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Datura Desert Thorn-Apple

Datura discolor

Details & Attributes

Plant Type(s) Annual
Native to Arizona Yes!
Water Needs Moderate
Sun Full sun, partial shade
Pollinators Moths
Has Spines No
In relative feet, width by height
3 × 3
Freeze Tolerant No
Flowering Season August-October
Flower Color White
Minimum Temperature Range 30 °F (root may be hardy below this range)
Leaf Description Large, margins wavy
Fruit Spiny capsule
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Description This species of Datura is shorter lived than D. wrightii, and smaller, which can make it a good choice for areas where D. wrightii may get too large. The major distinguishing characteristic of this plant is the dark purple throat at the bottom of the white funnel shaped bloom. All plant parts of this species (leaves, roots, flowers, fruits and seeds) contain toxic alkaloids so caution should be observed where there is potential for accidental ingestion by children or pets.