Checklist of Vascular Plants at Picketpost Mountain RNA, Superior, Arizona, 1994;18:3:6
pacifica subsp. tarahumara
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Makarick, Lori
River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon, 2006;30:2:16
Makings, Elizabeth
Arizona State University Herbarium (ASU) Tempe, 2014;37:1:4
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Grasses: An Ecological Perspective, 2022;45:2:25
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Juriquipa, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:33
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
Remembering Donald J. Pinkava, 2018;41:1:6
Malis-Clark, Karen
AZNPS President Honored with Asa Gray Career Achievement Award, 2009;33:2:2
Malusa, James
Mapping the Vegetation of the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:20
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Mammillaria spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:14
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Mandrean Discovery Expeditions
Sierra Buenos Aires, 2016;39:2:20
Sierra el Tigre, 2015;38:2:14
Mangle dulce
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Manzanilla apestosa
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
Green-leaf, 2020;43:1:48
Marazzi, Brigitte
Nectarless Flowers and Leaves with Extrafloral Nectaries: Insights from the legume genus Senna, 2011;35:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Maricopa Mountains
First Impressions of a Non-native, 1985;9:1:1
Maricopa Native Seed Library
The Maricopa Native Seed Library: Inspiring and Equipping the Community to Create Habitat at Home, 2021;44:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:26
White marsh
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
Update on Marrubium vulgare at Fort Bowie National Historic Site, 1999;23:3:5
Marsh grass of Parnassis
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Martin, Malcolm
Floral Observations of a Winter Visitor to Gila Bend, 2002;26:1:10
Martin, Paul
Annual Appreciation Award to, 1995;19:1:4
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants, 1998;22:3:13
Martin, Paul S.
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Martin, S. Clark
Discovering the Desert (McGinnies), review, 1981;5:1:4
Martin Farm (Tucson, Arizona)
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:4
Marushia, Robin
Sahara Mustard Invasion History and Patterns in Southwest Deserts, 2006;30:1:6
Maschinski, Joyce
Arizona Leather Flower, 1991;15:3:9
Conservation Efforts for Purshia subintegra, Arizona Cliffrose, 2000;24:2:2
Maskarinec, Gary
Wilderness Notes, 1989;13:3:6
Mason, Orpha Snyder
obituary, 1999;23:2:9
Mason Center
The Mason Institute for Environmental Learning, 1999;23:1:1
Plants of the Mason Audubon Center for Ironwood Preservation and Environmental Education, 1999;23:2:7
Mauz, Kathryn
C.G. Pringle, 2019;42:1:14
Mayes, Vernon O.
Nanisé’, A Navajo Herbal, 2013;36:2:12
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Mazatzal Wilderness
Late Spring Sightings, 2003;27:2:20
Springtime Offerings in the Northern Mazatzal Wilderness, 2004;28:1:6
Unusual Sightings in the Midst of Drought, 2003;27:1:7
McDonald, Christopher
Pima Pineapple Cactus: A Unique Cactus Hiding in Plain Sight, 2007;31:1:1
McDougall Herbarium (MNA) Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, 2014;37:1:17
McDowell Mountains
Land Trust Works to Preserve McDowell Mountains, 1994;18:1:1
McGinnies, William G.
Discovering the Desert, 1981;5:1:4
obituary, 1991;15:1:13
Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Deserts (Benson, Darrow), review, 1981;5:2:8
Tumamoc Hill, 1979;3:3:3
McGinnis, James
A Brief History of the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1993;17:4:4
McLane, Claire
Welcome as AZNPS Administrative Assistant, 2014;37:1:13
McLaughlin, Steve
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments
Casa Grande National Monument, 1999;23:3:8
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, 2000;24:2:6
Montezuma Castle National Monument, 1998;22:3:4, 1999;23:1:8
Petrified Forest National Park, 2000;24:1:10
Pipe Spring National Monument, 2000;24:3:5
Wupatki National Monument, 1998;22:2:6
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek–Pinaleño Mountains, 1995;19:2:2
Sand Dunes of the Sonoran Desert, 1993;17:1:8
McMahon, Michelle M.
University of Arizona Herbarium (ARIZ) Tucson, 2014;37:1:10
McMahon, Shelley
The Desert Legume Program: A Major Initiative to Understand, Conserve, and Appreciate a Major Plant Family, 2022;45:1:25
McPherson, Greg
Trees for Tucson—Global ReLeaf, 1989;13:3:15
Meadow rue
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
Mearns, Edgar Alexander
profile of, 2003;27:1:3
medicinal plants
Dr. Margarita Artschwager Kay Plans Monograph on Native Medicinal Plants, 1978;2:2:6
Dr. Theresa Flores to Study Native Medicinal Plants of San Carlos Apache, 1978;2:2:6
Spanish-Named Medicinal Plants of Arizona, 1978;2:1:3
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:19
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:7
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:33
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Mentzelia spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:47
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:6
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
Merriam, C. Hart, 1990;14:2:1
C. Hart Merriam and the Life Zone Concept, 1981;5:3:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Desert Tree of Life, 2020;43:1:85
Growing Mesquite from Seed, 1977;1:2:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:6
spotlight on, 2020;43:1:84
Is Mesquite Native to Southeast Arizona? 1995;19:1:5
spotlight on, 2020;43:1:84
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:13
Sonoran Desert Tree of Major Importance, 2004;28:1:11
spotlight on, 2020;43:1:84
Western honey
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:13
Messenger, Olivia
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Mexican hat
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Mexico. See also Sky Islands; specific place names or landforms
A Collecting Trip to Northeastern Mexico, 1994;18:1:4
Meyer, Stephanie A.
ANPS Aids Tumamoc Globeberry, 1988;12:2:3
ANPS Publishes Poster, “Desert Trees”, 1988;12:2:1
Saving the Nation’s Most Endangered Plant, 1988;12:2:5
Michael F. Wilson
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:5
New Insights on the Distribution and Abundance of a Rare Endemic Plant, 2006;30:2:12
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
Peirson's Milkvetch: a Species at the Interface of Biology, Politics, and Litigation, 2006;30:2:1
conservation outlook, 1988;12:3:9
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:47
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:30
Western whorled
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Milkweed family
Growing Hydrocarbons for Fuel, 1978;2:1:2
Miller, Horace P.
After K & P, What?,
Botanical Illegal Aliens, 1988;12:2:2
Desert Legumes, 1988;12:3:1
Grasses in Catalina State Park, 1989;13:1:12
Many Many Thanks to, 1999;23:2:5
In Memoriam: William G. McGinnies, 1991;15:1:13
Provisional Plant List of White Canyon, Pinal Co., Arizona, 1990;14:1:7
What Is That Grass? 1987;11:1:6
Miller, Hortense Spoehr
obituary, 1989;13:3:9
Milne, Jeanette
Mountain Lover, Manzanita and More at the Transition Zone Horticultural Institute, 1984;8:4:2
Milsom, Drew
A Wilderness of Plants (Tumacacori Highlands), 2010;34:1:12
Polygala subspinosa: A Culturally Significant Find, 2006;30:2:4
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
mines and mining
Buehman Canyon Saved By Unique Waters Designation, 1997;21:1:14
DG Threatens Ragged Top Area, 1996;20:2:10
Gold Mining in Chiricahuas? 1991;15:1:14
Minnis, Paul
The Obscure Lives of Ancient Crops…and Why They Matter, 2015;38:2:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Mirabilis spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
Gardening with Natives, 1997;21:2:4
laevis var. villosa
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
Mission Garden (Tucson, Arizona)
Interpreting Ethnobotany at Mission Garden, Tucson, Arizona, 2015;38:2:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
The Evolution of Desert Mistletoe Host Races, 2016;39:1:7
Mock vervain
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:48
Mogollon Highlands
Edaphic Endemism and the Mogollon Highlands, 2017;40:2:7
A Preliminary Description of the Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion, 2017;40:2:1
Mohlenbrock, Mark
Western Wetland Flora, 1999;23:1:15
Just Add Water: The Slime Molds of Southern Arizona, 2021;44:2:30
Molina, Felipe Silvestre
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Molina-Padilla, Guillermo
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:36
Montañez-Armenta, María de la Paz
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Floristic Analysis of a Vegetation Island and Biological Corridor in Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Floristic Analysis of Ojo De Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Montezuma Castle National Monument
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments, 1998;22:3:4, 1999;23:1:8
Montezuma Well
Ethnobotany: People Using Native Plants, 2011;34:2:13
Montgomery, George M.
Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) in Arizona, 2013;36:2:9
Monument plant
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:43
Moore, Margaret M.
Restoring Plant Diversity in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, 2009;33:1:8
Morin, Nancy
The Implications of a Long-Term Drought on Arizona's Flora, 2004;28:1:1
Native Plants for High-Elevation Western Gardens, 2003;27:2:25
Plant Conservation: Global Context and Local Action, 2005;29:1:1
Mormon tea
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Morning glory
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Pinkthroat or Longleaf
spotlight on, 2017;40:1:13
Tree morning glory
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Morrill, Val
The Arizona Wildlife Federation’s Wildlife Habitat Enhancement and Certification Program, 2018;41:1:12
Morrison, Tim
Can Natural Resource Conservation Districts Provide the Structure for Weed Management Areas in Arizona? 2006;30:1:10
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Moser, Laura P.
Biocontrol of Invasive Weeds, 2006;30:1:11
Invasive Weed Treatments on the Verde River, 2009;33:2:9
Moser, Mary Beck
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Mosher, Cora Cameron
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:4
A Wildflower Art Introduction for Arizona Native Plant Lovers, 2020;43:1:1
Mosher, L. Cameron
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:4
introduction to, 2021;44:2:4
A New Moss Record for Arizona: Gemmabryum tenuisetum (Limpr.) J.R. Spence & H.P. Ramsay, 2021;44:2:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71
Mountain parsley
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:36
Mountain Trees of Southern Arizona (Rose), 2013;36:1:17
Mt. Graham
telescope construction update, 1991;15:2:14
Mt. Kimball (Santa Catalina Mountains)
Collecting at Finger Rock/Mt. Kimball, 1993;17:4:1
Common Flora of (plant list), 1993;17:4:7
Mt. Lemmon
Mt. Lemmon Ski Expansion, 1989;13:3:13
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Mule’s ears
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:25
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Ethnobotany Notes I: Common Mullein, 1999;23:2:12
Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA)
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:1
McDougall Herbarium, 2014;37:1:17
Museum of Northern Arizona Rio de Flag Nature Trail Guide, 2006;30:2:16
A Glorious Fungal Season: A Strong Showing by the North American Monsoon Helps Arizona’s Remarkable Fungal Diversity Come to Light, 2021;44:2:16
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest (States), 1991;15:3:4
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:8
A Desert, Urban and Agricultural Weed of the Southwestern U.S, 2006;30:1:7
Sahara Mustard Invasion History and Patterns in Southwest Deserts, 2006;30:1:6
mutualism. See also pollinators and pollination
Friends of Friends? Barrel Cactus and its Interacting Mutualists, 2007;31:1:8
mycorrhizal associations
Mycorrhizal Associations In Southwestern North America, 1995;19:1:1
Mycorrhizal Fungi of Native Desert Plants, 1978;2:2:6
Myers, Joseph A.
