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Arizona Rosewood

Vauquelinia californica

Details & Attributes

Plant Type(s) Shrub, perennial
Native to Arizona Yes!
Water Needs Low
Sun Full sun, partial shade
Pollinators Bees, butterflies, may also attract birds as nesting habitat
Has Spines No
In relative feet, width by height
10-20 × 10-15
Flowering Season May-July
Flower Color White
Minimum Temperature Range -10 °F
Leaf Description Lance shaped, leathery, slightly to heavily serrated margins, often whitish on the under (abaxial) side of the leaf.
Fruit Winged seeds inside a woody, 5 chambered capsule
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Elevation Range 2500-5000 ft.
Description For a large, evergreen, hedging shrub there are few native plants better than Arizona Rosewood. This species reaches heights of 10-20' with a beautiful pyramidal shape, and over time develops into a dense screen. In summer, clusters of white flowers appear on the branch tips and serve as a nectar source for butterflies. This plant has a reputation for slow growth, something which can be ameliorated to a certain degree by increasing soil drainage and providing ample irrigation in the summer. Keep in mind that this species is often found growing out of nearly pure bedrock in habitat, so heavy clays will likely inhibit growth. This is the best native alternative to oleanders.