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Giant Sacaton

Sporobolus wrightii

Details & Attributes

Plant Type(s) Grass
Native to Arizona Yes!
Water Needs Moderate
Sun Full sun, partial shade
Has Spines No
In relative feet, width by height
5-6'+ -5-6'
Freeze Tolerant Yes
Flowering Season March-November
Flower Color Green
Minimum Temperature Range -30 °F
Leaf Description Narrow, flat blades, open sheaths
Fruit These seed heads attract birds
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Elevation Range 2000-6500 ft.
Description One of the stateliest of the native grasses due to its large stature and pyramidal shaped inflorescence. In habitat this species prefers moist meadows and creek bottoms where it thrives with the extra moisture. In landscapes this plant makes a fantastic basin or greywater garden planting. Give this species plenty of space to grow because it can easily swallow other plants placed nearby. The seeds from this species easily seperate from the chaff and are an important wildlife food source, with a rich ethnobotanical history as well. This plant would be appropriate for gardens throuhgout the state due to its cold hardiness. Plants generally reach about 6' but there are cultivars which reach 10-12'.