A Glorious Fungal Season: A Strong Showing by the North American Monsoon Helps Arizona’s Remarkable Fungal Diversity Come to Light, 2021;44:2:16
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZNabhan, Gary Paul
Conserving Migratory Pollinators and Nectar Corridors in Western North America, 2007;31:1:17
Southwest Project Cuts Across Cultural, National Boundaries, 1989;13:1:11
Studies of the Desert Biome, 1998;22:2:11
Threatened Hohokam Agaves Need Your Help, 1989;13:3:7
Nanisé’, A Navajo Herbal ( Mayes, Lacy), 2013;36:2:12
Natal grass (Zacate rosado)
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:7
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:33
National Parks and Monuments
floras of
Casa Grande National Monument, 1999;23:3:8
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, 2000;24:2:6
Montezuma Castle National Monument, 1998;22:3:4, 1999;23:1:8
Petrified Forest National Park, 2000;24:1:10
Pipe Spring National Monument, 2000;24:3:5
Wupatki National Monument, 1998;22:2:6
Update on Marrubium vulgare at Fort Bowie National Historic Site, 1999;23:3:5
National Park Service (NPS)
species inventory project, 2000;24:3:4
native gardening. See gardens and gardening
Native Landscaping From El Paso to L.A. (Wasowski), 2001;25:1:16
Native Orchid Conference (August 2016), 2016;39:2:3
Native Plants for High-Elevation Western Gardens (Busco, Morin), 2003;27:2:25
Native Seeds/SEARCH
Arizona Heirloom Fruit and Nut Regis-TREE, 1991;15:2:14
A Good Neighbor to ANPS, 1990;14:1:1
native species. See also specific plants
Additions to Arizona Native Plant Law Denied, 1982;6:1:10
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Arizona Native Food Plants for a Dry Future, 2014;37:2:1
Arizona Native Plant Law May be Strengthened, 1985;9:3:1
A Brief History of the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1993;17:4:4
City of Tucson Promotes Native Plant Use and Protection, 1997;21:1:14
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
50th Anniversary of Arizona’s Native Plant Law, 1989;13:1:5
Flagstaff Chapter AZNPS Native Plant Garden Competition & Tour 2007, 2008;32:1:16
Gardening with Natives
Four O’Clocks–Mirabilis spp., 1997;21:2:4
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Two Sharp Agaves, 1996;20:3:4
History of the U.S. Military in Discovering, Describing, and Conserving Native Plants in Arizona, 2015;38:1:1
A Native Plant Garden in a Neighborhood of Exotic Plants, 2008;32:1:6
Native Plant Law Revision Becomes a Reality! 1989;13:2:1
Native Plant Law Revisions, 1989;13:1:4
Native Plant Laws in Arizona, 2001;25:3:12
Native Plant Protection & the Law, 2004;28:1:15
Native Plants and Space, 1993;17:3:9
Native Plants in Northern Arizona Neighborhoods, 2008;32:1:10
Native Wildflowers Are Weeds? the Need for a Paradigm Shift for Neighborhood Associations, 2008;32:1:12
Notice of Proposed Additions to the Arizona Native Plant Law, 1981;5:1:6
Observations from LeRoy Brady—President of the Society, 1984;8:4:1
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:11
Pesticides, Grasshoppers, and Native Plants in Arizona, 1990;14:1:4
Pima County Adopts Native Plant Preservation Ordinance, 1999;23:1:14
Pima County Improves Native Plant Protection, 1998;22:2:12
Pima County’s Native Plant Nursery
dedication and purpose, 2002;26:1:15
plans and recommendations for, 2001;25:1:12
Preserving and Promoting Urban-Area Biodiversity, 2016;39:1:21
Update on, 2001;25:3:14
Pima County’s Native Plant Program, 2016;39:1:18
Plant Law Committee Begins Work, 1992;16:1:4
Resources on Native Plants, 2004;28:1:13
The Role of Native Plants in the Management of Highway Vegetation, 1998;22:1:1
A Sense of Place in South Phoenix, 2008;32:1:1
Some Thoughts About Genotypes, 2000;24:3:17
Sources for Native Plants, 1996;20:2:8
Sources for Native Plants in Arizona, 2018;41:1:27
Spreading Knowledge and Appreciation of Plants, 2009;33:2:16
Staying Native, Going Native, 2000;24:3:11
Summary of Work on Annual Plant Coexistence in the Mohawk Valley, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona, 2015;38:1:21
Summer Salvage of Native Shrubby Composites in Arizona, 1989;13:2:4
The Use of Regional Native Flora for Desert Landscaping, 1989;13:1:7
Using a Diverse Seed Mix to Establish Native Plants on a Sonoran Desert Burn, 2009;33:1:16
Using Native Plants to Attract Birds to the Garden, 1981;5:2:3
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
Weeds: Invasives vs. Noxious vs. Weedy Natives, 2020;43:2:3
What is a Native Plant? 1992;16:3:7, 1993;17:3:10
Natural History of the Intermountain West, A (Waring), 2011;35:1:13
Natural History of the San Francisco Peaks, The (Waring), 2019;42:1:18
Natural Resource Conservation Districts (NRCDs)
Can Natural Resource Conservation Districts Provide the Structure for Weed Management Areas in Arizona? 2006;30:1:10
Nature Conservancy
Checklist of Vascular Plants at Picketpost Mountain RNA, Superior, Arizona, 1994;18:3:6
Tracing Arizona's Natural Heritage Program—1979-1991, 1991;15:1:1
Nature’s Notebook program
Join the USA National Phenology Network in Tracking Plants and Animals in Your Own Backyard! 2011;34:2:8
Navajo culture
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
Diné Bih Naniseh Bah Haneeh: Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:7
Navajo tea
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Nelson, G.
Trees of Western North America, 2014;37:2:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
tenuis var. pringlei
spotlight on, 2013;36:2:15
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3, 1985;9:1:4
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Ness, Joshua H.
Friends of Friends? Barrel Cactus and Its Interacting Mutualists, 2007;31:1:8
New Garden Ethic, A (Vogt), 2018;41:1:10
Newland, Kent
Annual Appreciation Award to, 1995;19:1:4
Provisional Plant List of White Canyon, Pinal Co., Arizona, 1990;14:1:7
Newland, Kent C.
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
New Mexico
Nomenclature Changes in the Orchidaceae of Arizona and New Mexico, 2003;27:1:1
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3
new species
Bursera in Sierra de Mazatlan, 2017;40:1:27
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3
New Zealand mudsnail
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Nature Loves Yellow, 1979;3:2:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Nitrogen fixation
Research Increases on Nitrogen Fixation, 1984;8:4:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
A Fly Called Iyaiyai and Other True Stories of Scientific Name-Calling, 2001;25:3:5
Nomenclature Changes in the Orchidaceae of Arizona and New Mexico, 2003;27:1:1
Spanish Plant Names in Geography of the Southwest and Northern Mexico, 1977;1:2:8
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3
non-native species. See also invasive species
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
The Challenge of Bio-pollution, 1996;20:3:1
Entre Palo verdes, Torotes y Siviris: Las Plantas del Parque Central de Hermosillo (Cerro Johnson), Hermosillo, Sonora, México (with English translation), 2021;44:1:28
Exotic Plants: Environmental Weeds? 1994;18:3:1
Exotic Plants in Wilderness Areas, 1998;22:1:6
Exotic Species Watch: Salvinia molesta, 1999;23:3:4
Exotic Weed Watch: Asphodelus fistulosus, 1998;22:3:12
Fire in the Desert, 2004;28:1:9
Global Hitchhikers, 2003;27:1:11
Going with the Flow: Indigenous Uses for Exotic Plants, 2006;30:1:12
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Invasive Exotic Species: A Conservation Challenge, 2001;25:1:13
Monitoring Exotic Species, 2000;24:2:14
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:32
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Southwest Exotic Plant Mapping Program, 1999;23:2:2
Spreading Knowledge and Appreciation of Plants, 2009;33:2:16
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
Update on Marrubium vulgare at Fort Bowie National Historic Site, 1999;23:3:5
Norman, Laura M.
Vegetation Response to Landscape Conservation in the Sky Islands, 2019;42:2:27
Northam, Ed
Hydrilla Invasion, 2001;25:3:11
Your Ideas Decide Noxious Weeds, 2002;26:2:10
Northam, F. E.
Sahara (Asian/African) Mustard: A Desert, Urban and Agricultural Weed of the Southwestern U.S., 2006;30:1:7
North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC), 2016;39:2:16
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Deaver Herbarium (ASC), 2001;25:1:3, 2014;37:1:14
North Simpson Farm (Tucson, Arizona)
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:2
Fern Talk, 1982;6:1:7
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Nowicki, Brian
Arizona Biodiversity Conservation Assessment, 2005;29:1:8
noxious weeds
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:6
Botanical Illegal Aliens, 1988;12:2:2
Federal Noxious Weed List, 1988;12:3:10
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Weeds: Invasives vs. Noxious vs. Weedy Natives, 2020;43:2:3
Your Ideas Decide Noxious Weeds, 2002;26:2:10
Desert Survivors Native Plant Nursery—An Outstanding Source of Native Plants for Arizona Gardeners and Landscapers, 2018;41:1:25
native grass suppliers, 2022;45:2:32
Pima County’s Native Plant Nursery
dedication and purpose, 2002;26:1:15
plans and recommendations for, 2001;25:1:12
Preserving and Promoting Urban-Area Biodiversity, 2016; 39:1:21
Update on, 2001;25:3:14
Sources for Native Plants in Arizona, 2018;41:1:27
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZOak
Arizona white
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
spotlight on, 2015;38:1:15
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
oak woodland
Fire in Chaparral, Oak Woodland, and Pinyon Pine-Juniper, 2003;27:1:18
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:51
Adams, Carroll, 1990;14:2:12
Austin, Daniel Frank, Mr. Morning Glory, 2015;38:1:6
Engard, Rodney G ., 1990;14:2:12
Felger, Richard Stephen, 2020;43:2:46
Green, Doug, 2013;36:2:19
Hamilton, Louis P., 1990;14:2:12
Hamilton, Lucretia, 1987;11:1:1
Hammond, H. David, 2011;34:2:14
Hay, John, 1979;3:1:4
Kaiser, Jack, 2001;25:3:3
Kluever, Vernon, 1992;16:1:7
Mason, Orpha Snyder, 1999;23:2:9
McGinnies, William G., 1991;15:1:13
Miller, Hortense Spoehr, 1989;13:3:9
Pinkava, Donald J., 2018;41:1:6
Rose, Frank, 2020;43:2:45
Rose, Frank S., 2020;43:2:44
Saylor, Virginia “Ginny”, 2007;31:1:19
Wallace, Henry Browne “H.B.”, 2006;30:1:16
Zahner, Bob, 2007;31:2:13
Zierenberg, Nancy “Z”, 2011;34:2:5, 2011;35:1:10
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:7
Formation of Spines in Ocotillo, 1977;1:2:5
Ocotillo Fencing Part 1: Ethics & Aesthetics, 2002;26:2:8
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Octopus cactus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
caespitosa var. navajoensis
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:19
spotlight on, 2018;41:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:20
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
villosa subsp. strigosa
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
off-highway vehicles (OHVs)
Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Funds, 1991;15:2:14
in Prescott National Forest, 1991;15:2:14
Ogren, Thomas Leo
Allergy-Free Gardening, 2002;26:2:15
Ojo de Agua Tonibabi (Sonora, Mexico)
Floristic Analysis of Ojo De Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
O’Kane, S.L., Jr.
Flora of the Four Corners Region, 2013;36:2:17, 2014;37:1:14
Old man cactus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Old man of the Andes
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Old man’s beard
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
Old man’s whiskers
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:10
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Olmon, Kirstin
McDougall Herbarium (MNA) Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, 2014;37:1:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:6
Ironwood Alliance study of, 1999;23:3:1
The Ironwood Task Force: Preserving Sonoran Life, 1992;16:2:1
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:8
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
The Short Journey from Stinknet Introduction and Spread to Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:27
One Green Mesquite Tree (Jernigan), 1990;14:2:6
Rare Plants in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 1990;14:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Exotic Weed Watch: Asphodelus fistulosus, 1998;22:3:12
On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects, and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing (Darwin), 2016;39:2:12
Ontl, Todd
Endemic Plants of Arizona: A Working List, 2008;32:2:10
Opuntia spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
Hybridization Within the Genus Opuntia, 1988;12:2:8
Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia spp.) Near Prehistoric Human Habitations at Walnut Canyon National Monument and Elden Pueblo Archaeological Site, Arizona, 2015;38:2:20
Southwestern Woody-Trunked Prickly Pears, 1977;1:3:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:12
basilaris var. longiareolata
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:12
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Growing the Elusive Canelo Hills Lady’s Tresses of Arizona's Cienegas (Spiranthes delitescens), 2016;39:2:14
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:24
The Mystery Orchid Pollinator, 2016;39:2:8
A New Orchid for Arizona and the U.S. (Hexalectris parviflora), 2016;39:1:20
Nomenclature Changes in the Orchidaceae of Arizona and New Mexico, 2003;27:1:1
North American Orchid Conservation Center, 2016;39:2:16
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:3
Hexalectris Rafinesque (Orchidaceae)—Crested Coral Root Orchids in Arizona, 2019;42:2:24
Nomenclature Changes in the Orchidaceae of Arizona and New Mexico, 2003;27:1:1
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Organ pipe cactus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Song of the Organ Pipe Cactus, 1989;13:1:8
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
The Effect of Land Management Practices on the Distribution of Peniocereus striatus (Brandegee) Buxbaum on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, 2007;31:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Orona, Jon
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:33
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Owl’s clover
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:47
Oxytropis spp.
