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Soaptree Yucca

Yucca elata

Details & Attributes

Plant Type(s) Succulent, perennial
Native to Arizona Yes!
Water Needs Low
Sun Full sun
Pollinators Moths
Has Spines Yes
In relative feet, width by height
12' × 4-10'
Freeze Tolerant Yes
Flowering Season May-July
Flower Color White
Minimum Temperature Range 0 °F
Leaf Description Very long and narrow, forming a rosette at the top of the stem
Fruit A dry capsule that stays on the stalk.
In years
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Elevation Range 1500-6000 ft.
Description This yucca is more common in the Chihuahuan Desert, but it does well at higher elevations in the Sonoran Desert. It can grow quite tall and it may form branches. When conditions are good it puts on a flowering stalk with many large, white, waxy flowers.