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZPachycereus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Packera spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
Hybridization of the San Francisco Peaks Rare Endemic, Packera franciscana, with a Lower Elevation Congener, 2013;36:2:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:65
Packrat Middens (Van Devender), 1992;16:1:9
Padrés, Fernando
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Padrés-Contreras, Martín
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:23
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:3
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
Marsh meadow Indian
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
spotlight on, 2013;36:1:10
Painter, Tammie
Going Native, 2013;36:2:17
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
California Fan
Native Palms of Arizona, 2004;28:1:12
Relict Plants in the Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:1:4
spotlight on, 2014;37:1:19
Cardboard, Coontie
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Desert hesper palm
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Sonoran hesper palm
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Sonoran palmetto
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Palmer, Edward
profile of, 1998;22:3:11
Palm-Gessner, Cathy
Monarch Butterfly Plant Utilization, Migration, and Habitat Enhancement in the Prescott Area, 2017;40:2:14
“Palms (Arecaceae) of Sonora, Mexico, The” (Felger, Joyal), 2000;24:1:17
Palo christi
On the Trail of the Palo Christi, 2001;25:2:5
Palo verde
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:5
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
Palo Verde Removal (on I-8), 1988;12:3:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71
Pan Quemado
The Vegetation of the Quemado, 1996;20:1:1
Pantano clay deposits
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona, 2003;27:2:7
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1999;23:1:4
White-stem, 2020;43:1:57
Paper-spined cactus
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
The Ancient Art of Eating Smut, 1987;11:2:5
Pilostyles, Strange Desert Parasite, 1988;12:2:6
Paris, Cathy A.
What is a Native Plant? 1993;17:3:10
Parker, Kathleen C.
Central Arizona Agaves: A Window into the Past, 2007;31:2:3
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Parry, Charles Christopher
profile of, 2000;24:3:2
Patten Herbal Collection, 1999;23:1:11
Patton, Jennifer
Big Farma—How did THAT grass end up here? 2022;45:2:28
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:36
Pediocactus spp.
Endangered Cacti, 1980;4:1:6
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
More Protection for Pincushions, 1985;9:4:4
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Our Unique Flora: Pediocactus Siler, 1999;23:2:6
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15, 2020;43:1:65
The Effect of Land Management Practices on the Distribution of Peniocereus striatus (Brandegee) Buxbaum on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, 2007;31:2:6
Battling Fountain Grass, 2002;26:1:14
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Buffelgrass in the Sonoran Desert: Can We Prevent the Unhinging of a Unique American Ecosystem? 2006;30:1:4
The Long Journey from Buffelgrass Introduction, Spread and Latency, to an Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:20
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:6
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Habitat Management Plan for, 1991;15:1:14
Hedeoma spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:54
Beard lip
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:31
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Ron Gass Rediscovers Penstemon Crideri, 1977;1:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Eaton’s firecracker
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:30
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
Rocky Mountain beardtongue
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
Penstemon spp.
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:2
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Vascular Plants of Arizona Project: Update on Penstemons of Arizona, 2021;44:1:17
description, 1987;11:2:7
Our Unique Flora, 1991;15:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:31
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
spotlight on, 2008;32:2:12
Ron Gass Rediscovers Penstemon Crideri, 1977;1:2:6
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:30
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:7
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Peria, Bianca
Ecosystem Conservation in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, 2003;27:1:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:25
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:68
Peruvian old man
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Peshlakai, Clyde
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
Pesticides, Grasshoppers, and Native Plants in Arizona, 1990;14:1:4
Petrified Forest National Park
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments, 2000;24:1:10
Ideal pH for Plant Growth, 1977;1:3:3
Phacelia spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
lunatus L.
Hopi Lima Beans, 1988;12:1:2
phenology observation
Join the USA National Phenology Network in Tracking Plants and Animals in Your Own Backyard! 2011;34:2:8
Phillips, Ann
Tucson Audubon Society Santa Cruz River Habitat Project—North Simpson Site, 2003;27:1:4
Phillips, Barbara
Arizona Bugbane (Cimicifuga arizonica), 2007;31:1:11
Arizona Sneezeweed: A Threatened Northern Arizona Endemic, 2006;30:1:13
Asa Gray Career Achievement Award to, 2009;33:2:2
C. Hart Merriam: A Biologist in Arizona, 1990;14:2:1
Museum of Northern Arizona Rio de Flag Nature Trail Guide, review, 2006;30:2:16
Phillips, Kirstin Olmon
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:1
Desert mountain
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:44
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:44
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix to "Save" Desert, 1994;18:2:1
A Sense of Place in South Phoenix, 2008;32:1:1
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Evolution of Desert Mistletoe Host Races, 2016;39:1:7
serotinum subsp. tomentosum
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
Pierce, Mildred
Using Native Plants to Attract Birds to the Garden, 1981;5:2:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Pilostyles spp.
Pilostyles, Strange Desert Parasite, 1988;12:2:6
Pilostyles, Strange Desert Parasite, 1988;12:2:6
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Pima County, Arizona
Native Plant Nursery
dedication and purpose, 2002;26:1:15
plans and recommendations for, 2001;25:1:12
Preserving and Promoting Urban-Area Biodiversity, 2016;39:1:21
Update on, 2001;25:3:14
Native Plant Program, 2016;39:1:18
Pima County Adopts Native Plant Preservation Ordinance, 1999;23:1:14
Pima County Improves Native Plant Protection, 1998;22:2:12
Pima County Plant Information Available to the Public, 2002;26:1:17
The Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (SDCP), 2001;25:1:1
Pima culture
The Creosote Bush, 1988;12:1:6
Pinaleño Mountains
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek, 1995;19:2:2
More Protection for Pincushions, 1985;9:4:4
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
spotlight on, 2006;30:2:11
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:53
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Mammillaria spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:14
Our Unique Flora: Pediocactus Siler, 1999;23:2:6
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Going Nuts, 2005;29:1:7
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Pineapple cactus (Coryphantha)
Pima Pineapple Cactus: A Unique Cactus Hiding in Plain Sight, 2007;31:1:1
Section 10 permit coverage, 2016;39:1:19
Pineapple cactus (Echinomastus)
Needle spine
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
White spine
spotlight on, 2019;42:1:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
spotlight on, 2018;41:2:55
Ecological Restoration in Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Forests:, 2002;26:3:3
Fire in Chaparral, Oak Woodland, and Pinyon Pine-Juniper, 2003;27:1:18
Fires in Arizona Forests, 2002;26:3:14
Restoring Plant Diversity in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, 2009;33:1:8
“Vegetation Management” for water yield, 1990;14:1:9
Pinkava, Donald J.
obituary, 2018;41:1:6
Pinus spp.
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Going Nuts, 2005;29:1:7
Pipe Spring National Monument
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments, 2000;24:3:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Pitahya agria
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes for Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:7
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Plagens, Michael J.
Pruners in the Wilderness, 2002;26:3:6
The Sacred Apple, 1990;14:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Plant Atlas Project of Arizona (PAPAZ)
Fossil Creek Watershed PAPAZ Flora Project, 2017;40:2:10
A Partnership for Plants, 2012;36:1:1
Project Areas, 2012;36:1:4
plant collection
Arizona Native Plant Society Field Ethics, 1991;15:1:9
Wildflower Pillage Along Arizona's Highways and Byways, 1991;15:1:1
Plant Discoveries (Knapp), 2004;28:1:18
Plant Galls of Prescott, Arizona, 2017;40:2:19
plant identification
Classification of Plants Based on Ovary Position, 1978;2:1:1
Leaf Terminology Used in Plant Identification, 1978;2:2:2
plant lists and checklists
Casa Grande National Monument, 1999;23:3:8
Casner Research Natural Area Plant List, 2002;26:3:8
Chronicling Place-Based Plant Diversity, 2019;42:1:13
endangered or threatened species, 1984;8:1:3
Federal Noxious Weed List, 1988;12:3:10
Finger Rock Canyon/Mt, Kimball, 1993;17:4:7
The Flora of Pan Quemado, 1996;20:1:9
A Flora of the Tortolita Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona, 2017;40:1:15
Grasses in Catalina State Park, 1989;13:1:13
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, 2000;24:2:6
Montezuma Castle National Monument, 1998;22:3:4, 1999;23:1:8
Parque Central de Hermosillo (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2021;44:1:32
Petrified Forest National Park, 2000;24:1:10
Picketpost Mountain RNA, Superior, Arizona, 1994;18:3:6
Pipe Spring National Monument, 2000;24:3:5
Plant Lists as Tools for Protection and Restoration, 2001;25:3:1
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek–Pinaleño Mountains, 1995;19:2:2
Protected Plants in Township 14 South, Range 13 East, Pima County, Arizona, 2001;25:3:6, 2001;25:3:9
Provisional Flora of Garden Canyon, 1991;15:3:5
Provisional Flora of the Silver Bell Mountains, 1991;15:2:7
Red Rock State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1997;21:1:4
Río Bavispe Valley (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2018;41:2:49
Sand Dunes of the Sonoran Desert, 1993;17:1:8
Sierra Buenos Aires (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2018;41:2:19
Sierra Chivato (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2019;42:2:36
Sierra Juriquipa (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2018;41:2:38
Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island complex (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2018;41:2:10
Sierra La Púrica (Sonora, Mexico) checklist, 2018;41:2:29
Spanish-Named Medicinal Plants of Arizona, 1978;2:1:3
Succulent Hill, Baja California, 1989;13:3:9
Vascular Plants of Ragged Top, 2001;25:2:8
Vascular Plants Recorded near Gila Bend during the Months of January and February, 2002;26:1:12
White Canyon, Pinal Co., Arizona, 1990;14:1:7
Wupatki National Monument, 1998;22:2:6
Native Plant Laws in Arizona, 2001;25:3:12
Plant Lists as Tools for Protection and Restoration, 2001;25:3:1
Plant Sciences Center at U of A Sierra Vista campus, 1998;22:2:14
Signal Peak Gardens Gone, 1998;22:3:1
Summer Salvage of Native Shrubby Composites in Arizona, 1989;13:2:4
Plants at the Margin (Crawford), 2011;34:2:10
Plants of Arizona (Epple, Epple, Wiens), 2021;44:2:29
Plants that Poison (Schmutz, Hamilton), 1979;3:3:6
Plant Them Deep (A. Thurlo, D. Thurlo), 2004;28:1:18
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:4
Updating the Orchid Flora of Arizona and New Mexico, 2016;39:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
spotlight on, 2013;36:2:15
spotlight on, 2016;39:2:23
Plotkin, Mark J.
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice, 1994;18:1:8
Poison ivy
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:51
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
The Columnar Cactus-Nectar Bat Connection, 2011;35:1:6
The Mystery Orchid Pollinator, 2016;39:2:8
Nectarless Flowers and Leaves with Extrafloral Nectaries: Insights from the legume genus Senna, 2011;35:1:4
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Plant's Color Shifts Tied to Attracting Pollinators, 1985;9:1:7
Pollinators and Plants in Peril: Can We Prevent a Pollinator Crisis in North America? 2007;31:1:12
Preliminary Pollination Study on Sentry Milk-vetch, 2011;35:1:11
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert (Chambers, Gray, Buchmann), 2007;31:1:16
A Culturally Significant Find, 2006;30:2:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
Pope, Margaret
The Creation of a Wildflower Poster, 1998;22:2:1
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Mexican gold
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
White prickly
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:44
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Porterella Rediscovered, 2006;30:1:17
Porterella Rediscovered, 2006;30:1:17
ANPS Publishes Poster, “Desert Trees”, 1988;12:2:1
The Creation of a Wildflower Poster, 1998;22:2:1
Wildflower Poster Under Development, 1997;21:1:2
Posthumus, Erin
Join the USA National Phenology Network in Tracking Plants and Animals in Your Own Backyard! 2011;34:2:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
sanguinea (formerly P. thurberi var. sanguinea)
spotlight on, 2010;34:1:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18, 2020;43:1:19
Prescott, Arizona
Granite Mountain, 2010;34:1:4
The Highlands Center for Natural History, 2010;34:1:15
Monarch Butterfly Plant Utilization, Migration, and Habitat Enhancement in the Prescott Area, 2017;40:2:14
Plant Galls of Prescott, Arizona, 2017;40:2:19
Land Trust Works to Preserve McDowell Mountains, 1994;18:1:1
Phoenix to "Save" Desert, 1994;18:2:1
Pima County Adopts Native Plant Preservation Ordinance, 1999;23:1:14
Preserving Tradition ( and Plants) in the Tohono O'odham Nation, 1997;21:2:1
Uniform Conservation Easement Act, 1985;9:2:1
Prickly pear
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:12
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:6
Dark spined
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:12
Nopales recipes, 1984;8:3:4
Opuntia spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:13
Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia spp.) Near Prehistoric Human Habitations at Walnut Canyon National Monument and Elden Pueblo Archaeological Site, Arizona, 2015;38:2:20
Southwestern Woody-Trunked Prickly Pears, 1977;1:3:4
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:19
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Parry’s brook
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
An Invasive Aquatic Plant in Arizona, 2021;44:1:11
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
Pringle, Cyrus Guernsey
profile of, 1999;23:3:3
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:69
product reviews
2800 Arizona Wildflowers (smartphone app), 2014;37:1:6
The Results of Vegetative Propagation Trials of Nine Plants of the Southwestern Plateau, 2001;25:1:14
Prosopis spp.
Desert Tree of Life, 2020;43:1:85
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:6
spotlight on, 2020;43:1:84
glandulosa var. torreyana
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:13
spotlight on, 2020;43:1:84
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:13
Sonoran Desert Tree of Major Importance, 2004;28:1:11
spotlight on, 2020;43:1:84
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:36
spotlight on, 2014;37:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:57
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
The Native Landscaper, 1992;16:2:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
spotlight on, 2018;41:2:55
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
Puffball (undetermined species)
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:73
Conservation Efforts for, 2000;24:2:2
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Putty root
seeds of, 2016;39:2:17
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZQueen Anne’s lace
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:60
Queen of the night
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15, 2020;43:1:65
Quercus spp.
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
spotlight on, 2015;38:1:15
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Quigley, Mike
A Wilderness of Plants (Tumacacori Highlands), 2010;34:1:12
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZRafflesiaceae family
Pilostyles, Strange Desert Parasite, 1988;12:2:6
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
Ragged rock flower
In Praise of Crossosoma, 2004;28:1:8
Ragged Top
DG Threatens Ragged Top Area, 1996;20:2:10
Ragged Top and the Ironwood Forest National Monument, 2001;25:2:1
Vascular Plants of Ragged Top, 2001;25:2:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
Rainbow cactus
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:8
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 1 (Lancaster), 2006;30:1:17
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 2, 2008;32:2:20
Rama parda
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
One of a Kind Frogs, 1998;22:1:4
Rancho Los Fresnos (Sonora, Mexico)
Flora of the Rancho Los Fresnos Grasslands (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
ANPS Tucson Alarmed by Grazing Negligence, 1998;22:2:12
Grasslands and Rangeland Management in Arizona, 2022;45:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
rare plants. See also endangered or threatened species
Arizona Rare Plant Program Update, 1992;16:3:8
Beath’s Milkvetch: New Insights on the Distribution and Abundance of a Rare Endemic Plant, 2006;30:2:12
Conservation Priority Setting for Arizona G1 and G2 Plant Species, 2013;36:1:11
Federal Rare Plant Protection Eased, 1997;21:1:14
Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) in Arizona, 2013;36:2:9
Hybridization of the San Francisco Peaks Rare Endemic, Packera franciscana, with a Lower Elevation Congener, 2013;36:2:13
Plant Rarity in Arizona, 1999;23:2:4
Polygala subspinosa: A Culturally Significant Find, 2006;30:2:4
Prolonged Vegetative Dormancy in Rare Plant Species of the Southwest, 2013;36:2:7
Rare Plant Closeup: Adenophyllum wrightii, 1999;23:3:2
Rare Plants in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 1990;14:2:14
Rare Plants of the Huachuca Mountains, 2001;25:1:4
Rare Plant Update, 1984;8:2:1
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
Triteleiopsis palmeri—Blue Sand Lily, an Elusive Plant of the Sand Dunes, 2006;30:2:10
Two Rare Plants and the Warm Season Flora of a Unique Habitat in Pima County, Arizona: The Pantano Formation, Claystone Member Deposits, 2003;27:2:7
Verde Valley—a “Hotspot” for Rare Pre-Columbian Agave Cultivars, 2006;30:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Rea, Amadeo
At the Desert’s Green Edge, 1998;22:2:11, 2007;31:2:16
Ethnobotany: Whose Perspective? 2007;31:2:17
reclamation. See restoration projects
Red brome
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Red Rock State Park
Checklist of Vascular Plants, Red Rock State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1997;21:1:4
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Reese, Barbara
Update on Marrubium vulgare at Fort Bowie National Historic Site, 1999;23:3:5
Reeves, L.M.
Flora of the Four Corners Region, 2013;36:2:17, 2014;37:1:14
reforestation projects
Trees for Tucson—Global ReLeaf, 1989;13:3:15
Reichenbacher, Frank W.
Alpine Tundra in Arizona, 1980;4:2:3
C. Hart Merriam and the Life Zone Concept, 1981;5:3:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Questions on the Phenology of Arizona Riparian Deciduous Trees, 2022;45:2:34
Revisiting the Tumamoca Globeberry, 2008;32:2:5
Special Plant Communities of Arizona
Arizona Cypress Forests & Woodlands, 1980;4:1:6
Dunescrub, 1981;5:1:3
Granite Mountains in the Desert, 1980;4:4:5
Reichhardt, Karen
Annie (Anemopsis californica) Has Found a New Home, 2006;30:2:8
Desert Giant (Bash), review, 1990;14:2:6
The Desert Is Theirs (Baylor), review, 1990;14:2:6
Native Plant Law Revisions, 1989;13:1:4
One Green Mesquite Tree (Jernigan), review, 1990;14:2:6
Riparian Restoration in the Yuma Area, 2009;33:1:14
Triteleiopsis palmeri—Blue Sand Lily, an Elusive Plant of the Sand Dunes, 2006;30:2:10
The Use of Regional Native Flora for Desert Landscaping, 1989;13:1:7
Reid, Fiona
The Highlands Center for Natural History, 2010;34:1:15
Reina-Guerrero, Ana Lilia
Ethnobotany of Amoreuxia, 2013;36:2:4
Flora of Chihuahuan Desertscrub on Limestone in Northeastern Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Flora of the Limestone Sierra Anibácachi, Municipio De Agua Prieta, Sonora (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
A Keystone Desert Grass Reaches Arizona: Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus, 2020;43:2:48
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra Buenos Aires, 2016;39:2:20
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra el Tigre, 2015;38:2:14
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:32
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
170 Years of Natural History in Cuenca Los Ojos, Sonora, Mexico, 2017;40:2:24
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Preliminary Flora of the Lower Bavispe Valley, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:43
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Juriquipa, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:33
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra La Púrica, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:24
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
Sierra la Mariquita—A New Sky Island Reserve, 2015;38:2:22
Reiners, Cynthia Place
A Native Plant Garden in a Neighborhood of Exotic Plants, 2008;32:1:6
relict plants
Relict Plants in the Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:1:4
Research Natural Areas (RNA)
Casner Research Natural Area Plant List, 2002;26:3:8
Effects of Fire and Reseeding on Sonoran Desert Plant Community Composition, 2019;42:2:20
The AZNPS-Led Waterman Restoration Project, 2016;39:1:14
Continental Ranch Revegetation Project Shows Some Success, 1997;21:1:1
Ecological Restoration in Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Forests:, 2002;26:3:3
From Field of Weeds to Riparian Hotspot: The Rehabilitation of Willow Wash at The Arboretum at Flagstaff, 2009;33:1:6
Lower Colorado Delta Restoration Planning Begins, 1998;22:1:6
Plant Lists as Tools for Protection and Restoration, 2001;25:3:1
Restoring Plant Diversity in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, 2009;33:1:8
Riparian Restoration in the Yuma Area, 2009;33:1:14
A Sense of Place in South Phoenix, 2008;32:1:1
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:1
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:12
Retana-Rentería, F. I.
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Reyes-Juárez, M.
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1999;23:3:6
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:17
pros and cons, 2000;24:2:1
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Rink, Glenn
The Natural History of the San Francisco Peaks (Waring), review, 2019;42:1:18
New Ideas about Rarity of Carex Species of Arizona, 2013;36:2:16
Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands, 2022;45:1:16
Vascular Plants of Arizona Project: Update on Penstemons of Arizona, 2021;44:1:17
Vascular Plants of the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, 2022;45:1:13
Río Bavispe Valley (Sonora, Mexico)
plant checklist, 2018;41:2:49
Preliminary Flora of the Lower Bavispe Valley, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:43
riparian areas
Arizona Springs: Hotspots at Risk, 2011;34:2:1
Ephemeral Drainages: The Quiet Riparian Plant Community, 2011;34:2:6
From Field of Weeds to Riparian Hotspot: The Rehabilitation of Willow Wash at The Arboretum at Flagstaff, 2009;33:1:6
Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area, 1994;18:1:9
legislation defeated, 1992;16:2:10
Questions on the Phenology of Arizona Riparian Deciduous Trees, 2022;45:2:34
Riparian Restoration in the Yuma Area, 2009;33:1:14
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:1
Ripley, Doug
Arizona Eryngo (Eryngium sparganophyllum), 2021;44:1:10
The Arizona Mesquites, 2020;43:1:83
Arizona Native Plant Society Botanical Adventure to the Chiricahua Mountains, 2018;41:2:54
Baboquivari Mountain Plants (Austin), review, 2012;36:1:12
Bartram’s stonecrop (Graptopetalum bartramii), 2021;44:2:20
California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera), 2014;37:1:19
Emory Oak (Quercus emoryi), 2015;38:1:15
The Fascination with Trees, 2019;42:1:1
Golden Columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha) and Chiricahua Mountain Columbine (A. triternata), 2017;40:2:22
The Grasses, 2022;45:2:1
Herbarium (Thiers), review, 2022;45:2:19
The Herbarium: A Priceless Resource for Botanical Documentation, Research, and Understanding, 2014;37:1:1
History of the U.S. Military in Discovering, Describing, and Conserving Native Plants in Arizona, 2015;38:1:1
Honoring Phil Jenkins, 2012;36:1:14
An Introduction to Arizona’s “Lower Plants” and Plant-Like Wonders, 2021;44:2:1
Mosses, 2021;44:2:4
Mountain Trees of Southern Arizona (Rose), review, 2013;36:1:17
A New Garden Ethic (Vogt), review, 2018;41:1:10
Orchids—Marvels of the Plant Kingdom, 2016;39:2:1
Paintbrush (Castilleja lanata), 2013;36:1:10
Remembering Doug Green, 2013;36:2:19
Schott's Century Plant, Shindagger (Agave schottii Engelm), 2022;45:1:12
The Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico (Coleman), review, 2016;39:2:6
Woodland Pinedrops (Pterospora andromedea), 2018;41:2:55
Rivera, Lisa
South Mountain Park and Preserve (Lenartz), review, 2022;45:1:9
River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon (Husinga, Makarick, Watters), 2006;30:2:16
wild and scenic river designations, 1991;15:1:14, 1991;15:3:10, 1994;18:1:9
Palo Verde Removal (on I-8), 1988;12:3:8
The Role of Native Plants in the Management of Highway Vegetation, 1998;22:1:1
Wildflower Legislation, 1985;9:1:6
Roadside Use of Native Plants (B. Harper-Lore, W. Harper-Lore), 2001;25:1:17
Robert Rhinehard Publishers audio books, 1991;15:1:4
Robinett, Dan
Grasslands and Rangeland Management in Arizona, 2022;45:2:14
Roederer, Scott
Message from a Big Tree Hunter, 2019;42:1:5
Roll, Chris
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Romero, G.
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona, 2015;38:1:24
Romero, Humberto
Succulents and Bighorn of Isla Tiburón, 2007;31:2:9
Romppanen, Heidi
Some Thoughts About Genotypes, 2000;24:3:17
Roper Lake State Park
A Visit to Roper Lake State Park, 1978;2:2:6
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37, 2020;43:1:73
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37, 2020;43:1:73
botanist spotlight, 2018;41:1:22
Catalina Mountains, 2019;42:1:8
Mountain Trees of Southern Arizona, 2013;36:1:17
In Memory of Frank S. Rose (1927-2020), 2020;43:2:44
Remembering Frank Rose, 2020;43:2:45
Rose heath
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Rosenberg, Abigail S.
The Barry M. Goldwater Range (West), 2015;38:1:18
Rosentreter, Roger
A Field Guide to Biological Soil Crusts of Western U.S. Drylands, 2008;32:2:16
Landscaping Tips IV: Rosewoods in the Desert, 2002;26:1:3
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Roth, Daniela
Beath’s Milkvetch: New Insights on the Distribution and Abundance of a Rare Endemic Plant, 2006;30:2:12
Ruacho-González, L.
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:26
Ruby, Arizona
The Flora of Ruby, Arizona, 2012;36:1:11
A Jewel Called Ruby, 2010;34:1:1
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Growing the Elusive Canelo Hills Lady's Tresses of Arizona's Cienegas, 1992;16:2:7
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71, 2020;43:1:73
Rutman, Sue
Acuña Cactus, 1990;14:1:5
Arizona Rare Plant Program Update, 1992;16:3:8
Arizona Willow, 1990;14:2:7
Coryphantha robbinsorum (Cochise pincushion cactus), 2006;30:2:11
The Effect of Land Management Practices on the Distribution of Peniocereus striatus (Brandegee) Buxbaum on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, 2007;31:2:6
Lemon Lily, 1989;13:3:14
Our Unique Flora
Canotia holacantha, 1998;22:2:5
Carex specuicola, 1992;16:2:8
Pediocactus Siler, 1999;23:2:6
Sapium biloculare, 1998;22:3:3
Verde Valley Limestone Plant Community, 1993;17:4:6
Pesticides, Grasshoppers, and Native Plants in Arizona, 1990;14:1:4
Sentry milkvetch, 1988;12:3:9
Sue Rutman Plant Identification Guides, 2022;45:1:10
Ryan, Bruce D.
Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol.1, 2003;27:1:21
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZSabal
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Sacamano, Charles
Landscape Plants for Dry Regions, 2000;24:3:14
Sacred Apple, 1990;14:2:5
Safford Valley, Arizona
Stone Grids and the Archaeology of Agave Cultivation in the Safford Valley, Arizona, 2019;42:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:7
Surveys of Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea) on the Florence Military Reservation, Arizona, 2015;38:1:12
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Saguaros (Evans), 1980;4:4:6
Saguaro the Desert Giant (Humphreys), 2002;26:2:15
Salad rocket
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:34
Our Unique Flora, 1990;14:2:7
Rare Plants in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 1990;14:2:14
Salix spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
Salo, Cindy
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Soil Conservation Service Releasing “Corto” Australian Saltbush, 1977;1:2:8
The Lost Landscape—Sonoran Saltbush Desertscrub, 1991;15:2:3
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Salt cedar
Arizona's Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:9
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Salvia spp.
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:45
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:35
Exotic Species Watch, 1999;23:3:4
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Exotic Species Watch, 1999;23:3:4
Salywon, Andrew
Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium (DES) Phoenix, 2014;37:1:8
Endemic Plants of Arizona: A Working List, 2008;32:2:10
Sambucus spp.
Ethnobotany Notes I: Elderberry, 1999;23:1:12
Sánchez-Escalante, José Jesús
Entre Palo verdes, Torotes y Siviris: Las Plantas del Parque Central de Hermosillo (Cerro Johnson), Hermosillo, Sonora, México (with English translation), 2021;44:1:22
Flora and Ethnobotany of the Guaymas Region of Sonora, Mexico, 2016;39:1:1
Flora of Chihuahuan Desertscrub on Limestone in Northeastern Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:32
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Preliminary Flora of the Lower Bavispe Valley, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:43
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra La Púrica, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:24
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
Spreading Knowledge and Appreciation of Plants, 2009;33:2:16
Vascular Plants of El Aribabi Conservation Ranch (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Sand dunes
Sand Dunes of the Sonoran Desert, 1993;17:1:8
Special Plant Communities of Arizona—Dunescrub, 1981;5:1:3
Triteleiopsis palmeri—Blue Sand Lily, an Elusive Plant of the Sand Dunes, 2006;30:2:10
Sanders, Jack
The Secrets of Wildflowers, 2003;27:2:24
San Francisco Peaks
Alpine Tundra in Arizona, 1980;4:2:3
The Natural History of the San Francisco Peaks (Waring), 2019;42:1:18
Porterella Rediscovered, 2006;30:1:17
San Pedro River, The (Hanson), 2001;25:3:15
Sansom, Lia
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:1
Santa Catalina Mountains
Collecting at Finger Rock/Mt. Kimball, 1993;17:4:1
Vegetation Changes in the Finger Rock Canyon Drainage, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona Since 1984, 2019;42:2:1
Santa Clara Cienega
Good News for the Santa Clara Cienega, 1993;17:4:10
Santa Clara Slough
threats to, 1992;16:2:10
Santa Cruz River
Tucson Audubon Society Santa Cruz River Habitat Project—North Simpson Site, 2003;27:1:4
Tucson Audubon’s Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:1
Our Unique Flora: Sapium biloculare, 1998;22:3:3
Saville, Dara
The Ecology of Herbal Medicine, 2021;44:1:20
Saxifrage family
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 2000;24:1:6
Saylor, Virginia “Ginny”
death notice, 2007;31:1:19
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook
Apocynaceae, 1999;23:2:8
Celastraceae, 1998;22:2:4
Euphorbiaceae–Spurge Family, 1998;22:3:8
Papaveraceae, 1999;23:1:4
Rhamnaceae, 1999;23:3:6
Saxifragaceae, 2000;24:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:25, 2020;43:1:40
Scheuring, John
The AZNPS-Led Waterman Restoration Project, 2016;39:1:14
BLM Stewardship Award to, 2021;44:1:5
A Keystone Desert Grass Reaches Arizona: Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus, 2020;43:2:48
The Long Journey from Buffelgrass Introduction, Spread and Latency, to an Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:20
The Short Journey from Stinknet Introduction and Spread to Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:27
Trailing Grama Grass (Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus), 2022;45:2:13
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:18
Schmutz, Ervin M.
Plants that Poison, 1979;3:3:6
Schneider, Al
Flora of the Four Corners Region (Heil et al.), review, 2014;37:1:14
Schott's century plant
spotlight on, 2022;45:1:12
New Sclerocactus, 1980;4:2:7
How to Spend a Nice Quiet Evening with Scleropogon, 2022;45:2:21
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
Phacelia spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:52
Scott, Marcy
Hummingbird Plants of the Southwest (Scott), 2017;40:2:17
Scott, Randy
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Scrambled eggs
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:29
potosina var. kaibabensis
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:7
Searle, Jean
Provisional Plant List of Tent Rocks Area (Also Known as Teepee Rocks), 1991;15:1:7
Desert Seasons, 1988;12:3:4
Secakuku, Ferrell
A Tribute to Ferrell Secakuku, 2007;31:2:1
Secrets of Wildflowers, The (Sanders), 2003;27:2:24
Section 10 permits
Pima County’s Native Plant Program, 2016;39:1:19
Our Unique Flora, 1992;16:2:8
New Ideas about Rarity of Carex Species of Arizona, 2013;36:2:16
pygmy, 2011;35:1:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
seed, insect damaged, 1977;1:2:8
seed libraries
The Maricopa Native Seed Library: Inspiring and Equipping the Community to Create Habitat at Home, 2021;44:1:6
Seed Propagation of Native California Plants (Emery), 1989;13:1:9
Segade, Antoinette
African Sumac (Rhus Lancea), 2000;24:2:1
Selaginella spp.
Characterization of the Selaginella arizonica X eremophila (Selaginellaceae) Hybrid Zone in Southern Arizona, 2014;37:2:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:55
flaccidus var. monoensis
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1: 47
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:2
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:2:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Senna spp.
Nectarless Flowers and Leaves with Extrafloral Nectaries: Insights from the legume genus Senna, 2011;35:1:4
Seri culture
Cactus Songs, 1989;13:1:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:54
shade tolerance
Plants for the Shade, 1995;19:2:1
Shantz, Homer Leroy
profile of, 2000;24:2:4
Sherbrooke, Wade C.
Native Plants and Space, 1993;17:3:9
spotlight on, 2022;45:1:12
Shooting star
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Shortman, Jared
Adenophyllum wrightii, 1999;23:3:2
Desert Plants Need Water Too, 1999;23:2:13
Jatrophas for the Landscape, 1999;23:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:28
The Native Landscaper, 1992;16:1:5
Sierra Anibácachi (Sonora, Mexico)
Flora of the Limestone Sierra Anibácachi, Municipio De Agua Prieta, Sonora (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Sierra Buenos Aires (Sonora, Mexico)
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra Buenos Aires, 2016;39:2:20
plant checklist, 2018;41:2:19
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Sierra Chivato (Sonora, Mexico)
plant checklist, 2019;42:2:36
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Sierra de Bacadéhuachi (Sonora, Mexico)
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Sierra de Mazatán (Sierra Huérfana)
Another Milestone for the Sky Islands, 2017;40:1:27
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
Sierra el Tigre (Sonora, Mexico)
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra el Tigre, 2015;38:2:14
Sierra Huérfana. See Sierra de Mazatán
Sierra Juriquipa (Sonora, Mexico)
plant checklist, 2018;41:2:38
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Juriquipa, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:33
Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island complex (Sonora, Mexico)
plant checklist, 2018;41:2:10
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Sierra la Madera
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Sierra la Mariquita (Sonora, Mexico)
A New Sky Island Reserve, 2015;38:2:22
Sierra La Púrica (Sonora, Mexico)
plant checklist, 2018;41:2:29
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra La Púrica, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:24
Sierra Madre Occidental
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Conservation in the Sierra Madre, 1996;20:2:10
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Sierra Pinacate, The (Hayden et al.), 2000;24:2:12
Signal Peak Gardens
plant salvage from, 1998;22:3:1
Silene spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:18
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:3
Silva-Kurumiya, Hugo
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Floristic Analysis of a Vegetation Island and Biological Corridor in Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Floristic Analysis of Ojo De Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Silverbell Mountains
Provisional Flora of the Silver Bell Mountains (plant list), 1991;15:2:7
Vascular Plants of the Silver Bell Mountains, 1991;15:2:1
Big Bend, 1986;10:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:20
Sixweeks grasses
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:19
Skye, Barb
Food plants of the Sonoran Desert (Hodgson), review, 2001;25:3:15
1998 Member Survey, 1998;22:3:2
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
Sky Island Alliance (SIA)
formation of, 1992;16:1:10
Public Forum on the Ecological Impacts of Forest Roads, 1994;18:1:9
Another Milestone for the Sky Islands, 2017;40:1:27
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra Buenos Aires, 2016;39:2:20
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra el Tigre, 2015;38:2:14
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
170 Years of Natural History in Cuenca Los Ojos, Sonora, Mexico, 2017;40:2:24
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Juriquipa, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:33
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra La Púrica, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:24
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
Sierra la Mariquita—A New Sky Island Reserve, 2015;38:2:22
Vegetation Response to Landscape Conservation in the Sky Islands, 2019;42:2:27
A Wilderness of Plants (Tumacacori Highlands), 2010;34:1:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
slime molds. See molds
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:68
Smith, Sue
Granite Mountain, 2010;34:1:4
The Native Landscaper, 1992;16:2:4
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
spotlight on, 2006;30:1:13
Ideal pH for Plant Growth, 1977;1:3:3
Special Soils and Their Role in Plant Evolution, Distribution, and Regional Diversity, 2014;37:2:8
Solanum spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Solidago spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21, 2020;43:1:60
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:68
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:15
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Sonora, Mexico. See also Sky Islands; specific place names
Economic Necessity and Ecological Consequences: The Non-timber Harvest of "Vara Blanca" in Southern Sonora, Mexico, 1999;23:2:1
Floristic Analysis of a Vegetation Island and Biological Corridor in Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:32
Preliminary Flora of the Lower Bavispe Valley, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:43
Spreading Knowledge and Appreciation of Plants, 2009;33:2:16
Sonoran Arthropod Studies, Inc, (SASI), 1987;11:1:3
Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute (SASI)
Desert Butterfly Gardening, 1996;20:3:7
Sonoran Desert
Can We Prevent the Unhinging of a Unique American Ecosystem? 2006;30:1:4
Desert Seasons, 1988;12:3:4
Effects of Fire and Reseeding on Sonoran Desert Plant Community Composition, 2019;42:2:20
In the Eye of the Desert (Sonoran Desert history), 2007;31:2:5
Fire in the Desert, 2004;28:1:9
Phoenix to "Save" Desert, 1994;18:2:1
Sand Dunes of the Sonoran Desert, 1993;17:1:8
Sonoran Desert: Trashed or Treasured? 1998;22:1:5
Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (SDCP)
beginnings of, 1999;23:1:14
Pima County Plant Information Available to the Public, 2002;26:1:17
preliminary draft issued, 2001;25:1:1
Update, 2000;24:1:18
Sonoran Desert Plants (Turner, Bowers, Burgess), 1996;20:1:3
Sonoran Desert Scrapbook, A (Little), 2013;36:2:11
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes for Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:7
Underutilized Native Woody Legumes for Landscape Use, 1989;13:2:7
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
spotlight on, 2015;38:2:6
South Mountain Park and Preserve (Lenartz), 2022;45:1:9
Southwest Exotic Plant Mapping Program (SWEMP)
description, 1999;23:2:2
Monitoring Exotic Species, 2000;24:2:14
Southwest Plant Conservation Alliance
The Southwest Plant Conservation Alliance is Born! 2012;36:1:10
Sow thistle
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:67
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Spellenberg, R.
Trees of Western North America, 2014;37:2:17
Spence, J.R. (John)
Arizona Bryophytes, 2021;44:2:7
Conservation Priority Setting for Arizona G1 and G2 Plant Species, 2013;36:1:11
A New Moss Record for Arizona: Gemmabryum tenuisetum (Limpr.) J.R. Spence & H.P. Ramsay, 2021;44:2:9
Status of Two Rare Endemic Plants on the North Kaibab Plateau, North-Central Arizona, 2006;30:2:14
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:39
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
spines, vs. thorns, 1977;1:2:5
Growing the Elusive Canelo Hills Lady's Tresses of Arizona's Cienegas, 2016;39:2:14
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:1:6
Pantano Jungle Revegetation Project, 1996;20:3:10
Springer, Judy
Ecological Restoration in Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Forests:, 2002;26:3:3
Flagstaff cinquefoil (Potentilla sanguinea, formerly P. thurberi var. sanguinea), 2010;34:1:14
Prolonged Vegetative Dormancy in Rare Plant Species of the Southwest, 2013;36:2:7
Restoring Plant Diversity in a Ponderosa Pine Forest, 2009;33:1:8
Sunset Crater Beardtongue, 2008;32:2:12
Using a Diverse Seed Mix to Establish Native Plants on a Sonoran Desert Burn, 2009;33:1:16
Arizona Springs: Hotspots at Risk, 2011;34:2:1
Spring Restoration at Hopi, 2009;33:1:10
Volunteer Opportunities to Learn About Arizona’s Springs on the Colorado Plateau, 2011;34:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
Spurge family
Growing Hydrocarbons for Fuel, 1978;2:1:2
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1998;22:3:8
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Staff tree family
Pages from Ginny’s Notebook, 1998;22:2:4
Stallcup, Nancy
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek–Pinaleño Mountains, 1995;19:2:2
Provisional Flora of Garden Canyon, 1991;15:3:5
Starr, Greg
ANPS Publishes Poster, “Desert Trees”, 1988;12:2:1
Blue Yucca, 1991;15:3:3
A Collecting Trip to Northeastern Mexico, 1994;18:1:4
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:5
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona, 2015;38:1:24
Gardening with Natives: Two Sharp Agaves, 1996;20:3:4
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:3
Penstemons—Hummingbirds' Delight, 1996;20:2:6
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1, 1987;11:2:6
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
States, Jack S.
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest, 1991;15:3:4
State Trust Land
Recent Legislation Affects State Land Conservation, 1999;23:1:13
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Song of the Organ Pipe Cactus, 1989;13:1:8
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Stevens, Larry
Ecosystem Conservation in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, 2003;27:1:9
Stevens, Lawrence E.
A Natural History of the Intermountain West (Waring), review, 2011;35:1:13
Plant and Pollinator Diversity in Northern Arizona, 2007;31:1:5
Stevens, y Lawrence E.
Arizona Springs: Hotspots at Risk, 2011;34:2:1
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:8
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:36
The Short Journey from Stinknet Introduction and Spread to Eruptive Explosion in Arizona, 2020;43:2:27
Stith, David
Lemon lily (Lilium parryi), 2012;36:1:6
Stiverson, Keri
Hart Prairie Preserve, 2010;34:1:6
St. John’s wort
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34, 2020;43:1:49
Stone, Sheridan
Fort Huachuca: A Treasure of Biological Diversity in Southeastern Arizona, 2015;38:1:7
spotlight on, 2021;44:2:20
Huachuca Mountains
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
Many flowered
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:34
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:32
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:59
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:3
Stromberg, Julie
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Studies of the Desert Biome (Nabhan, Holdsworth), 1998;22:2:11
Stutz, Jean
Mycorrhizal Associations In Southwestern North America, 1995;19:1:1
succulents. See also specific species
Succulent Hill, Baja California, 1989;13:3:8
Succulents and Bighorn of Isla Tiburón, 2007;31:2:9
pros and cons, 2000;24:2:1
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:8
Little leaf
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:38
The Supai Sunflower Saves the Day, 2008;32:2:17
Superior, Arizona
Checklist of Vascular Plants at Picketpost Mountain RNA, Superior, Arizona, 1994;18:3:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:42
lanceolatum var. hesperium
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZTabebuia
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:4
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice (Plotkin), 1994;18:1:8
Two Recent Additions To The Arizona Flora, 1988;12:1:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:3
Two Recent Additions To The Arizona Flora, 1988;12:1:9
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:3
Tamarix spp.
Can Tamarisk Be Controlled? 1988;12:1:3
Selecting Plants for an Allergen-Free Yard, 1989;13:2:9
Tamarisk Control in California, 1997;21:1:14
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:9
Tandy, Mills
Rare Plants of the Huachuca Mountains, 2001;25:1:4
spotlight on, 2014;37:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:64
Taylor, Clifton R.
The Role of Native Plants in the Management of Highway Vegetation, 1998;22:1:1
Taylor, Jackie
Edible and Useful Plants of the Southwest (Tull), review, 2015;38:2:10
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Nature Loves Yellow, 1979;3:2:3
Tedford, Joan
botanist spotlight, 2017;40:2:30
Tehuacán valley
Mexico’s Cactus Heaven, 2009;33:2:10
Telle, Hannah
Natural Resources Conservation on Arizona Army National Guard Training Installation Camp Navajo, Coconino County, Arizona, 2015;38:1:28
Tellman, Barbara
Adopt-a-Species Program Report, 1991;15:3:10
Annual Appreciation Award to, 1995;19:1:4
ANPS and Cactus Rustling, 1990;14:1:5
Arizona's Changing Rivers, 1997;21:2:5
Changing Plant Life of La Frontera (Webster, Bahre, eds.), review, 2002;26:1:16
Crider, Franklin, 1989;13:1:6
Exotic Species Watch: Salvinia molesta, 1999;23:3:4
50th Anniversary of Arizona’s Native Plant Law, 1989;13:1:5
“The Flora of Canon de Nacapule” (Felger), review, 2000;24:1:17
Invasive Exotic Species in the Sonoran Region, 2002;26:3:20
Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 2003;27:1:3
Native Plant Law Revision Becomes a Reality! 1989;13:2:1
Native Plant Laws in Arizona, 2001;25:3:12
Outstanding Arizona Botanists
Emory, William H., 2000;24:1:2
Gray, Asa, 2001;25:1:18
Gregg, Josiah, 1999;23:1:4
Lemmon, J. G. and Wife, 1999;23:2:3
Parry, Charles Christopher, 2000;24:3:2
Pringle, Cyrus Guernsey, 1999;23:3:3
Shantz, Homer Leroy, 2000;24:2:4
Thornber, John James, 1998;22:2:3
Outstanding Botanists
Wright, Charles, 2002;26:3:22
“The Palms (Arecaceae) of Sonora, Mexico” (Felger, Joyal), review, 2000;24:1:17
Peter Gierlach Receives ANPS' 1st Annual Appreciation Award, 1994;18:1:7
Plant Discoveries (Knapp), review, 2004;28:1:18
Plant Them Deep (A. Thurlo, D. Thurlo), review, 2004;28:1:18
Saguaro the Desert Giant (Humphreys), review, 2002;26:2:15
The San Pedro River (Hanson), review, 2001;25:3:15
The Secrets of Wildflowers (Sanders), review, 2003;27:2:24
The Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (SDCP), 2001;25:1:1
What is a Native Plant? 1992;16:3:7, 1993;17:3:10
Temkin, Jennifer
Celebrating Native Gardens, 2018;41:1:16
Tempe Towne Lake
Found Then Drowned: Three Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:14
Tena-Flores, J. A.
Ecosystems and Diversity of the Sierra Madre Occidental (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Tent Rocks/Cottonwood Basin
PAPAZ Project Areas, 2012;36:1:5
Provisional Plant List of Tent Rocks Area (Also Known as Teepee Rocks), 1991;15:1:7
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:5
canescens var. thorneae
Six New Plants on the Arizona Strip, and an Old Plant, Now of Interest, 2011;34:2:12
Texas umbrella tree
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
Thayer, David
Morphology of the Grass Flower, 2022;45:2:3
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
The Mysterious Lands (Zwinger), 1990;14:1:3
The Sonoran Desert (Helms), 1980;4:4:6
Thiers, Barbara M.
Herbarium, 2022;45:2:19
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:26
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:46
Thirty-Seven Years on a Mountain Trail (Bertelsen), 2018;41:2:41
A Vignette on a Not-So-Invasive Invasive: Bull Thistle Response to Slash Pile Burning, 2006;30:1:8
Cirsium spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:31, 2020;43:1:54
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:4
Malta star
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:9
spotlight on, 2019;42:2:39
Noxious Weeds in Northern Arizona, 2000;24:3:8
Yellow star
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:17
Thomas, Kathryn
Computer Tools for Weed Information and Data Sharing, 2006;30:1:12
Thompson, Anita
Plants of Arizona (Epple, Epple, Wiens), review, 2021;44:2:29
Thornber, John James
profile of, 1998;22:2:3
thorns, vs. spines, 1977;1:2:5
Thornton, Bill
Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society to the Rescue, 2018;41:1:23
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Using Native Succession Plants for Restoration Projects, 2018;41:1:19
Thurlo, Aimee
Plant Them Deep, 2004;28:1:18
Thurlo, David
Plant Them Deep, 2004;28:1:18
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:41
Tidy tips
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Tiede, Marcia
Desert: The Mojave and Death Valley (Dykinga, Bowers), review, 2000;24:2:12
1998 Member Survey, 1998;22:3:2
The Sierra Pinacate (Hayden et al.), review, 2000;24:2:12
Timber Salvage Rider, 1995;19:2:7
Tipton, Jimmy L.
Transplanting—A Good Start for Your New Plant, 1993;17:1:6
Titus, Jon
Fire in Chaparral, Oak Woodland, and Pinyon Pine-Juniper, 2003;27:1:18
Fire in the Desert, 2004;28:1:9
Fires in Arizona Forests, 2002;26:3:14
Fires in Arizona’s Grasslands, 2003;27:2:1
Toad flax
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:63
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:58
Tobacco root
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Tohono Chul Park
Creating a Desert Corner, 1987;11:1:2
Tohono O’odham culture
Preserving Tradition ( and Plants) in the Tohono O'odham Nation, 1997;21:2:1
Will the Baboquivari Wilderness Become Part of the Tohono O'odham Reservation? 1998;22:2:12
Tomoff, Carl
Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands, 2020;43:1:81
Tomoff, Joan
Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands, 2020;43:1:81
Tonto Basin
Tonto Basin Agave: A Living Relic of Pre-Columbian Cultures? 1996;20:2:1
Toothpick cactus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Torch cactus
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Tortolita Mountains
A Flora of the Tortolita Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona, 2017;40:1:1
Totem pole
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:51
toxic species
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:16
Transition Zone Hortlcultural Institute. See also Arboretum at Flagstaff, The
Mountain Lover, Manzanita and More at the Transition Zone Horticultural Institute, 1984;8:4:2
Fern Talk, 1981;5:1:3
Transplanting—A Good Start for Your New Plant, 1993;17:1:6
Transplanting Large Tres, 1987;11:2:2
Trask, Chris
Late Spring Sightings, 2003;27:2:20
Springtime Offerings in the Northern Mazatzal Wilderness, 2004;28:1:6
Unusual Sightings in the Midst of Drought, 2003;27:1:7
Treasure Park, Pinaleño Mountains
Plants of Hospital Flat, Treasure Park and Big Creek–Pinaleño Mountains, 1995;19:2:2
Tree of heaven
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:7
trees. See also specific species
An ANPS Field Trip with a "Pro", 2004;28:1:14
Arbor Day—Time to Plan Ahead, 1989;13:2:3
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:3
Arizona Third in U.S. for Big Trees, 2002;26:2:17
The Champion Trees of Arizona, 1993;17:1:10
The Fascination with Trees, 2019;42:1:1
Message from a Big Tree Hunter, 2019;42:1:5
Questions on the Phenology of Arizona Riparian Deciduous Trees, 2022;45:2:34
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:3
Tips for Measuring Arizona's Trees, 2000;24:1:4
Transplanting Large Tres, 1987;11:2:2
Trees for Desert Landscapes, 1981;5:2:4
Trees for Tucson—Global ReLeaf, 1989;13:3:15
Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Deserts (Benson, Darrow), 1981;5:2:8
Trees of Western North America (Spellenberg et al.), 2014;37:2:17
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:71
20 Columnar Cacti for Landscape Use in Central and Southern Arizona, 1984;8:3:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50
Blue Sand Lily, an Elusive Plant of the Sand Dunes, 2006;30:2:10
Trumpet bush
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Tucson, Arizona
City of Tucson Promotes Native Plant Use and Protection, 1997;21:1:14
A Native Plant Garden in a Neighborhood of Exotic Plants, 2008;32:1:6
Tucson Audubon Society
The Mason Institute for Environmental Learning, 1999;23:1:1
Plants of the Mason Audubon Center for Ironwood Preservation and Environmental Education, 1999;23:2:7
Restoration of Arizona Wildlands, 2009;33:1:1
Tucson Audubon Society Santa Cruz River Habitat Project—North Simpson Site, 2003;27:1:4
Tucson Botanical Gardens
Arizona Botanical Gardens Cooperate for Conservation, 1989;13:1:2
Wildflower Garden at Tucson Botanical Gardens, 1988;12:3:5
Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society
Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society to the Rescue, 2018;41:1:23
Tucson Mountain Weedwackers
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
Tull, Delena
Edible and Useful Plants of the Southwest, 2015;38:2:10
Tumacacori Highlands
A Wilderness of Plants, 2010;34:1:12
ANPS Aids Tumamoc Globeberry, 1988;12:2:3
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:2
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: A Summary, 1985;9:1:3
Endangered Plants in Arizona—An Update, 1987;11:1:4
Endangered Vine on Way to Recovery, 1988;12:3:6
Revisiting the Tumamoca Globeberry, 2008;32:2:5
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:6
The Tumamoc Globeberry, 2003;27:2:19
Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona
history of, 1979;3:3:3
Scientific Achievements of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona, 1993;17:1:1, 1993;17:3:1
Turk’s head cactus
Endangered Cacti, 1980;4:1:6
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:4:4
Turner, Dale
Arizona Wilderness Bill Needs Your Help, 1989;13:2:5
Ecological Imperialism (Crosby), review, 1993;17:4:9
National Park Service Counts Its Blessings, 2000;24:3:4
Turner, Jeanne Brunner
Honoring Ray & Jeanne Turner, 2010;34:1:5
Turner, Raymond Marriner
Honoring Ray & Jeanne Turner, 2010;34:1:5
Sonoran Desert Plants, 1996;20:1:3
2800 Arizona Wildflowers (smartphone app), 2014;37:1:6
Two Mile Ranches
The Kane and Two Mile Ranches, 2012;36:1:9
Navajo Ethnobotanical Teachings, 2015;38:2:10
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZUlmus
Arizona’s Magnificent Trees Program, 2019;42:1:4
Unicorn plant
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:69
Uniform Conservation Easement Act, 1985;9:2:1
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),
Plant Conservation: Global Context and Local Action, 2005;29:1:1
University of Arizona
Campus Arboretum, 2002;26:3:7
herbarium (ARIZ), 1992;16:2:7, 2002;26:1:4, 2014;37:1:10
Plant Sciences Center at U of A Sierra Vista campus, 1998;22:2:14
Upper Basin
PAPAZ Project Areas, 2012;36:1:5
Flora of the Upper Verde River, 2012;36:1:7
Special Soils and Their Role in Plant Evolution, Distribution, and Regional Diversity, 2014;37:2:8
urban ecosystems
EcoFlora: Connecting People to Plants, Plant Science, and Urban Ecosystems, 2022;45:1:21
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:66
USA National Phenology Network
Join the USA National Phenology Network in Tracking Plants and Animals in Your Own Backyard! 2011;34:2:8
U.S. Department of the Interior
Arizona Native Plant Society Receives Dept. of Interior Award, 1989;13:1:3
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Federal Rare Plant Protection Eased, 1997;21:1:14
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Three Arizona Plants, 1983;7:2:3
“Handbook of Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Candidate Species of Arizona", 1990;14:1:9
U.S. Forest Service
forest road projects, 1994;18:1:9
U.S. military
Barry M. Goldwater Range
The Bursera–Vireo Relationship at the Barry M. Goldwater Range, 2015;38:1:23
land management, 2015;38:1:18, 2015;38:1:26
mapping vegetation of, 2015;38:1:20
Sonoran Desert: Trashed or Treasured? 1998;22:1:5
Summary of Work on Annual Plant Coexistence in the Mohawk Valley, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona, 2015;38:1:21
Camp Navajo
Natural Resources Conservation, 2015;38:1:28
Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona: Stewards of Natural Resources, 2015;38:1:16
Florence Military Reservation
Surveys of Saguaro (Carnegia gigantea), 2015;38:1:12
Fort Huachuca
Genetic Studies of the Plants of Fort Huachuca, with a Focus on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, 2015;38:1:9
A Treasure of Biological Diversity in Southeastern Arizona, 2015;38:1:7
History of the U.S. Military in Discovering, Describing, and Conserving Native Plants in Arizona, 2015;38:1:1
U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, 2015;38:1:30
Usnea spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS)
"Plant Materials Long Range Plan (1994-2000)", 1995;19:1:9
The Ancient Art of Eating Smut, 1987;11:2:5
Two Arizona Strip Edaphic Endemics of the Utah Borderlands, 2022;45:1:16
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZVachellia
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:14
Valenzuela-Yánez, Melissa
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Floristic Analysis of Ojo De Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Van Devender, Anna
thanks for AZNPS service, 2013;36:2:2
Van Devender, Thomas R.
Additions to Arizona Native Plant Law Denied, 1982;6:1:10
Another Milestone for the Sky Islands, 2017;40:1:27
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Biogeography and Diversity of Pines in the Madrean Archipelago (abstract)., 2013;36:1:5
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Endemic Plants of Arizona, 1981;5:2:4
Entre Palo verdes, Torotes y Siviris: Las Plantas del Parque Central de Hermosillo (Cerro Johnson), Hermosillo, Sonora, México (with English translation), 2021;44:1:22
Ethnobotany of Amoreuxia, 2013;36:2:4
Flora of Chihuahuan Desertscrub on Limestone in Northeastern Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Flora of the Limestone Sierra Anibácachi, Municipio De Agua Prieta, Sonora (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Floras in the Madrean Archipelago Conference, 2013;36:1:1
Floristic Analysis of Ojo De Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants, 1998;22:3:13
Honoring Dr. Tom Van Devender, 2016;39:2:21
A Keystone Desert Grass Reaches Arizona: Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus, 2020;43:2:48
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra Buenos Aires, 2016;39:2:20
Mandrean Discovery Expedition to the Sierra el Tigre, 2015;38:2:14
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:32
Oaks, Cycads, Orchids, and Conservation in the Sierra Huérfana, Sonora, 2014;37:2:6
170 Years of Natural History in Cuenca Los Ojos, Sonora, Mexico, 2017;40:2:24
Packrat Middens, 1992;16:1:9
Preliminary Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra la Elenita–la Mariquita Sky Island Complex, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:6
Preliminary Flora of the Lower Bavispe Valley, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:43
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Chivato, Sonora, Mexico, 2019;42:2:32
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Juriquipa, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:33
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra la Buenos Aires, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:14
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra La Púrica, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:24
Preliminary Floras in the Madrean Archipelago, Sonora, Mexico, 2018;41:2:1
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
Sierra la Mariquita—A New Sky Island Reserve, 2015;38:2:22
Special Plants of Arizona, 1980;4:1:5, 1980;4:2:4, 1980;4:4:4
The Endangered Plant Program in Arizona: An Update, 1986;10:1:3
Vara blanca
Economic Necessity and Ecological Consequences: The Non-timber Harvest of "Vara Blanca" in Southern Sonora, Mexico, 1999;23:2:1
Vascular Plants of Arizona Project (VPA)
A Brief History of the Vascular Plants of Arizona Project and the Journal CANOTIA, 2021;44:2:34
Update on Penstemons of Arizona, 2021;44:1:17
Work Progresses on the Much-Awaited Vascular Plants of Arizona, 1992;16:3:1
Vauquelinia spp.
Landscaping Tips IV: Rosewoods in the Desert, 2002;26:1:3
californica subsp. sonorensis
Sonoran Trees for Landscape Use, 2002;26:2:5
Ethnobotany Notes I: Common Mullein, 1999;23:2:12
Desert sand
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:43
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:30
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:30
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Rabbitproof? 1985;9:4:1
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:43
Verde River region. See also Upper Verde River region
Invasive Weed Treatments on the Verde River, 2009;33:2:9
Special Soils and Their Role in Plant Evolution, Distribution, and Regional Diversity, 2014;37:2:8
Verde Valley
Verde Valley—a “Hotspot” for Rare Pre-Columbian Agave Cultivars, 2006;30:2:5
Verde Valley Limestone Plant Community, 1993;17:4:6
Verde Valley Botanical Area
PAPAZ Project Areas, 2012;36:1:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:56
Verrier, Jim
Annotated Flora of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima and Pinal Counties, Southeastern Arizona, 2018;41:1:13
Desert Survivors Native Plant Nursery—An Outstanding Source of Native Plants for Arizona Gardeners and Landscapers, 2018;41:1:25
Frank Rose, 2018;41:1:22
In Memory of Frank S. Rose (1927-2020), 2020;43:2:44
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
American purple
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:44
Vicia spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:44
Villa-Andrade, Martín A.
Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ciénega de Saracachi Area, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:8
Endangered Vine on Way to Recovery: Botanists Keep Striving to Save Rare Globeberry, 1988;12:3:6
Landscaping Tips III: Vines, 2001;25:2:14
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Canadian white
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Northern bog
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Virgin’s bower
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:51
description and use, 2000;24:3:10
Vizcaino Desert
Desert Seasons, 1988;12:3:4
Vogt, Benjamin
A New Garden Ethic, 2018;41:1:10
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZWakefield, Kevin
Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona: Stewards of Natural Resources, 2015;38:1:16
Wallace, Eric
The Mystery Orchid Pollinator, 2016;39:2:8
Wallace, Henry Browne “H.B.”
obituary, 2006;30:1:16
Wallace, Mary G.
Arizona's Changing Rivers, 1997;21:2:5
Wall flower
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:22
Arizona Black Walnut Juglans major, 1999;23:3:12
Walnut Canyon National Monument
Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia spp.) Near Prehistoric Human Habitations at Walnut Canyon National Monument and Elden Pueblo Archaeological Site, Arizona, 2015;38:2:20
Ward, Joni
Fossil Creek Watershed PAPAZ Flora Project, 2017;40:2:10
Waring, Gwendolyn L.
The Diversity of Western Flowers, 2008;32:2:1
Native Plants in Northern Arizona Neighborhoods, 2008;32:1:10
A Natural History of the Intermountain West, 2011;35:1:13
The Natural History of the San Francisco Peaks, 2019;42:1:18
WASH (Watercourse Amenity, Safety and Habitat) ordinance, 1991;15:2:14
Native Palms of Arizona, 2004;28:1:12
Relict Plants in the Sonoran Desert, 1980;4:1:4
spotlight on, 2014;37:1:19
Wasowski, Andy
The Landscaping Revolution, 2001;25:1:16
Wasowski, Sally
The Landscaping Revolution, 2001;25:1:16
Native Landscaping From El Paso to L.A., 2001;25:1:16
water. See also irrigation
ADEQ Water Quality Standards review, 1990;14:1:9
Lester Weiland Saves 1 Million Gallons of Water, 1977;1:1:4
“Vegetation Management” for water yield, 1990;14:1:9
Waterfall, Patsy
Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants (M. Irish, G. Irish), review, 2000;24:3:14
Landscape Plants for Dry Regions (Jones, Sacamano), review, 2000;24:3:14
The Landscaping Revolution (A. Wasowski, S. Wasowski), review, 2001;25:1:16
Native Landscaping From El Paso to L.A. (Wasowski), review, 2001;25:1:16
University of Arizona Campus Arboretum, 2002;26:3:7
Water hemlock
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:17
Waterman Mountains
The AZNPS-Led Waterman Restoration Project, 2016;39:1:14
Water Resources Research Council
Desert Landscaping (CD-ROM), 1996;20:3:7
Water umbel
Critical Habitat Considered for the Huachuca Water Umbel, 1999;23:1:13
Southwest Rare and Endangered Plant Conference, 1992;16:2:7
Watkins, V.
Field Guide to Cacti and Other Succulents of Arizona, 2015;38:1:24
Watters, Kate
Grand Canyon Trust Volunteers: Partners in Protecting Biodiversity, 2008;32:2:18
The Kane and Two Mile Ranches, 2012;36:1:9
Plant Atlas Project of Arizona (PAPAZ), 2012;36:1:1
River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon, 2006;30:2:16
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:70
December ‘78 Freeze—Cave Creek Canyon, 1980;4:1:3
December Freeze Effects, 1979;3:1:3
Possible Breakthrough in Frost Protection, 1977;1:3:3
Webster, Bayard
Plant's Color Shifts Tied to Attracting Pollinators, 1985;9:1:7
Webster, Gardy L.
Changing Plant Life of La Frontera, 2002;26:1:16
weeds. See also invasive species
The Arizona Noxious Weed Program Serves the Citizens, 2001;25:2:17
Arizona’s Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:6
Biocontrol of Invasive Weeds, 2006;30:1:11
Botanical Illegal Aliens, 1988;12:2:2
Can Natural Resource Conservation Districts Provide the Structure for Weed Management Areas in Arizona? 2006;30:1:10
Computer Tools for Weed Information and Data Sharing, 2006;30:1:12
Exotic Plants: Environmental Weeds? 1994;18:3:1
Federal Noxious Weed List, 1988;12:3:10
Invasive Weed Treatments on the Verde River, 2009;33:2:9
Native Wildflowers Are Weeds? the Need for a Paradigm Shift for Neighborhood Associations, 2008;32:1:12
Opportunistic Weedy Native Sonoran Desert Plants in Arizona, 2020;43:2:11
State Statutes Providing Opportunities for Weed Management at Local Levels, 2006;30:1:11
The Tucson Mountain Weedwackers, 2001;25:2:16
Weeds: Invasives vs. Noxious vs. Weedy Natives, 2020;43:2:3
Your Ideas Decide Noxious Weeds, 2002;26:2:10
Welk, Shirley
The Creosote Bush, 1988;12:1:6
Signal Peak Gardens Gone, 1998;22:3:1
West, George C.
Guide to the Plants of Arizona’s White Mountains (West), 2019;42:2:22
Westbrooks, Randy G.
The Challenge of Bio-pollution, 1996;20:3:1
Western Wetland Flora (Mohlenbrock), 1999;23:1:15
Wetherill, Benjamin Wade
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:4
revised criteria for, 1991;15:3:1, 1991;15:3:10
Whigham, Dennis
North American Orchid Conservation Center, 2016;39:2:16
Whipple Mountains
Arizona Plants in California, 2009;33:2:13
White Mountains (Arizona)
Guide to the Plants of Arizona’s White Mountains (West), review, 2019;42:2:22
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:1:11
Whiting, Alfred F.
Buried Treasures: Interesting Finds from the Museum of Northern Arizona Herbarium Backlog, 2021;44:1:1, 2021;44:1:3
Wiens, John F.
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Herbarium, 2001;25:2:4
A Floristic Look at the Ironwood Forest National Monument, 2009;33:2:5
A Keystone Desert Grass Reaches Arizona: Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus, 2020;43:2:48
Provisional Flora of the Silver Bell Mountains (plant list), 1991;15:2:7
Ragged Top and the Ironwood Forest National Monument, 2001;25:2:1
Vascular Plants of Ragged Top, 2001;25:2:8
Vascular Plants of the Silver Bell Mountains, 1991;15:2:1
The Vegetation of the Quemado, 1996;20:1:1
Wies, John F.
Plants of Arizona, 2021;44:2:29
Wiewandt, Thomas
Ancient Sea Creatures, 1993;17:1:14
Cactus Flowers, 1993;17:1:14
Desert Rain, Desert Bloom, 1993;17:1:14
Wilder, Benjamin T.
Big Farma—How did THAT grass end up here? 2022;45:2:28
Succulents and Bighorn of Isla Tiburón, 2007;31:2:9
wilderness areas. See also specific wilderness areas
ANPS: A Voice for the Wilderness, 1989;13:3:1
Arizona Wilderness Bill, 1983;7:2:4
Arizona Wilderness Bill Needs Your Help, 1989;13:2:5
Exotic Plants in Wilderness Areas, 1998;22:1:6
House Passes Arizona Wilderness Bill, 1984;8:2:1
Wilderness Notes, 1989;13:3:6
wildflower poster
The Creation of a Wildflower Poster, 1998;22:2:1
Wildflower Poster Under Development, 1997;21:1:2
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:4
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, 2000;24:1:1
Late Spring Sightings, 2003;27:2:20
Springtime Offerings in the Northern Mazatzal Wilderness, 2004;28:1:6
Unusual Sightings in the Midst of Drought, 2003;27:1:7
A Wildflower Art Introduction for Arizona Native Plant Lovers, 2020;43:1:1
Wildflower Garden at Tucson Botanical Gardens, 1988;12:3:5
Wildflower Legislation, 1985;9:1:6
Wildflower Pillage Along Arizona's Highways and Byways, 1991;15:1:3
Wildseed, 1994;18:2:13
Wildflowers Across America (Johnson), 1991;15:2:5
wildlife habitat
The Arizona Wildlife Federation’s Wildlife Habitat Enhancement and Certification Program, 2018;41:1:12
Habitat at Home: Your Opportunity to Bring Birds and Wildlife Up Close and Personal, 2018;41:1:9
The Maricopa Native Seed Library: Inspiring and Equipping the Community to Create Habitat at Home, 2021;44:1:6
Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico, The (Coleman), 2016;39:2:6
Wildseed, 1994;18:2:13
Our Unique Flora, 1990;14:2:7
Rare Plants in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 1990;14:2:14
Chilopsis linearis: The Desert Willow, 1977;1:2:3
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Salix spp.
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:37
Willow Bend Environmental Education Center
Learning from Native Landscapes, 2010;34:1:8
Wilson, Becky
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants, 1998;22:3:13
Wilson, Natalie R.
Vegetation Response to Landscape Conservation in the Sky Islands, 2019;42:2:27
Wilson, Robert C. “Bob”
Alkali Pink, 1992;16:1:5
Arizona Honeysuckle, 1992;16:3:6
Four O’Clocks–Mirabilis spp., 1997;21:2:4
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:21
Sidebells, 2020;43:1:33
The Wolfberry, 2002;26:2:1
Wolterbeek, Paul
The Magnate (Hagedorn), review, 2003;27:2:24
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:47
Woody Plants of the Mogollon Highlands (C. Tomoff, J. Tomoff), 2020;43:1:81
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24
Wound wort
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:62
Wright, Charles
profile of, 2002;26:3:22
Wrigley, John W.
Australian Native Plants, 1980;4:2:6
Wupatki National Monument
Clyde Peshlakai and the Wupatki Herbarium, 2015;38:2:4
Floras of Arizona National Parks and Monuments, 1998;22:2:6
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZXylorhiza
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZYanes-Arvayo, Gertrudis
Floristic Analysis of a Vegetation Island and Biological Corridor in Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:5
Floristic Analysis of Ojo De Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:6
Yanes-Arvayo5, Gertrudis
Comparison of the Tropical Floras of Sierra La Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Yaqui culture
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Song of the Organ Pipe Cactus, 1989;13:1:8
Yarde, Richard
Arizona's Changing Rivers, 1997;21:2:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:50, 2020;43:1:73
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Yatskievych, George
Cacti of the Southwest (Earle), review, 1982;6:1:3
Fern Talk
cultivation by transplanting, 1981;5:1:3
cultivation from spores, 1981;5:2:7
Notholaena incana, 1982;6:1:7
Preliminary Flora of the Sierra Bacadéhuachi, Sonora, México (abstract), 2013;36:1:7
Yellow foot
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:72
Santa Rita mountain
In Search of Amoreuxia and Echinocactus in Sonora, 2013;36:2:1
Yerba de jicotea
Three noteworthy collections from Tempe Towne Lake, 2011;35:1:15
Yerba mansa
Annie Has Found a New Home, 2006;30:2:8
Create Your Own Native Herbal Garden, 2008;32:1:9
Yetman, David
Gentry's Rio Mayo Plants (Martin et al.), review, 1998;22:3:13
The Valley of Tehuacán: Mexico’s Cactus Heaven, 2009;33:2:10
Yoeme culture
Giant Reed in the Yoeme World of Sonora and Arizona, 2019;42:2:11
Song of the Organ Pipe Cactus, 1989;13:1:8
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:3:3
Grand Canyon hesperoyucca
Grand Canyon—Still Holding Secrets, 2022;45:1:3
Soap tree
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:8
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:8
The Native Landscaper, 1991;15:3:3
Rabbitproof? 1987;11:2:7
Yue Max Li
Summary of Work on Annual Plant Coexistence in the Mohawk Valley, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona, 2015;38:1:21
Yule, Kelsey
The Evolution of Desert Mistletoe Host Races, 2016;39:1:7
Yuma, Arizona
Riparian Restoration in the Yuma Area, 2009;33:1:14
Yuma County, Arizona
Granite Mountains in the Desert, 1980;4:4:5
Yuma Proving Ground, 2015;38:1:30
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZZacate carretero
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:37
Zacate rosado (natal grass)
Arizona's Noxious Weed List, 2020;43:2:7
Notes on Non-native Plants in Sonora, 2020;43:2:33
Zahner, Robert “Bob”
The Champion Trees of Arizona, 1993;17:1:10
obituary, 2007;31:2:13
Arizona Exotic and Native Plants That Are Toxic to Animals and Humans, 2020;43:2:18
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Groundcovers for Desert Landscapes, 1983;7:1:4
Zdinak, Zack
Willow Bend Environmental Education Center: Learning from Native Landscapes, 2010;34:1:8
Zebra mussel
Introduced Species: Are We·sorry We Invited Them? 2003;27:1:13
Zierenberg, Nancy “Z”
death notice, 2011;34:2:5
obituary, 2011;35:1:10
Little golden
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:61
Desert Landscaping, 1982;6:1:6
Go Chihuahuan! (landscape plants), 1986;10:1:5
Zwinger, Ann Haymond
The Mysterious Lands, 1990;14:1:3
Cora Estelle Cameron Mosher Floral Drawings, 2020;43:1:24